
History, Philosophy, and Policy Studies in Education (H)

  • EDUC-H 504 History of American Education (3 cr.)

    A study of education, both informal and institutional, in American history leading to an understanding of present educational theory and practice.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 510 Foundations of Educational Inquiry (3 cr.)

    Examination of the nature and purpose of educational inquiry with a focus on topics in social science epistemology.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 520 Education and Social Issues (3 cr.)

    Identification and analysis of major problems set for education by the pluralistic culture of American society.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 525 Anthropology of Education (3 cr.)

    The bearing of modern and contemporary anthropological thought and cultural theory on selected problems of education; inter­disciplinary approach to educational theory; designed for graduate students in education.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 530 Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)

    A study of representative topics in the philosophy of education, indoctrination, the nature of teaching and learning, moral issues in education, etc.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 538 Critical Thinking and Education (3 cr.)

    A philosophical examination of the role of education in fostering the development of critico-creative thinking, with an emphasis on (1) techniques of reasoning; (2) methods of (formal vs. informal) logical appraisal; and their application in the classroom.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 540 Sociology of Education (3 cr.)

    Examines the role of schools in society; the interaction between schooling as a social institution and other institutions of society; the effects of society on educational processes and practices; the functioning and characteristics of schools as formal organizations; and the contribution of schooling to social system maintenance and change.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 551 Comparative Education I (3 cr.)

    Introduction to the comparative method in the study of educational systems in different societies. Provides students with conceptual and methodological tools from the field of education and related disciplines—such as sociology, political science, anthropology, and economics—for studying societal school systems in depth and making international and cross-cultural comparisons.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 552 Comparative Education II (3 cr.) P: H551.

    A continuation of the introductory course to comparative education. Run on a seminar basis, students select an educational problem or a national system which they analyze from a comparative perspective.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 553 Travel Study: variable title (1-6 cr.)

    Provides an opportunity to conduct independent inquiry while traveling to different areas of the United States and foreign countries.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 560 Education and Change in Societies (3 cr.)

    Analysis of the role of education and literacy in national development, modernization, and change processes. Compares the historical role schools have played in the growth of industrialized countries with present demands placed on educational systems in the developing countries.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 590 Independent Study or Research in History, Philosophy, and Comparative Education (1-3 cr.)

    Individual study arranged in advance of registration.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 600 Concepts and Arguments in Education (3 cr.)

    The use of philosophic resources in the analysis of the grounds and reasons for educational claims.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 601 Historical Inquiry in Education (3 cr.)

    Methodology of historical inquiry in education, including selection and definition of topics, collection and verification of data, interpretation of evidence, and art of historical writing.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 603 Classics in Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)

    Selected readings from authors such as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, and Nietzsche.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 620 Education Policy Analysis (3 cr.)

    Critical study of education policy analysis.  Introduction to relevant theories and methods and exposure to institutional sites that conduct education policy analysis. Considers education policymaking relative to social policy, science policy, and communication policy within a social system. Development of skills for communicating education policy analysis to diverse audiences.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 622 Education Policy in Practice (3 cr.)

    Critical study of implementation of education policy by those it is intended to affect, including teachers, school leaders, families, students and activists.  Taking sociocultural and historical perspectives on K-12, higher education and international education, this course attempts to answer the question: 'What really happens?' when education policies are implemented.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 623 Education Policy Research Seminar (1 cr.) P: Admission to education policy studies major or minor.

    Discussion of faculty, student, and other experts' research on education policy.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 631 Social and Political Philosophy and Education (3 cr.)

    Methods and concepts of social and political philosophy relative to educational issues.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 637 Topical Seminar (3 cr.) P: Consent of Instructor. Critical examination of a problem area in history of education or comparative education that has been extensively studied by the instructor.
  • EDUC-H 638 Aesthetics and Education (3 cr.)

    Selected topics in philosophical aesthetics as they relate to aesthetic appreciation, art criticism, and art production or performance as educational objectives.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 650 Theory of Knowledge and the Educational Process (3 cr.)

    Consideration of theories of knowledge as they relate to educational objectives, methods of instruction and curriculum organization.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 657 Topics in Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)

    Critical examination of a philosophy of education problem area which has been intensively studied by the instructor.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 710 Advanced Study in Philosophy of Education (3 cr.)

    Selected topics in logic of significance to education. Offered once every two years.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation (1-3 cr.)

    This course is for the development of a dissertation proposal in history, philosophy, and policy studies in education. Students must have the consent of a dissertation director or prospective director to enroll. Students should be finished or nearly finished with program course work.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 750 Topical Inquiry Seminar in History of Education (3 cr.)

    Consideration of theoretical or research problems in the conduct of inquiry (especially dissertation studies) in the history of education.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 799 Doctoral Thesis in the History of Philosophy of Education (1-15 cr.)

    Credit may be earned over a period of several semesters. The thesis may be an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis of theory and practice in a specific area.

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 599 Master's Thesis in Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Studies in Education (1-3 cr.)

    Repeatable for Credit: 99 credits and 99 completions

  • EDUC-H 605 Education Policy and Reform (3 cr.)

    Required introductory course for PhD majors and minors in Education Policy Studies and survey of the field for non-specialists. Covers basic and higher education policies, incorporating a comparative viewpoint. From a sociocultural perspective it explores how power, leadership, organizational dynamics, and social movements interact to define issues and enact policy.

    Not Repeatable for Credit

  • EDUC-H 625 Education Policy Practicum (1-3 cr.)

    Supervised practical experience in settings where educational policy is being analyzed, formulated or implemented.  Practicum must be arranged by student and approved by advisor.

    Repeatable for Credit: 3 credits and 3 completions

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