Schools & Divisions

Degree Policies and Procedures

Graduation Requirements

It is the responsibility of students to be certain that their graduation and other academic requirements are met. The graduate advisor office in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs will keep a record of the student's progress and will aid in program planning.

Non-degree Students

Graduate non-degree students make take up to 12 graduate credits.  These courses may not necessarily be used toward the Certiticate or Master of Public Affairs (see later for more information about the Certificate Program).  Financial aid is not offered for non-degree candidates.  

Grade of Incomplete

An Incomplete indicates that the work is satisfactory as of the end of the semester but has not yet been completed. This grade may be awarded only when the student's work is of passing quality and have only one assignment or exam to complete. In addition, evidence that personal hardship would render it unjust to hold that student to the time limits previously fixed for the completion of the work. Normally, faculty members are reluctant to give the grade of Incomplete. One calendar year is allowed for the removal of an Incomplete unless the Director authorizes an adjustment of this period due to exceptional circumstances. If those procedures are not followed, the I is changed to F.

Grade Average, Provisional, and Probationary Status

Students may be admitted on a provisional basis for particular reasons, such as deficiencies in certain areas. The provisional status will be removed upon fulfillment of the stipulated conditions. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (A=4.0) or higher for all work taken for graduate credit must be earned as a prerequisite for continuation in good standing and for graduation. Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0 will be placed on probation. To be removed from academic probation, a student must raise the overall cumulative grade point average to 3.0 or higher. If a student earns less than a 3.0 grad point average for a given semester while on academic probation, the student is dismissed from the Master of Public Affairs program. In order to earn either the Master of Public Affairs or the Certificate, a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher at graduation is required.

Petitioning Procedures

A student may find it necessary to petition the Graduate Program  Committee relative to such matters as dismissal, requirements, transfers, class load, etc. Such requests must be presented in writing to the Graduate Program Committee.

Midcareer Options

The purpose of the midcareer option of the Master of Public Affairs graduate program is to enhance the professional capabilities of those with previous training or experience in public service. It is a program capable of being specially designed to meet the educational and professional needs of the individual.

Some administrators are engaged in professional capacities requiring deeper understanding of certain specialties. Others with considerable experience in a specialization may wish to broaden their knowledge and perspectives. The midcareer option can accommodate those needs.

Credit waiver may be granted to midcareer option students for significant administrative or policy-level work experience. This work experience may be of a managerial nature or may be in program or policy development (which may or may not include experience in management, e.g., as a planner). The work experience need not necessarily be with a governmental agency. Many private and quasi-public organizations have significant governmental contacts. Furthermore, much management-level experience in the private sector is applicable to the public sector.

Students wishing to take full advantage of the midcareer option should apply as soon as regular admission to the program has been granted. The Graduate Program Committee makes a determination of eligibility for the midcareer option for each applicant. Students granted the midcareer option for more than 3 credit hours may not take SPEA V585 Practicum in Public Affairs for credit. Decisions about the midcareer option are made separately from decisions about transfer of credit. Under no circumstances will the midcareer option and the transfer of credit total more than 6 credit hours of the 36 credit hour degree requirement. Students receiving the midcareer option should carefully plan their programs in consultation with an advisor as early as possible. Certification of the plan of study by the graduate advisor is necessary.

Transfer Credit from other Graduate Programs 

Previous graduate credit from other schools at Indiana University or other universities may be accepted toward a degree in the Master of Public Affairs program up to a total of 6 credit hours. The particular courses to be awarded credit will be arranged with the Director. A "Transfer­ of Credit" Form must be completed, and approval must be granted for each course for which transfer credit is desired. This is true both for previous work at Indiana University, outside the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and for graduate work at other institutions. 

General Scholarship Rule

Any student who does not possess the necessary preliminary training or who lacks other qualifications may be required to enroll in such courses designated or to take such other corrective action as is necessary or desirable. The School of Public and Environmental Affairs may review a student's record at any time and take whatever actions seem necessary for the best interest of that student.

Any student whose work is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is unethical may be dismissed from the program.

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