School Psychology (P)
- EDUC-P 590 Independent Study or Research in Educational Psychology (1-3 cr.)
Individual research or study with an Educational Psychology faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one or two page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student product(s). Ordinarily, P590 should not be used for the study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-P 655 Cognitive Assessment and Intervention (4 cr.)
Historical and current theories of intellectual functioning. Supervised practice in the use and interpretation of major individually administered measures of cognitive behavior. Emphasis on ethical test use in a diverse society and linking assessment results to cognitive behavioral and self-monitoring interventions for children and adolescents.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 656 Practicum in School Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor.
Supervised experience in various educational settings. Use of psychometric techniques with children, advising on decisions about children, and conferences to aid children's academic and social efficiency.
Repeatable for Credit: 9 credits and 3 completions
May be repeated.
- EDUC-P 657 Academic Assessment and Intervention (4 cr.) P: P591 or Consent of Instructor.
Major approaches and procedures for individual assessment and intervention with students experiencing academic difficulties. Supervised practice with curriculum-based and norm-referenced instruments in general achievement areas, adaptive behavior, and early childhood assessment. Emphasis placed on linking assessment and classroom intervention for students with disabilities and culturally diverse populations.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 670 Behavioral Analysis and Consultation for School Psychologists (3 cr.)
Course covers the principles and applications of applied behavioral analysis (ABA) to school settings. Emphasis will be placed on problem-solving models of consultation. The influence of culture on behavior will be examined from the perspective of ABA. Graduate standing in school psychology required.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 680 Ethics And Law in School Psychology (1-3 cr.)
Ethical and legal issues in the provision of comprehensive school-based psychological services.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 690 Independent Study in Educational Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: 36 credit hours of graduate credit.
Reading and/or research directed by an educational psychology faculty member.
Repeatable for Credit: 6 credits and 2 completions
- EDUC-P 691 Personality Assessment and Intervention (3 cr.) P: Y527 or equivalent, P682 or equivalent, consent of instructor, and graduate standing in school psychology or counseling psychology.
Administration scoring, interpretation, and reporting of selected personality and behavior assessment instruments and procedures, and linking assessment results to educational and therapeutic interventions. Emphasis on practical applications.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 692 Seminar in Therapeutic Interventions with Children (3 cr.) P: P540 or equivalent, and Consent of Instructor.
Course work in counseling and personality theory recommended. Emphasis on behavioral intervention techniques with children having behavioral/emotional problems, school consultation, play therapy, and related techniques.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 695 Practicum in Personality and Behavioral Assessment (1-3 cr.) P: P691 or Consent of Instructor.
Supervised experience in conducting personality and behavioral assessments of children and/or adults in various settings, such as schools, mental health settings, and hospitals.
Repeatable for Credit: 6 credits and 2 completions
- EDUC-P 696 Practicum in Therapeutic Interventions with Children (1-3 cr.) P: P692 or Consent of Instructor.
The purpose of this practicum is to provide students with practical experiences that they will need to step into the role of school psychologist as an intervention and systems change agent for children experiencing difficulties in learning or behavior.
Repeatable for Credit: 6 credits and 2 completions
- EDUC-P 697 Advanced Practicum in School Psychology (1 cr.) P: Consent of Instructor.
The Advanced Practicum in School Psychology is a practicum designed for doctoral level school psychology students who will engage in supervised school- and clinical-based experiences in applied settings and receive university-based supervision related to their cases through group supervision and case presentations.
Repeatable for Credit: 10 credits and 10 completions
- EDUC-P 699 Internship in School Psychology II (1-2 cr.) P: Advanced standing in School Psychology Ph.D. program and Consent of Instructor.
Supervised, intensive field experience. Minimally, one-half time in work directly related to public schools. Remainder may be in institutions primarily designed for providing services to children and families.
Repeatable for Credit: 4 credits and 2 completions
- EDUC-P 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (1-3 cr.)
This course is for the development of a dissertation proposal in educational psychology. Students must have the consent of a dissertation director or prospective director to enroll. Students should be finished or nearly finished with program course work.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 799 Doctoral Thesis in Educational Psychology (1-15 cr.)
Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.
Repeatable for Credit: 16 credits and 16 completions
- EDUC-P 602 Prevention, Assessment, And Intervention in School Psychology I (1-4 cr.)
This course focuses on theories of cognitive and academic assessment. The course emphasizes appropriate and effective assessment of academic problems as a form of prevention and intervention. The course also fosters ethically and socially just assessment selection, use, and interpretation for high stakes decision making in schools.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 606 Prevention, Assessment, And Intervention in School Psychology II (1-4 cr.)
Major approaches and procedures for individual assessment and intervention with students experiencing academic and behavioral difficulties. Supervised practice with curriculum-based and norm-referenced instruments and behavior rating scales. Emphasis placed on linking assessment and classroom intervention for students with disabilities and culturally-diverse populations.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-P 607 Social Justice Consultation, Advocacy, and Leadership (3 cr.)
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the theory and practice of social justice oriented systems consultation and program assessment. It aims to increase students' cultural awareness and ability to apply social justice, advocacy, and multicultural theory in the provision of consultation to individuals and systems.
Not Repeatable for Credit