IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Courses » Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology


Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
  • ECET 10700 Introduction to Circuit Analysis (4 cr.) P: MATH 15300. Voltage, current, resistance, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, resistance combinations, and The'vein's, Norton's and superposition theorems are studied and applied.  DC and AC circuits are studied and utilized, with basic AC terminology described.  ideal RC coupling and filter circuits and RC switching circuits are introduced.  Fundamentals analog circuits with ideal or near-ideal electronic devices are utilized in the lecture and laboratory to enhance the understanding of basic circuit laws and theorems.
  • ECET 10900 Digital Fundamentals (3 cr.) A study of logic gates, binary arithmetic codes, boolean algebra, mapping, adders, comparators, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and demultiplexers.Small Scale (SSI) and Medium Scale (MSI) integrated circuits and programmable logic devices are used to develop combinational and sequential circuits.
  • ECET 11600 Electrical Circuits (3 cr.) This course covers circuit components, R, L, and C; voltage; current; power; Ohm's law; Kirchhoff's laws; series and parallel circuits; electrical measurements; sinusoidal voltages; currents; impedances; transformers; motors; polyphase systems, and the National Electrical Code. This course is a service course offered for non-ECET majors.
  • ECET 15500 Digital Fundamentals II (3 cr.) A continuation of ECET 10900.  Sequential logic circuits, flip-flops, counters, programmable device logic, shift registers, logic families and introductory computer concepts.
  • ECET 15700 Electronics Circuit Analysis (4 cr.) P: ECET 10700 and MATH 15300. Capacitors, inductors, switching circuits, transformers, rectifiers, linear regulators, dependent sources, operational amplifiers, BJT- & MOSFET-based small-signal amplifiers, waveform generation, and programmable analog devices are studied.  Circuit fundamentals such as Kirchhoff's laws are utilized in analysis and design of circuits.
  • ECET 16400 Applied Object-oriented Programming (3 cr.) Problem solving and computing with emphasis on electrical engineering technology applications. Introduction to an object programming language as applied to solving electrical technology problems.
  • ECET 20700 AC Electronics Circuit Analysis (4 cr.) P: ECET 15700 and MATH 15400. AC circuits, including the j operator, phasors, reactance, and impedance are studied. Circuit laws, network theorems, and the fundamental concepts of Fourier analysis are applied and used in the study of topics such as passive filters, IC filters, amplifiers, resonant circuits, single-phase and three-phase circuits.  Computer aided analysis of circuits is used.
  • ECET 20900 Introduction to Microcontrollers (4 cr.) This course is an introduction to microprocessor hardware and software, focusing on embedded control applications. Interconnections of components, peripheral devices, bus timing relationships, structured C-language programming, debugging, input/output techniques, and use of PC based software development tools are studied.
  • ECET 23110 Electrical Machines (3 cr.) An introduction to the fundamental concepts and applications of transformers, induction motors, and single-phase and three-phase power systems.  Design and optimization of power systems based on National Electrical Code guidelines.  Laboratory experiments in the design, operation, and measurement of electromechanical systems.
  • ECET 23120 Industrial Controls (3 cr.) An introduction to Industrial Controls with a focus on relay logic and PLC logic.  Design and optimization of control systems based on National Electrical Code guidelines and methods for development of schematics and coding for industrial controls.  Laboratory experiments in the design, coding, operation, and documentation of industrial control systems.
  • ECET 30200 Introduction to Control Systems (4 cr.) P: ECET 23100. The first course in industrial controls is applications oriented and includes on-off type open- and closed-loop control systems, and analog-based systems.  Major topics include relay and programmable controller-based systems.
  • ECET 30700 Analog Network Signal Processing (4 cr.) P: ECET 20700 and MATH 22200. This is an advanced course in network analysis that stresses network theorems and solutions of time-domain and frequency-domain problems. Transform circuit and signal analysis using Laplace and Fourier techniques are developed, culmination in active filter design applications.  Software techniques such as MATLAB and LABVIEWTM, are employed to solve mathematical problems.
  • ECET 30900 Advanced Embedded Microcontrollers (4 cr.) P: ECET 20900. A course emphasizing the advanced applications of embedded microcontrollers included are microcontroller architecture, use of programmable counter/timer arrays, analog interfaces, serial communication, and other peripherals.
  • ECET 33100 Generation and Transmission of Electrical Power (4 cr.) P: ECET 23100. A study of the generation and transmission of electrical energy. Includes modeling and analysis of synchronous alternators, transformers, and transmission lines, plus analytical and computer methods of solving load flow and fault conditions on balanced and unbalanced three-phase systems. Techniques used by utilities for protection and economic operation of power systems are introduced.
  • ECET 35100 Instrumentation Applications for Technology (3 or 4 cr.) Introduction to the basic concepts and terminology of instruments. This course covers the procedures and techniques essential to measurement of physical quantities (such as pressure, flow, temperature, and level measurement) and analysis of that data. Students will use data acquisition systems and computer control software to complete laboratory exercises.
