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Clinical Laboratory Science
Course Descriptions
Clinical Laboratory Science
- PATH-C 401 General Externship I (2 cr.) P: PATH C406 and PATH C426. Supervised clinical experience in clinical chemistry. Student rotates through various areas of clinical chemistry.
- PATH-C 402 General Externship II (2 cr.) P: PATH C404, PATH C407, PATH C410. Supervised clinical experience in clinical hematology. Student rotates through various areas of clinical hematology, coagulation, and urinalysis.
- PATH-C 403 General Externship III (2 cr.) P: PATH C409, PATH C411, PATH C420, PATH C421, and C429. Supervised clinical experience in clinical microbiology. Student rotates through various areas of microbiology, serology, virology, mycology, and parasitology.
- PATH-C 404 Hemostasis (1 cr.) Hemostasis is a course covering the basic principles of the hemostasis mechanism, including an overview of the laboratory techniques used to evaluate disorders of hemostasis. Emphasizes the major components of hemostasis, interaction of these components, and laboratory evaluation of the major hemostatic disorders.
- PATH-C 405 General Externship IV (2 cr.) P: PATH C408 and PATH C428. Supervised clinical experience in blood banking. Student rotates through various areas of modern blood bank, including donor room, transfusion service, antibody identification, component therapy, transplantation therapy, and quality control.
- PATH-C 406 Clinical Chemistry (4 cr.) C: PATH C426. Emphasis on metabolic processes that maintain chemical homeostasis in humans, the application of clinical chemistry assay values in evaluating the integrity of these processes, and the correlation of abnormal results with metabolic dysfunction and/or disease states.
- PATH-C 407 Hematology (3 cr.) P: PATH C427. Study of functions, maturation, and morphology of blood cells in addition to factors regulating production, metabolism, and kinetics of blood cells. The etiologic and morphologic classifications of blood disorders and diseases; correlations with bone marrows and cytochemistries. Study of cellular contents of other body fluids.
- PATH-C 408 Principles of Immunohematology (1 cr.) C: PATH C428. Emphasis on major blood group antigens and antibodies including their role in transfusion medicine. Current practices in blood donation, apheresis, and quality control are also covered.
- PATH-C 409 Serology (1 cr.) C: PATH-C 429. Lectures describing and comparing all pertinent serologic procedures utilized in diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, rubella, streptococcal disease, syphilis, various febrile conditions, fungal infections, parasite infections, and infectious mononucleosis. Selected lectures in viral culturing methods.
- PATH-C 410 Urine Analysis (2 cr.) Routine urine examination and special tests; laboratory and special lectures.
- PATH-C 411 Diagnostic Medical Microbiology (4 cr.) P: PATH C421. An in-depth study of the clinically significant microorganisms with special emphasis on their clinical significance, cultural and biochemical characteristics, and susceptibility testing patterns.
- PATH-C 412 Topics in Medical Technology (2 cr.) Selected topics in medical technology covered by lecture and clinical experience.
- PATH-C 413 Clinical Correlation and Theory (2 cr.) Lectures in theoretical and clinical areas designed to emphasize the relationship between laboratory test results and disease states.
- PATH-C 420 Mycology/Parasitology (2 cr.) Lecture and laboratory experience covering clinically significant fungi and parasites. Clinical manifestations, collection and procedures for processing of specimens, and identification techniques will be employed.
- PATH-C 421 Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.) C: PATH C411. Laboratory experience in the performance of skills and procedures needed for the isolation, identification, and susceptibility testing of clinically significant microorganisms.
- PATH-C 426 Clinical Chemistry Instrumentation and Methodologies (1 cr.) C: PATH C406. Emphasis is on utilization of basic and intermediate methodologies and instrumentation and their application to assaying a variety of body constituents in a clinical chemistry laboratory.
