Elementary/Early Childhood Education (E)
- EDUC-E 505 Organization and Administration of Early Childhood Programs (3 cr.) P: One course in early childhood education or Consent of Instructor.
The study of different organizational plans for Early Childhood programs from infancy through age 8. Includes discussion of school philosophy, goals, curriculum, housing, staffing, budget, policies for admission, grouping, health, licensing requirements, and school-community relations.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 506 Curriculum in Early Childhood (2-6 cr.)
Planning the curriculum and selecting and evaluating learning experiences for children ages three through eight years with reference to relevant research. Organizing the classroom to provide maximum integration among experiences in different academic areas. A one- semester course; should be followed by E525 in the same year.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 507 Evaluation of Classroom Behavior (3 cr.)
The child as a learner; goals for early childhood programs; organizing the instructional setting including teacher roles and methods of assessing behaviors, Use of this knowledge in organizing and evaluating self and a child in a program.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 508 Seminar in Early Childhood (1-3 cr.)
Seminar will be based on current interests of students and will serve as a means of synthesizing their experiences. An interdisciplinary approach will be taken to exploring current issues and problems in early childhood education, current happenings as they relate to the issues, and major research efforts to support programs.
Repeatable for Credit: 15 credits and 5 completions
- EDUC-E 509 Internship in Early Childhood (1-6 cr.)
The nature of the internship would be determined by the students' personal goals and previous educational and teaching background. In this individualized program, it would be possible to elect one of many work/study-type experiences.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 513 Workshop in Elementary Social Studies (1-6 cr.)
Means for improving the teaching of social studies in the elementary school. One credit hour is offered for each week of full-time work.
Repeatable for Credit: 9 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 516 Workshop in Elementary School Science (1-6 cr.)
For experienced teachers. Ideas on analysis of problems; curriculum trends and teaching techniques; development of new educational materials; and recent resource materials. One credit hour is offered for each week of full- time work.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 518 Workshop in General Elementary Education (1-6 cr.) P: E506 or Consent of Instructor.
In-depth study of those educators and philosophers, past and present, who have influenced early childhood curricula. Emphasis will be placed on the beliefs of a number of figures (such as Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Montessori), and knowledge of their beliefs influences each student's educational belief system. Should follow E506 in the same year.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 524 Workshop in Early Childhood Education (1-6 cr.)
In-depth study of those educators and philosophers, past and present, who have influenced early childhood curricula. Emphasis will be placed on the beliefs of a number of figures (such as Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Montessori), and knowledge of their beliefs influences each student's educational belief system. Should follow E506 in the same year.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 525 Advanced Curriculum Study in Early Childhood (3 cr.) P: E506 or Consent of Instructor.
In-depth study of those educators and philosophers, past and present, who have influenced early childhood curricula. Emphasis on the beliefs of Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Montessori, Eisner, and Bruner and how they influence each student's educational belief system. Should follow E506 in the same year.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 535 Elementary School Curriculum (3 cr.)
Social, economic, and educational forces influencing changes in the curriculum of the elementary school; observation and study of the curriculum and methods of evaluating it.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 536 Supervision of Elementary School Instruction (3 cr.)
Modern concepts of supervision and the evaluation processes through which they have emerged. Supervisory work of the principal and supervisor or consultant. Study of group processes in a democratic school system.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 543 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Mathematics in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
Designed to help the teacher improve the teaching of mathematics. Opportunities will be provided for individual and group study of content, methodology, and instructional materials for modern mathematics programs.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 547 Elementary Social Studies Curriculum (3 cr.)
Explores the purposes, substantive issues, essential pedagogies, and content of elementary social studies curriculum. Also examines innovative approaches to designing and implementing social studies curriculum for elementary classrooms.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 548 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Science in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
Designed for experienced teachers to gain greater proficiency in the teaching of science in the elementary school. Individualized learning experiences will be provided for persons interested in middle school teaching.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 555 Human Diversity in Education (3 cr.)
Explores issues related to teaching in a complex and diverse culture. Through this class students will become familiar with a range of diversity issues that teachers confront in our increasingly pluralistic society, including cognitive abilities, learning styles, and cultural, racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds of children.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 579 Inquiry in Elementary Education (1-3 cr.) P: E535 or equivalent, 6 credit hours of foundations, 6 credit hours of methods, and 9 elective credit hours.
A study of the methodology of inquiry, including the teacher as a researcher and the use of inquiry as a classroom learning technique. Required: An inquiry project to be designed and implemented in an elementary classroom.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 590 Independent Study or Research in Elementary Education (1-3 cr.)
Individual research or study with an Elementary Education faculty member, arranged in advance of registration. A one or two page written proposal should be submitted to the instructor during the first week of the term specifying the scope of the project, project activities, meeting times, completion date, and student product(s). Ordinarily, E590 should not be used for study of material taught in a regularly scheduled course.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 594 Master's Seminar in Elementary Education (1-3 cr.)
Development of professional projects and reflection upon current teaching practices.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 595 Problem Analysis in Elementary Education (1-3 cr.)
For experienced elementary teachers. Individual and group study of organizational and teaching problems. Techniques of problem analysis, identification, and use of resources contributing to the alleviation of teaching problems.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions
- EDUC-E 599 Master’s Thesis in Elementary Education (3 cr.)
Repeatable for Credit: 6 credits and 2 completions
- EDUC-E 650 Internship in Elementary Administration and Supervision (2-5 cr.) P: Basic courses in elementary administration, supervision, and curriculum and consent of instructor.
Students work under the guidance of a principal or supervisor and under the general supervision of an Indiana University supervisor.
Not Repeatable for Credit
- EDUC-E 690 Internship in Elementary/Early Childhood Education (3-6 cr.)
Individualized experience is planned on the basis of the student's professional goals, previous educational background and experience. Arrangements must be made prior to the semester during which the credit is desired.
Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions