Programs by Campus
Media Arts and Sciences
- MSCH-M500 EPISTEMOLOGIES OF MEDIA (3 cr.) This Media School core course provides graduate students with a selection of key concepts that have and continue to shape the study of media across multiple disciplines and fields of study. These key concepts are offered as a primer as students begin their program of study.
- MSCH-J 501 PUBLIC AFFAIRS REPORTING (3 cr.) Lectures and discussion of problems in covering public affairs issues at the national, state, and local levels. Emphasis on reporting government, social welfare agencies, elections, political parties, special interest groups, and other areas of general public interest.
- MSCH-T 501 PHIL OF INQUIRY IN TELECOMM (3 cr.) Entry-level comparative study of the origin and development of dominant paradigms applied to media by researchers and policy makers
- MSCH-R 501 PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION (3cr.) Introduces students to various theories, principles, and practices of strategic communication across marketing, advertising, and public relations contexts, highlighting nuanced differences, yes, but more importantly focusing on the unifying elements of ethical persuasion, advocacy, and activism.
- MSCH-J 502 DATA ANALYSIS FOR JOURNALISTS (3 cr.) Introduction to social science principles of measurement, sampling, statistical inferences and logic of research design in collection, analysis and interpretation of information used in journalism and mass media.
- MSCH-M502 MEDIA RESEARCH (3 cr.) Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in media.
- MSCH-C503 INTRO MEDIA THRY & AESTHETICS (3 cr.) Study of classical and contemporary theoretical texts.
- MSCH-M503 MEDIA THEORIES: SOCIAL SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE (3 cr.) Introduces social scientific theories related to production, content, and reception of media messages in all technological formats from radio to social media. Examines basic principles of theory-building related to the central role of media and mass communication in public and private life.
- MSCH-M504 MEDIA THEORIES: CRITICAL AND CULTURAL STUDIES (3 cr.) Introduces students to significant theoretical approaches to and debates concerning media (from digital media to cinema, journalism to television) across a range of competing and converging humanistic critical-cultural perspectives. A historically informed introduction to central modes of explaining media influences upon and interrelationships with individuals, institutions, society, and culture form the structure of the course.
- MSCH-T504 INTRO TO TELECOMM POLICY STDS (3 cr.) Introduction to the graduate level study of telecommunications law and policy and its intersection with economics and technology. Fundamental principles and theories of telecommunications law, policy, and policy-making. Methodological approaches.
- MSCH-J505 INTNSVE REPRT WRT & EDT WRKSHP (3-6 cr.) This course teaches graduate students reporting and writing in a fast-paced environment. Students will develop skills in news gathering, news writing, news judgement, ethics, headlines, verification and self-editing.
- MSCH-T505 MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS (3 cr.) Introduces students to the production, financing, marketing and management of media from an organizational perspective. The goal is to prepare students to work in a changing media environment.
- MSCH-C506 METHODS OF MEDIA RESEARCH (3 cr.) Introduction to research methods used in critical studies of media and culture.
- MSCH-J510 MEDIA AND SOCIETY SEMINAR (3 cr.) Probing examination of structure and functions of mass media, stressing interaction among communication agencies and other social institutions. Critical analysis of media performance and policies in light of current economic, political, social, and intellectual thought. Comparative case studies of U.S. media with other national press systems.
- MSCH-T510 RES MTHD IN MESSAGE ANALYSIS (3 cr.) Methods of analyzing the content of mediated messages. Applications of content analysis techniques to research projects involving new or traditional media.
- MSCH-T511 RES MTHD IN AUDIENCE ANALYSIS (3 cr.) Analysis of audience characteristics and behaviors. Emphasizes methods associated with the assessment of and audiences for, the electronic media.
- MSCH-T512 COMMUNICATION AND POLITICS (3 cr.) Social scientific theories of political message effects and normative models of media and democracy. Analysis of political advertising, campaign communication, civic participation, and the role of new media in politics.
- MSCH-J514 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION (3 cr.) Comparative analysis of international media systems.
- MSCH-J516 DIGITAL JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (6 cr.) The Digital Journalism Practicum is the cornerstone experience of the Digital Journalism track of our Masters of Arts in Journalism. This intensive six credit hour course is designed to provide you with a professional newsroom immersion experience as well as the contextual and theoretical foundation of journalism and the most important issues facing the profession now and in the future.
- MSCH-J517 ADV DIG JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (4 cr.) Building upon the professional experience and theoretical explorations of J516, the Advanced Digital Journalism Practicum is designed to provide students with an advanced professional newsroom immersion experience.
- MSCH-J518 INTERNATIONL MEDIA EXPERIENCES (4 cr.) Topic course focused on communication systems in various countries. Includes international study tour during Spring Break, after the end of Spring term, or during Summer term. Countries visited will change based on topic.
- MSCH-J520 SEM IN VISUAL COMMUNICATION (3 cr.) Integration of advanced visual communication skills, including photography, writing and editing. Individual projects in packaging news and public affairs information. Emphasis on experimentation with message forms outside constraints of the traditional news media.
- MSCH-T521 TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT (3 cr.) Theories of personnel and systems management applied to the technology-based consumer media of broadcasting, cable, voice and network access providers. Considers broad issues of programming, infrastructure, finance, competition, corporate and industry structure, budget and regulations.
- MSCH-T522 MANAGING THE CREATIVE PROCESS (3 cr.) Examination of the business side of video production with emphasis on the role of the producer and/or production manager, including production team organization, schedules, budgets, contracts, markets and intellectual property.
- MSCH-J525 COLLOQ IN SCHOLASTIC JOURNALSM (1-3 cr.) Examination of problems in teaching journalism and supervising school publications. Topics may include impact on scholastic journalism of changes in educational philosophy, law, financial support, and technology.
- MSCH-J528 PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGEMENT (3 cr.) Designed to enable students to manage a public relations department. Theories and principles relevant to public relations practiced in agency, corporate and not-for-profit organizations will be covered. This will include developing goals and objectives, working with clients, developing budgets, and research methods.
- MSCH-J529 PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGNS (3 cr.) Designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop and execute a PR campaign for a local not-for-profit organization. Students will be exposed to relevant PR theory and in-depth case study analysis.
- MSCH-T529 COMP STDS IN TELECOMM POLICY (3 cr.) Comparison of telecommunications policy and policymaking in the U.S. with the policies and policy systems of other nations and of international and transnational organizations.
- MSCH-J530 ISS IN NEW COMMUNICATION TECH (3 cr.) Seminar on the role of emerging media technologies in national and international contexts.
- MSCH-T530 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF TELECOMM (3 cr.) Analysis of laws and policies affecting the telecommunications industry and its consumers. Regulation of broadcasting, cable television, telephony, and the Internet. Introduction to First Amendment aspects of telecommunications and to antitrust and intellectual property law.
- MSCH-T532 ECONOMICS OF MEDIA INDUSTRIES (3 cr.) Application of economic principles to policy and strategy issues in the print, online, broadcasting, multi-channel, home video, and motion picture industries.
- MSCH-T535 ECONOMICS OF INFORMATION (3 cr.) The production, distribution, and pricing of information products and services; intellectual property and new technologies; information networks and compatibility. Policy and strategy applications.
- MSCH-T540 SPEC PROJ IN TELECOMMUNICATNS (3 cr.) Individual readings or production projects in telecommunications.
- MSCH-J551 SEMINAR (3 cr.) In-depth study of public affairs aspects of the law. Lectures by guest experts and independent study on timely topics pertaining to the courts, the legal profession, and law enforcement agencies - particularly as they relate to the social-political-economic order.
- MSCH-T551 COMMUNICATION, TECH & SOCIETY (3 cr.) Research seminar to consider the impact of new technologies on society and how the development and structure of information and communication technologies have been influenced by society. Theories of technology at the social level of analysis.
- MSCH-C552 MEDIA INST & THE PROD OF CULTR (3 cr.) This class will introduce students to critical cultural studies of the media industries. Combining cultural studies, political economy, and studies of creative industries, we will examine the structures of media industries and the interplay of production cultures, individual agency, and structural limitations in the development of cultural products.
