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Anatomy and Cell Biology
Course Descriptions
Anatomy and Cell Biology
- ANAT-A 550 Gross Human Anatomy 1 (4 cr.) This course examines the gross anatomy of the human. Developmental anatomy and regional anatomy of the back, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and perineum are examined. Cadaver-based dissection labs accompany lecture topics.
- ANAT-A 560 Cell Biology and Histology (4 cr.)
- ANAT-D 503 Gross Anatomy for Medical Students (9 cr.) Study and dissection of entire body, using regional approach. Frequent conferences and discussions with members of staff. Series of lectures on radiographic anatomy and clinical application of anatomy.
- ANAT-D 504 Histology (4 cr.) Lectures and laboratory study of the microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body; correlation of structure and function.
- ANAT-D 505 Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology (5 cr.) A multidisciplinary consideration of structural, functional, and clinical features of the human nervous system.
- ANAT-D 506 Gross Anatomy (7 cr.) The study of anatomy of the adult human body by lectures and dissection, and utilization of prosections, teaching models, and skeletons. Topics of radiographic anatomy will also be presented. Clinical applications will be emphasized by clinical correlation lectures and laboratory presentations.
- ANAT-D 507 Histology and Embryology (6 cr.) This course has two points of emphasis. Foremost is the discipline of histology, which is the study of cells, tissues, and their arrangement into organ systems. Examination of these structures will be at both the level of the light and electron microscope with the relationship between anatomical structure and physiologic function emphasized. In addition, embryological events causing and resulting in the formation of adult structures will be examined.
- ANAT-D 523 Gross Anatomy (6 cr.) An intensive study of the human body in relation to medicine using team-based learning, dissections, clinical demonstrations, and participation in autopsies.
- ANAT-D 700 Educational Research Practicum (2 cr.)
- ANAT-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.)