

Anchor Secondary Education: Middle School, Junior High, and High School Grades 6-12. Applicants must have completed or be enrolled in 26 credit hours of prerequisite course work, including 21 credits (15 completed and a maximum of 6 in progress) in the content field, EDUC-M 300, EDUC-P 312 and P313 and EDUC-W 201. 2.5 GPA required in all subject fields except 2.0 GPA in mathematics. October 1 application date for spring starts only in journalism, mathematics, and science. Applications due October 1 for spring or March 1 for fall semester start in English, social studies, and theatre.

Community of Teachers Secondary: Middle School, Junior High, and High School Grades 6-12. Admission to CoT program required first ( Applications to the TEP must be completed the semester before taking the subject field methods course. Applicants must have completed or be enrolled in 26 credit hours of prerequisite course work, including 21 credits (15 completed and a maximum of 6 in progress) in the content field and S400. 2.5 GPA required in all subject fields except 2.0 GPA in mathematics. At least 7 program expectations must be completed and documented by CoT faculty. Application date depends on subject methods sequence. Note: Student teaching expects one-year lead time for placement.

Academic Bulletins

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