- PATH-C 427 Hematologic Techniques and Procedures (3 cr.) C: PATH C407. Experience in blood cell identification on stained smears; blood& cell, platelet, and reticulocyte counting procedures. Techniques of sedimentation rates, hematocrits, corpuscular indices, hemoglobin determination, and smear preparation staining. Introduction to instrumentation and quality control. Special procedures including bone marrow preparations, flow cytometry, and automated differential counters.
- PATH-C 428 Techniques in Immunohematology (1 cr.) C: PATH C408. Emphasis on laboratory techniques used in blood banks, including blood typing, crossmatching, antibody identification, record keeping, and quality control.
- PATH-C 429 Serology Laboratory (1 cr.) C: PATH C409. Laboratory experience in performance of various testing procedures utilized in serologic diagnosis of infectious diseases and various syndromes. Techniques include precipitation, flocculation, various hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition techniques, fluorescent antibody testing, and complement fixation.
- PATH-C 431 Hematology I (2 cr.) Collecting, staining, and counting blood cells; supervised experience with patients. Experience with specimens of spinal fluid, special determinations (platelets, reticulocytes, etc.), and pathologic smears.
- PATH-C 432 Hematology II (2 cr.) P: PATH C431. PATH C432 and PATH C434 offer more experience than PATH-C 431 allows in the same techniques and offer additional techniques such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hematocrit, and the calculation of indices.
- PATH-C 434 Hematology III (2 cr.) P: PATH C431 and PATH C432. Continuation of practice and experience in hematologic techniques. Individual projects assigned if student is sufficiently advanced.
- PATH-C 440 Bacteriology I (2 cr.) Diagnostic procedures as means to familiarize students with techniques; work on specimens received from hospital patients under supervision; practical experience with all types of human specimens for bacteriologic and mycologic study.
- PATH-C 441 Bacteriology II (2 cr.) P: PATH C440. Agglutination and precipitin techniques and their special application to agglutination titers and the use of antibiotics. Special assignments to provide experience with organisms infrequently encountered.
- PATH-C 442 Bacteriology III (2 cr.) P: PATH C440 and PATH C441. At the end of this course, students should be able to handle usual and somewhat unusual hospital bacteriologic and mycologic problems independently.
- PATH-C 450 Serology I (2 cr.) Introduction to serologic and immunologic principles.
- PATH-C 451 Serology II (2 cr.) P: PATH C450. Additional experience in adapting complement fixation, agglutination, hemagglutination, precipitin, and flocculation techniques to diagnostic procedures. * This course is offered intermittently and is not part of the traditional curriculum.
- PATH-C 471 Clinical Chemistry I (2 cr.) Training and experience with more frequently used chemistry tests, e.g., determination of glucose and urea nitrogen by automated and manual methods.
- PATH-C 472 Clinical Chemistry II (2 cr.) P: PATH C471. Limited experience with less frequently performed special procedures.
- PATH-C 473 Clinical Chemistry III (2 cr.) P: PATH C471 and PATH C472. Special equipment utilization; preparation and maintenance of solutions.
- PATH-C 476 Clinical Chemistry IV (2 cr.) P: PATH C471, PATH C472, and PATH C473. Advanced procedures, method development, special projects.
- PATH-C 477 Clinical Chemistry V (2 cr.) P: PATH C472, PATH C472, PATH C473, and PATH C476. Training and experience in special technical and methodological microprocedures.
- PATH-C 491 Blood Bank I (2 cr.) Review of serologic principles and technical fundamentals of transfusion practice; comprehensive consideration of blood groups and Rh factors, extensive practice with pre-transfusion techniques and safety practices. Other blood types, antigen-antibody relationships with techniques for demonstrating these. Elementary knowledge of genetics is helpful.
- PATH-C 492 Blood Bank II (2 cr.) P: PATH C491. Transfusion service bloods provide problem cases in isoimmunization and sensitization, Rh titration, etc. Responsibility for blood bank operation and application to special transfusion problems placed before the student.
- PATH-C 493 Blood Bank III (2 cr.) P: PATH C491 and PATH C492. Required for students working toward special certificate in blood banking. Emphasis on supervision, reference techniques, and such accessory functions as plasma production.