IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » Medicine » Course Descriptions » Medicine


Course Descriptions

  • MED-M 505 Human Genetics and Development (2 cr.) An introduction to the genetics of human traits and inheritable diseases; normal and abnormal development of the human from embryonic life through early childhood. Open to medical students only.
  • MED-M 605 Introduction to Medicine 1 (10 cr.) A multidepartmental course designed to introduce clinical medicine. Includes medical history-taking and physical examination skills learned at the bedside with direct patient contact. Clinical medicine is surveyed concurrently with the emphasis on pathophysiology and diagnosis. Problem-solving skills are stressed, including synthesis and interpretation of medical data.
  • MED-P 610 Molecular Basis of Medicine (6 cr.) This step deals with the basic principles of biochemistry and molecular biology as they apply to medicine. Specifically, in this step, the student will gain a working knowledge of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, thermodynamics, digestion, and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipid, protein, and amino acids (both catabolic and anabolic pathways), metabolic control, lipoprotein metabolism and lipid transport, nitrogen waste disposal, heme metabolism, purine and pyrimidine metabolism, structure of nucleic acids, replication of DNA, synthesis of RNA and protein, genetic code and genetic control in eukaryotes, recombinant DNA technology, the biochemistry of vision, muscle and nerve metabolism, integration of metabolism, vitamins and nutrition, and hormone action. Offered by the Northwest Center only.
  • MED-P 620 Human Structure (12 cr.) Human Structure is an intensive integrated step combining cell biology, histology, gross anatomy, embryology, and radiology that is designed to acquaint the medical student with the structures of the human body from gross to subcellular. A combination of small-group, case-based sessions, supervised laboratory periods, and selected general lectures are used to instruct the students in this step. The clinical cases are designed to stimulate student-directed learning and problem solving with materials gathered from pathology, surgery, and radiology. The laboratories will offer experience in viewing normal structures from gross dissections to electron micrographs. The emphasis of the step is on gathering a general understanding of the correlations of structure with function and on the views of the body possible with the various macroscopic and microscopic imaging techniques. Offered by the Northwest Center only.
  • MED-P 650 Invasion and Defense (11 cr.) This interdisciplinary course deals with the nature of infectious agents and tumors and the host response to invasion and injury. Students learn the concepts of general pathology, immunology, microbiology, infectious diseases, and elements of pharmacology through discussion and problem solving of clinical cases and independent study. Offered by the Northwest Center only.