- MSCH-J552 SEMINAR (3 cr.) Principles of literary, theater, art, dance, and music reporting and criticism. Emphasis on the preparation of articles for publication
- MSCH-T552 COGNITIVE APPROACHES TO MEDIA (3 cr.) Examines the information processing of mediated messages and theories underlying memory, attention, and cognition. Advanced analysis of cognitive psychology and emotion theory as they apply to the study of media.
- MSCH-J554 SCIENCE WRITING (3 cr.) Exploration of the challenges and opportunities associated with writing about science for non-scientists. Reading and discussion of articles and texts about communicating science to non-scientists, and practical exercises in reporting and writing.
- MSCH-M555 MEDIA PEDAGOGY (3 cr.) Exploration of the theory and practice of college pedagogy. Specific attention to skills required for teaching mass communications. Includes development of a new course syllabus and teaching portfolio.
- MSCH-C560 MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (3-4 cr.) This class is a hands-on introduction to the technical and aesthetic basics of making 16mm silent films. Students learn how to design, direct, light, shoot, and edit several short films working individually as well as in groups.
- MSCH-J560 TOPICS COLLOQUIUM (3 cr.) Topical seminar dealing with changing subjects and material from semester to semester.
- MSCH-T560 BUS STRAT OF COMMUNICATNS FRMS (3 cr.) Case studies in marketing and competitive strategies of media and telecommunications firms. Effects of technological change on industry structure and strategy.
- MSCH-C561 INTERMED MOTION PICTURE PROD (4 cr.) This class introduces students to the making of 16mm sound films, including the recording and editing of sync sound.
- MSCH-C562 THE SCREENPLAY (3 cr.) This course examines the structure of film screenplays and analyzes cinematic narrative strategies.
- MSCH-J563 COMPUTERIZED PUBLICATN DES I (3 cr.) This publishing design course incorporates typesetting, electronic photo editing, graphics, and page design. Students are instructed in design theory, computer publishing skills, and creative problem solving.
This advanced publishing design course builds on Computerized Publication Design I and incorporates advanced work in color, type design, computer illustration, creative problem solving, and an introduction to print and web design.
- MSCH-J570 THEORY & RSRCH: INDIV LEVEL (3 cr.) Introduction to the theory and research relevant to mass media studies at the individual level of analysis.
- MSCH-J571 MEDIA THEORY (3 cr.) Introduction to theoretical orientations and research findings at the macro-social level of analysis.
- MSCH-T571 APPL COGNITIVE & EMOTIONAL PSY (3 cr.) Introduces students to basic theories in cognitive and emotional psychology and focuses on how these theories could be applied to the design of immersive mediated environments.
- MSCH-J572 MEDIA LAW IN THE DIGITAL AGE (3 cr.) An examination of the theory and practice behind the development of free speech and free press law globally, with an emphasis on U.S. law. Topics discussed will include history of the First Amendment, First Amendment theory, freedom of expression in global human-rights contexts, limits on government regulation of media, including internet intermediaries, defamation, privacy, and access to information. Student research required.
- MSCH-J573 ETHNOGRAPHIC REPORT&WRIT JOUR (3 cr.) This skills course explores the ethnographic, community-based approach to magazine journalism. Student will gain an understanding of how communities invest themselves, and how to report from this perspective.
- MSCH-J574 GENDER AND MEDIA (3 cr.) This course exposes students to work in the broad interdisciplinary arena of gender and media. It will address the complex ways gender conceptions structure the cultural and economic landscape of media, including newspaper, television, magazines, advertising and photography.
- MSCH-J575 ARNOLT CENTER PRACTICUM (3 cr.) Students are trained in a functioning investigative newsroom-The Arnolt Center for Investigative Journalism. Students work alongside professional media members online and in the field, learning the latest techniques in investigative journalism. Students also help manage a team of undergraduates in developing and reporting on stories.
