

Restart Policy

Students who have been away from Indiana University for at least five years and who earned grades that make it impossible or very difficult to return to a College of Arts and Sciences degree program may petition for a "restart." Under a restart, the College of Arts and Sciences will establish a new degree record for the student that will consist of courses previously taken that were completed with a minimum grade of C. Note that all Indiana University course work will remain on the student's permanent record (the university transcript); this policy will affect only the student's College of Arts and Sciences record.

Students will be eligible for consideration for this policy if it has been a minimum of five years since full-time or continuous part-time enrollment. Students will need to provide evidence that would indicate a significant change in their ability to succeed in academic work. Reevaluation of fundamental skills may be necessary before the student can proceed. Students should petition for a restart as part of the readmission process. They are held to the deadlines for submission of readmission petitions (June 20 for fall semester; October 1 for spring semester; and March 1 for summer sessions)

Academic Bulletins

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