
Facility Usage

The Trustees of Indiana University reserve the right to control the use of university facilities to ensure that events conducted therein are compatible with the mission of the university. The university will at all times seek to offer to students and faculty groups opportunities to meet, hear, and exchange ideas and views, however controversial, but it does not license and will not tolerate what is illegal. For the purposes of this policy statement, the term ‘‘facilities’’ shall include grounds owned by the university as well as non-residential buildings and structures that are on university property.

Groups wishing to reserve space in the IU Southeast lodges should contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing for amenities, rates and fees, policies and availability. Space in residential lodges is generally only available for use when classes are not in session.

University-related individuals or groups wishing to reserve university conference facilities (University Center North) contact the Office of Conference and Catering (OCC) at 812-941-2155. When a university-related group or office wishes to use a university facility for an income-producing event, specific authorization for the event must be obtained from the manager of OCC. A facility usage fee may be charged for the event. University-related individuals or groups seeking to reserve classroom space for course-related academic reasons during the course of a semester, contact the Office of the Registrar at seregr@ius.edu

Individuals and groups who are not university-related but wish to reserve a university facility should start their inquiry with the OCC in University Center North. 

The university does not routinely make its facilities available for income-producing purposes to enrich an individual, organization, or commercial sponsor. Non–university-related individuals or organizations wishing to use a university facility for income-producing purposes must write to the OCC, setting forth the nature of the income-producing activity and its purposes.

General Operational Caveats Governing Use of University Facilities
  • All requests for the use of university facilities should be made in writing and should be submitted not less than five working days before the scheduled event.
  • Time, place, and manner of the use of university facilities may be restricted if it interferes with the university's educational mission. 
  • Groups requesting overnight accommodations in university lodges must complete appropriate releases, agreements, and pre-payments no less than 30 days prior to their arrival on campus. 
  • Charges will be assessed in accordance with the current schedule of facility fees on file in the OCC.
  • The university catering service will provide all food and beverage services for any event held in university facilities. Sponsors of any activity requiring food or beverage service must make arrangements through the OCC; and exceptions to this practice approved by that office. 
  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages on university property is permitted by authorization only.
  • The university reserves the right to reject any and all applications for the use of facilities. Further, the university reserves the right to make adjustments in confirmed reservations for facilities when such action becomes necessary.

Questions regarding this policy and practices should be directed to Office of Conference and Catering, (812) 941-2155

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