Graduate Academic Programs

Graduate Certificates

Online Graduate Certificate in Safety Management

Description of Program

The online graduate Certificate in Safety Management will enhance expertise in safety management for working professionals, and provide advanced knowledge and skills to students with an undergraduate degree in safety.

For answers to questions about our degree and certificate programs, our Indiana University Bloomington Online Graduate and Professional Admissions Application, or to complete a SOPHAS Express application, email

For more information about this certificate program, you may contact:

  • Dr. Kevin Slates
    Department of Applied Health Science
    Indiana University
    1025 E. Seventh Street, SPH 116
    Bloomington, IN 47405


Students are encouraged to contact Dr. Huber before applying for admission to this program. Students will be notified of the admission decision by SPH-B Office of Graduate Admissions.

Certificate Requirements (12 cr.)

Students in the Certificate program must be admitted to or currently enrolled at Indiana University. The certificate requires 12 credit hours of graduate course work with a minimum cumulative GPA in certificate courses of 3.0.

Complete the following courses (12 cr.):

  • SPH-S 502 Instructional Strategies for Safety Education (3 cr.)
  • SPH-S 513 Safety Management in Business and Industry (3 cr.)
  • SPH-S 610 Occupational Risk Management (3 cr.)
  • SPH-S 632 Safety and Health Program Design (3 cr.)
Special Opportunities

Students do not need to reside in Bloomington to complete any part of this certificate. All of the coursework is online.


The online graduate Certificate in Safety Management prepares safety professionals for a variety of functions; they must have a broad knowledge of various fields. Some of the major functions performed include safety training, accident investigation, audits and inspections, hazard analysis, fire protection, compliance, machine guarding, and emergency preparedness. According to a recent survey of American Society of Safety Professionals, the largest employer groups are manufacturing, construction, consulting firms, insurance, service industries, health care, transportation, utilities, and nonprofit and government organizations.

Academic Bulletins