- MSCH-J576 MGMT OF SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS (1-3 cr.) This course will focus on high school press advising and management. It examines faculty, administration, and staff relations; management techniques; staff and editorial policies; legal and ethical responsibilities; and trends in the high school press.
- MSCH-T576 MEDIA PRODUCTION PRACTICUM (3 cr.) Production training involving watching/listening to media, analysis and discussion of production techniques, and the creation of original media.
- MSCH-T580 INTERACT STRYTLLNG/CMPTR GAMES (3 cr.) Students work in teams to develop interactive stories and games using graphics, animation, sound, and text.
- MSCH-T583 TEACHING ELECTRONIC MEDIA PROD (3 cr.) Graduate students review and refine basic production skills in preparation for teaching positions. Basic media production concepts, techniques, and hands-on training. Prior understanding of the production process is expected.
- MSCH-T585 INTERACTIVITY AND NEW MEDIA (3 cr.) Theoretical and applied perspectives on interactive communication. Surveys the literature of interactivity and new media, examining relevant concepts such as Para social interaction, entertainment education, and remediation. Social and psychological consequences of interactivity.
- MSCH-C592 MEDIA GENRES (3 cr.) Analysis and critique of cinema and film according to form, content, or technique. Topic varies: analysis of typical genres, such as westerns, situation comedies, documentaries, etc. Problems of generic description or definition: themes, conventions, iconography peculiar to given genres.
- MSCH-C594 MEDIA HISTORY (3 cr.) Media historiography, topics in national media history, national and international movements and trends.
- MSCH-C596 NATIONAL CINEMAS (3 cr.) Topics varies: historical survey of major national cinemas. Topics may include Brazilian cinema, French national cinema, German film culture, Italian cinema, Indian cinema, and others.
- MSCH-J600 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS (3 cr.) Advanced behavioral methods in the analysis of mass communication data. Practice in analyzing data with computerized statistical programs.
- MSCH-M600 MEDIA ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLOQUIM (1 cr.) Introduction to current media research through the work of school members and visiting scholars.
- MSCH-T601 TOP SEM IN TELECOM TECH & POL (1-3 cr.) Topics vary with the instructor and year. Consult Schedule of Classes for current information on content. May be repeated for credit with different topics and instructors.
- MSCH-T602 TOP SEM TEL PROCESSES/EFFECTS (3 cr.) Topics vary with the instructor and year. Consult Schedule of Classes for current information on content.
- MSCH-T603 TOPICAL SEM IN TELECOMM MGMT (1-3 cr.) Topics vary with the instructor and year. Consult Schedule of Classes for current information on content.
- MSCH-T604 TOPICAL SEM IN MEDIA & SOCIETY (1-3 cr.) Topics vary with the instructor and year. Consult Schedule of Classes for current information on content.
- MSCH-C606 MEDIA CRITICISM (3 cr.) Study of the main schools and methods of media criticism.
- MSCH-C608 IMAGES&CRITIQE IN PUBL CULTURE (3 cr.) This course examines and assesses contemporary critical thought about visual and non-visual images, especially their role in politics. Pursuing various strategies for the ideology critique of images, the course explores thinking critically through images. It studies different types of images through a variety of theoretical approaches and thematic questions.
- MSCH-J610 PERCEPTIONS OF NEWS MEDIA (3 cr.) Explores the nature of trust and perceptions, examine historical understandings of the media's role in society, and explores various concepts and psychological processes that undergird news media-related perceptions. The seminar will also direct consideration to the consequences of such perceptions, principles of news literacy, and the promise/potential pitfalls of journalistic transparency.
- MSCH-T610 THE NETWORKED SOCIETY (3 cr.) Analysis of the social, economic, and cultural forces that have set in motion the rise of the networked society. The conceptualization and creation of large-scale networks; new modes of organization.
- MSCH-J614 GLOBALIZTN, MEDIA, &SOCL CHANGE (3 cr.) Study of the structure and roles of the mass media in national development and the application of communication theory and technology to the problems of development and social change, through the lense of globalization of economy.
