
Academic Advising

Advising in graduate programs may encompass assistance with degree requirements and planning, research and dissertation preparation, or career counseling. In some departments those roles may be played by one person, or three different people. 

As graduate programs are generally more proscriptive in terms of course requirements and sequencing, after orientation, online tools such as this Bulletin, the schedule of classes, and the department website, can serve as useful self-advising resources. For more in-depth, humanized direction, contact your department's main office number, found on the pages "Degree Listings by School."

Career and research guidance grow organically between students and faculty as they work together in course work and practica, but students unsure of where or how to proceed with research or career possibilities should iniitally seek consultation with the porgram director. 

Students needing help with the mechanics of going to gradaute school--adding/dropping classes, bursar payments and refunds, financial aid--are initially served by the campus Student Central Office, (812) 941-2100.

Academic Bulletins

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