
Grading System

Grade Appeals Process

The grade assigned by the course Instructor at the end of a term is the student's grade for that course.  Only in exceptional cases will this final grade be changed.  Such requests are normally initiated by the instructor to correct an error in the calculation or recording of a grade.

If a student disputes his/her final course grade, the following process, which occurs within the School that offered the course, applies.  The only valid reasons for requesting consideration of a grade change are:

  1. Miscalculation of grade (human error)
  2. Procedural error (e.g., failure to follow announced grading procedures)
  3. Non-academic reasons (e.g., discrimination that is banned by University policy)

Grade Change Request Process

  1. The student must discuss the matter with the Instructor within 14 calendar days of the start of the next academic term (including summer sessions).  In the event that the faculty member does not respond with 14 calendar days, the student should proceed to step 2.  After discussing the matter with the student, the Instructor must inform the student of his or her decision in 14 calendar days.
  2. If the issue is not resolved to the student's satisfaction, the student submits a Grade Change Request form (appeal) to the Office of the Dean of the School that oversees the course within 7 calendar days of being informed of the Instructor's decision.  This form may be obtained at the Registrar's office.
  3. If the school-based review process cannot resolve the matter, the student and the Dean will be informed, and the Dean will initiate a review of the student's request.  As part of this review, the Dean will discuss the appeal request with the student, the Instructor and/or the Program Coordinator.  In an appeal to the Dean, the burden of proof rests with the student.
  4. The Dean must notify the student in writing of the outcome/decision (within 14 calendar days of the beginning of the review by the Dean).  The Dean's decision is final.

Time Limitations

  • Exceptions to the specified time limitations will only be considered in an extremely serious and documented circumstance (e.g., prolonged hospitalizaiton, military deployment) that literally prevented the student from filing the petition or the faculty member from responding within the stated time period.
  • The total review process from faculty-student discussion to final outcome should take no longer than 45 calendar days.

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