
Grading System

Grade Replacement Policy

X (retaken/replaced). For undergraduates only: A letter grade may be changed to an “X” when a student has retaken a course. The faculty governance organization on each campus may adopt a grade replacement policy consistent with these principles: (1) Students shall be allowed to replace the grade in any course unless the faculty of a unit decides that it will not allow its students to replace grades in courses required for a major, minor, certificate, honors program, or other recognition by the unit. (2) The “X” shall replace the original grade and be recorded on the student’s transcript for the term in which the course was taken the first time. The letter grade shall be recorded on the transcript for the term in which the course was retaken. The terms do not have to be contiguous. (3) The student is required to obtain the consent of the principal administrator of the student’s unit. (4) The grade replacement option may not be exercised if the original grade was assigned as a result of the student’s academic misconduct. (5) Only the grade earned on retake shall be reported on the student’s transcript and counted toward grade point average. The previous grade shall be changed to an “X” on the student’s transcript and the credit hours shall not be counted. The previous grade shall not appear on the transcript but may be retained as an internal grade by the student’s unit and the campus registrar. (6) A student may exercise the grade replacement option for any letter grade received. (7) A student may exercise the grade replacement option for up to three courses or courses that total 10 credit hours. A campus policy may allow students to replace grades in more than three courses or 10 credit hours. If a student transfers between campuses with different policies, or takes courses on multiple campuses, eligibility for grade replacement is determined by the policy of the student’s degree-granting campus. (8) A student must receive a letter grade upon retake in order to change the previous grade to an “X.” The previous grade remains on the transcript if the student receives a “W,” “I” or “NC” in the retaken course. (9) The course that the student retakes should be the same course as the previous one, but need not be offered by the same instructor. Account should be taken of the fact that course numbers and titles are occasionally changed. The principal administrator of the unit offering the original course shall determine whether there is course equivalency. (10) A student may exercise the grade replacement option for the same course more than once, but each replacement counts toward the maximum courses or credit hours allowed.


Note: A grade of W or I in a repeated course will not qualify to remove the original grade.


For more detailed information on the grade replacement policy, contact Student Central.

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