
Arts and Letters

Telecommunications (TEL)
  • TEL-R 404 Senior Seminar in Telecommunications (1-3 cr.) P: SPCH-S 333; TEL-T 345; TEL-T 347; TEL-R 440; TEL-R 311 or ENG-W 290; and Junior standing; or consent of instructor C: TEL-R 440 or TEL-T 347 Exploration of problems and issues of telecommunications in contemporary society.
  • TEL-T 102 Introduction to Advertising (3 cr.) This course focuses on the role of advertising in a free economy and its place in the media of mass communication. It will cover advertising appeals, product and marketing research, selection of advertising media, testing of advertising effectiveness, and organization of advertising profession.
  • TEL-T 345 Advertising Media Planning (3 cr.) P: TEL-T 102; TEL-R 311 or ENG-W 290. and Junior standing; or consent of the instructor. This course will introduce you to the process of advertising media planning and how it fits into the marketing function for brands, products and services. This process involves the creative and strategic use of media vehicles to deliver advertising messages to the target audience at the right time, through the most appropriate communication channel, and in a cost efficient manner.
  • TEL-T 347 Promotion and Marketing in Telecommunications (3 cr.) P: TEL-T 102; TEL-R 311 or ENG-W 290, and Sophomore standing; or consent of instructor. Theory and practice of designing, implementing, and evaluating promotional materials and understanding the process of strategic brand management in traditional and emerging media.
  • TEL-T 441 Advanced Advertising Strategies (3 cr.) P: TEL-T 102, and Junior standing; or consent of the instructor. Analysis and evaluation of planning, creative, and placement components of advertising campaigns utilizing the electronic media; development of original advertising campaigns.
  • TEL-R  440 Advertising Strategies (3 cr.) P: TEL-T 102; TEL-R 311 or ENG-W 290, and Junior standing; or consent of the instructor. Analysis and evaluation of the planning, creative and placement components of advertising campaigns utilizing the broadcast media; development of original advertising campaigns.
  • TEL-R  311 Broadcast Writing (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 131; TEL-T 102, and Sophomore standing; or consent of the instructor. Style, form, and preparation of written materials for broadcasting.

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2019-2021 Campus Bulletin

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