IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Kelley School of Business » Courses » Accounting and Information Systems

Kelley School of Business


Accounting and Information Systems

The number of credit hours given to a course is indicated in parentheses following the course title.

The abbreviation "P" refers to course prerequisites; the abbreviation "C" refers to course co-requisites.

  • BUPA-A 500 Responsibilites and Ethical Considerations in Accounting and Tax (1.5 cr.) P: A201 or equivalent. This course focuses on the role that ethics plays in the accounting profession.  The ultimate goad for this courses is for students to develop a passion for actinv ethically in their profession and possess the tools to live out this passion.
  • BUPA-A 507 Federal Tax Practice and Procedure (1.5 cr.) P: A515 or equivalent

    This course focuses on the substantive rules and procedures involved with preparing tax returns and representing taxpayers before the IRS as a tax professional.

  • BUPA-A 508 Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations (3 cr.) P: A201 or equivalent. Accounting concepts and methods peculiar to governmental units, universities, hospitals, and other nonprofit organizations.
  • BUS-A 510 Financial Accounting Theory and Practice I (3 cr.) An intermediate financial accounting course emphasizing financial statement preparation and analysis. Includes intermediate theory and problems, asset valuation, and income measurement, preparation and analysis of financial statements. This course does not count toward the MSA degree as it is the graduate version of A311 Intermediate Accounting.
  • BUPA-A 511 Financial Accounting Theory and Practice II (3 cr.) P: A510 or equivalent. Application of intermediate accounting theory to problems involving long-term liabilities, corporations, earnings per share, tax allocation, pensions, leases, and cash flows.
  • BUPA-S 590 Independent Study in Management Information Systems (Arr. cr.) For advanced MBA or MSA students engaged in special study projects. Course admission and project supervision is arranged through the MBA/MSA office and the faculty's advisor.
  • BUPA-A 514 Auditing Theory and Practice (3 cr.) P: A511 and A523. This course addresses the concepts and procedures related to the implementation of the external and internal audits for business organizations. Coverage includes issuance of the audit report, reviews of internal control, statistical sampling, EDP systems and the company's business cycles. Additional topics include forensic accounting, auditing for fraud and other assurance services. Many topics covered are included on the uniform CPA examination given twice yearly by the AICPA.
  • BUPA-A 515 Federal Income Taxes (3 cr.) C: A551 Tax Research: Introduction to federal income taxation. Focus is on the income taxation of individuals and tax planning for individuals. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the federal income tax law of the U.S. The course provides an overview of the following elements of the tax computation: gross income, deductions, credits, property transactions, alternative minimum tax, employment taxes, and an overview of the estate and gift tax. While the course primarily focuses on the income taxation of individuals, the basic treatment of other entities is considered, including the taxation of corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, trusts and estates. Moreover, it should be emphasized that many of the basic tax rules examined apply to all entities. In addition, a portion of the course is devoted to tax research, enabling students to appreciate the sources of tax law such as the Internal Revenue Code, Regulations, administrative pronouncements and case law.
  • BUPA-A 517 Financial Statement Analysis (3 cr.) P: A510 or equivalent. Financial statement analysis is a problem solving, case course designed to teach and understand the techniques used to evaluate the financial dynamics of businesses. Topics covered are directly related to the accounting financial statements, including strategic analysis, ratio analysis, asset and liability analysis, and revenue and expense analysis. Also covered will be forecasting, financial distress models, asset valuation modeling, discount models and abnormal return models. Students will use the Compustat database to generate company and industry data to perform longitudinal studies and publicly traded securities.
  • BUSN-A 517 Financial Analysis and Firm Valuation (3.0 cr.) Examine the role of accounting information in financial decisions by analyzing the framework of Economic Value which highlights how valuation is related to accounting earnings and accounting book value. We evaluate how accounting choices may affect this relation and how assessment of value is influenced by profitability and risk analysis.
  • BUPA-A 523 Business Information Systems (3 cr.) An overview of accounting systems and their existence within businesses. The course includes discussions of system controls, transaction processing, business cycles and issues related to development and installation of automated accounting systems.
  • BUSN-A 524 Managing Accounting Information for Decision Making (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 201 Provides a user-oriented understanding of how accounting information should be managed to ensure its availability on a timely and relevant basis for decision making. Focusis on cost-benefit analysis for evaluating potential value-added results from planning, organizing, and controlling a firm's accounting information. Group participation is used extensively.
  • BUPA-A 525 Pass-through Entities I (3 cr.) P: A539 or equivalent

    Examines the taxation of partnerships and S Corporations.