  • ECET 35700 Real-Time Digital Signal Processing (4 cr.) P: ECET 20900. A study of the architecture, instruction set, and hardware and software development tools associated with a fixed-point general-purpose DSP VLSI processor. Fundamental principles associated with the processing of discrete-time signals are also introduced along with the implementation of some common applications such as waveform generation, audio effects, FIR and IIR digital filtering, and DFT- and FFT-based spectral analysis.
  • ECET 36000 CIM in Electronics Manufacturing (4 cr.) P: ECET 20700 and ECET 20900. Manufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards, board layout, soldering and test.  Emphasis is on high volume, state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, including surface mount technology (SMT).  Laboratory projects include CAD circuit board layout, automatic assembly equipment, thermal characteristics of circuit boards, process design and SPC techniques.
  • ECET 37100 Automation, Instrumentation, and Process Control (3 or 4 cr.) A project-oriented course combining key areas of automation, instrumentation, and process control. The course covers automatic testing, computer interfacing, data collection, robotic controls, programmable logic controllers, and graphical process control software. A final project is an integrated system.
  • ECET 38100 Electrical Distribution Systems (4 cr.) P: ECET 23100. A study of the design and operation of electric distribution systems including estimated demand, demand calculations, energy conservation, faults on power systems, power quality, power factor improvement, electric rates, voltage drops, protective devices, illumination, and the applicable portions of the National Electrical Code (NEC). Both new facilities and additions to existing facilities are included.
  • ECET 41700 Advanced Digital Systems Design with VHDL (4 cr.) A study of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and complex programmable logic using VHDL, finite-state-machine analysis and design, high-speed digital design considerations, memory systems, digital and analog devices, and A/D and D/A conversion.
  • ECET 43400 PC Systems II (4 cr.) Real-time, PC-based operating systems. Programming Graphical User for control applications using an object-oriented language. Embedded PC hardware, busses, and peripheral programming. Writing device drivers.
  • ECET 48300 Network Fundamentals with Microcontrollers (4 cr.) P: ECET 20900. A study of computer networks and industrial network applications. Network protocols, media, and system software are examined. The focus is on the usage of data communication techniques and their applications in the industrial environment. In the laboratory students use utilities to examine different network protocols, configuring network software, using test equipment for analyzing and troubleshooting networks.
  • ECET 48404 Emerging Information, Communication and Technologies (4 cr.) An advanced course in the Computer Engineering Technology program that introduces and evaluates emerging systems, services and applications in Information, Communication, and Technologies (ICT) areas. In the laboratory, students use utilities to evaluate and analyze various emerging subjects so that certain level of mastery of the subjects can be demonstrated.
  • ECET 49000 Senior Design Project Phase I (1 cr.) P: Three 30000 or 40000 level ECET electives. Extensive individual design and development performed in consultation with faculty. Collaboration with industry is encouraged. Evidence of extensive and thorough laboratory work is required. Written and oral presentations are emphasized. Capstone experiences are included as integral parts.
  • ECET 49100 Senior Design Project Phase II (2 cr.) P: ECET 49000. A continuation of ECET 49000.
  • ECET 49300 Ethics and Professionalism in Technology (1 cr.) Factors involved in the ethical decision making in engineering and technology professions on both a local and global scale will be presented. Workplace issues such as socio-economic and cultural differences, professionalism, ethical codes, employee and community safety, whistle blowing, diversity and sexual harassment will be discussed. Case studies will guide student activities.
  • ECET 49900 Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (1-9 cr.) Hours and subject matter to be arranged by staff.
  • ECET 53800 Energy Management for Buildings (3 cr.) P: TECH 58100 Intro to Facilities Engineering. This course introduces practical procedures to select options in order to operate and maintain commercial buildings to reduce building system energy costs and to help meet environmental standards.
  • ECET 28404 Contemporary Communication systems (4 cr.)

    An introductory course in communication that introduces and evaluates basic concepts and principles of contemporary communication systems.  The hardware and software issues in contemporary communications are studied.  Emphasis is given on experiential experience in the signals and systems used in contemporary communications, such as types of signals and systems, use of communication devices and media, choice of networking topologies, protocols, and platforms.

  • ECET 38100 Electrical Distribution Systems (4 cr.) P: ECET 23100. A study of the design and operation of electric distribution systems including estimated demand, demand calculations, energy conservation, faults on power systems, power quality, power factor improvement, electric rates, voltage drops, protective devices, illumination, and the applicable portions of the National Electrical Code (NEC). Both new facilities and additions to existing facilities are included.
  • ECET 54500 Management of IT, Telecommunications, and Video Infrastructure (3 cr.) P: ART 51500 or Permission of the Instructor. This course is the study telecommunications and IT technology, including voice, data, and video.  Topics include digital communications, standards, and protocols, Ethernet, local and wide area networks, fiber optics, voice, and network video technologies.