- MSCH-C620 MEDIA, POLITICS & POWER (3 cr.) Examination of media institutions (including new media) through various schools of critical thought.
- MSCH-T635 COMPARATIVE TELECOMM POLICY (3 cr.) Comparison of telecommunications policy and policymaking in the U.S. with the policies and policy systems of other nations and of international and transnational organizations.
- MSCH-C636 READING THE TEXT (3 cr.) This seminar hones students' skills of close reading, explication and commentary, textual analysis and interpretation, in relation to one or two books central to the academic study of communication and culture. The books studied will be determined in each iteration of the seminar.
- MSCH-C638 EXPERIMENTS WITH FILM CAMERA (4 cr.) This course is designed to explore techniques and concepts of experimental filmmaking. It builds on the foundations of other production classes, and assumes that you have a solid grounding in basic cinematography and visual storytelling, as well as in the fundamentals of digital editing.
- MSCH-T641 CHILDREN AND MEDIA (3 cr.) Detailed examination of theoretical orientations and research specifically focused on children and media.
- MSCH-J650 HIST & PHILOSOPHY OF THE MEDIA (3 cr.) Lectures and discussion on the origins, the historical growth, and the philosophical roots of the communication media, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the media and political, economic, social, and cultural trends in the United States.
- MSCH-T650 TELECOMM & THE CONSTITUTION (3 cr.) Impact of the constitution of the U.S. on telecommunications law and policy, the telecommunications industries, and the public. Emphasis is on the First Amendment. Analysis of the Supreme Court as a telecommunications policy-making institution.
- MSCH-J651 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS (3 cr.) Seminar on qualitative, historical, and legal research methods for mass communication research.
- MSCH-C652 GLOBALIZATION OF MEDIA (3 cr.) Explores media institutions, practices, and texts across national borders. May examine particular issues such as globalization of media, transnational implications of media texts, transnational data flows, and media and foreign policy.
- MSCH-J563 THE MEDIA IN THE 20TH CENTURY (3 cr.) This publishing design course incorporates typesetting, electronic photo editing, graphics, and page design. Students are instructed in design theory, computer publishing skills, and creative problem solving.
- MSCH-J655 ETHICS AND JOURNALISM (3 cr.) Exploration of the role of ethics in journalism. Using literature which examines ethics in the context of journalism practice, the course will analyze ways journalists attempt to deny or limit the role of ethical values. Special attention to objectivity, freedom, and casuistry.
- MSCH-C660 ADVANCED FILM PRODUCTION (4 cr.) Designed for students who have taken basic production classes and who want to embark on a more ambitious film or video project. Each student will produce one project from script to screen, and assist other students on their projects. Course will address creative, technical, and production management questions.
- MSCH-J660 TOPICS COLLOQUIUM (3 cr.) Topical seminar dealing with changing subjects and material from semester to semester.
- MSCH-C662 MEDIA AUDIENCES (3 cr.) This course studies audiences in the context of film, television, new media, and other media forms. Topic varies, but may include a focus on theories of spectatorship, methodological approaches to audiences, historical reception studies, ethnographic and/or empirical audience studies, global of transnational audiences, performance theory, fan cultures, and subcultures.
- MSCH-J672 TOPICS IN COMMUNICATION LAW (3 cr.) Independent research and analysis of selected problems in communication law.
- MSCH-J673 GOVERNMENT & MASS MEDIA (3 cr.) Seminar on the relationship between politicians and journalists, the nature of news media coverage of politics, and the effects of news coverage on the public and policy.
- MSCH-C691 AUTHORSHIP IN MEDIA (3 cr.) Topic varies: in-depth analysis of individuals in the media who become known as "authors."
- MSCH-C792 ADV SEMINAR IN MEDIA THEORY (3 cr.) Topic varies: advanced study in media history and theory; major movements and historical periods and their relationship to the intellectual and cultural climate of the time; studies of technology and modes of production; advanced work in genre/auteur studies; close reading of media theories; new developments in theory and criticism.
- MSCH-C793 SEMINAR IN MEDIA (3 cr.) Topics in media studies