Bulletin Designation and Program Planning
Bulletin Designation
All colleges and universities establish certain academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted. These regulations concern such things as curricula and courses, majors and minors, and campus residence. Advisors, directors, and deans will aid students in meeting these requirements, but students are responsible for fulfilling them. At the end of the course of study, the faculty and the Board of Trustees vote on the conferring of degrees. If requirements have not been satisfied, degrees will be withheld pending satisfactory completion of these requirements. For this reason, students need to acquaint themselves with all regulations and to remain informed throughout their university career.This bulletin lists the requirements and regulations in effect for students who are admitted to the School of Science in August 2012 (Fall semester). Students who enter after this date may be subject to different requirements; students who entered before August 2012 may elect to follow the graduation requirements that were in effect at the time of their admission to their degree program or the graduation requirements that became effective thereafter. However, the requirements chosen must be from only one bulletin. If a student has not completed a bachelor’s degree program within eight years of admission, the student may be obliged by the major department to meet the requirements of a subsequent bulletin. Additionally, students in good standing who have not been enrolled at the university for two or more consecutive years must satisfy the requirements of the School of Science bulletin in effect upon their return.
Program Planning and Advising Guidelines
The experience of academic advisors and of successful students suggests the following guidelines for effective planning of undergraduate programs:- Students should be thoroughly familiar with all academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted.
- Students should seek appointments with academic advisors in their major departments before the dates established by the university calendar for registration. In such conferences students should, as a minimum objective, make certain that they review their degree requirements and that they have made an appropriate plan for the next semester.
- Each student should understand that the responsibility for determining an appropriate academic program and for meeting every degree requirement rests with the student; faculty or staff members acting in the capacity of advisors are obligated only to assist students in meeting this responsibility. Any student who needs clarification of any of the requirements for the degree program is urged to obtain this clarification from an academic advisor or from the School of Science, Science Building, Room LD 222, phone (317) 274-0625.