  • BUPA-A 526 Pass-through Entities II (3 cr.) P: A515 or equivalent. This course builds and expands on the materials and concepts introduced in BUPA-A525 Paaa-through Entitiies I.
  • BUPA-A 529 Internship in Accounting (3 cr.) Learning in a professional environment. Internship with intensive seminars relating to business (e.g., leadership, team building, supervisory skills, time-management, oral communications, negotiating).
  • BUPA-A 537 Corporate Taxation I (3.0 cr.) P: A539 or equivalent.

    This course builds upon the introductory material included in BUPA-A539 Advanced Taxation I:  Entity Issues pertaining to the U.S. federal income taxation of corporations taxable under Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code.


  • BUPA-A 539 Advanced Taxation I: Entity Issues (3 cr.) P: A515 or equivalent. Introduction to the taxation of regular corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and S corporations.
  • BUPA-A 551 Tax Research (1.5 cr.) C: A515 Covers how to access the primary and secondary sources of tax law, including the Internal Revenue Code, regulations and other administrative pronouncements and judicial decisions. Explains the research process and the use of research tools to locate sources of tax law. Utilizes both paper products and electronic (internet) resources. Emphasizes how to read and interpret source materials. Tax research assignments stress writing skills and the need for effective communication of research findings.  Tax research is an online course.
  • BUPA-A 555 Taxation of S Corporations (3 cr.) P: A515 or equivalent. Examines tax treatment, tax problems and tax planning techniques involving S corporations; eligibility rules; election, revocation, termination; treatment of income, deductions and credits; determining the shareholder's taxable income; pass-through of corporate net operating loss; distributions of previously taxed income; special taxes applicable to S corporations.
  • BUPA-A 558 Taxation of Tax Exempt Organizations I (1.5 cr.) P: A515 or equivalent. Examines the tax treatment of public and private charities exempt under I.R.C. Sec. 501(c)(3), as well as business leagues, social clubs, and other types of tax-exempt organizations Includes discussion of the requirements for exemption from federal income tax and the tax treatment of the unrelated business income tax and private foundation status and its repercussions.
  • BUPA-A 560 Information Technology Auditing (3 cr.) P: BUPA-A523 or equivalent. This course examines the security and control of information systems (IS) from the perspective of management, including the IS assurance process. The emphasis is on technical, professional, and regulatory best practices in information systems security and assurance. The course is designed to meet the IS security information needs of both managers and IS security assurance professionals. As such, the course is structured to cover most topics in the common body of knowledge (CBK) for professional examinations with an information security component, including the CPA, CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) and CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) exams.
  • BUPA-A 562 Advanced Financial Accounting (3 cr.) P: A511 or equivalent. Consideration of advanced financial accounting problems, including those related to consolidated financial statements, business combinations (mergers and acquisitions), branches, foreign operations and nonprofit organizations.
  • BUPA-A 566 Advanced Auditing (3 cr.) P: A514 or equivalent. Examines advance issues in auditing including in depth review of the following: forensic accounting and fraud examination; litigation support and expert witness services; the use of statistical sampling in auditing; internal auditing; assurance services and extending the attestation function. The course makes use of cases, articles and current pronouncements in the field.
  • BUPA-A 567 Taxation of Tax Exempt Organizations II (1.5 cr.) P: A558. This course provides a brief overview of the basic concepts of the laws and regulations governing NFP organizations. Specific topics include: the formation and dissolution of a NFP entity; the operation and governance of the NFP entity; tax exemption issues; unrelated business income tax; and charitable contributions.
  • BUPA-A 572 Forensic Accouning (3.0 cr.) P: Admission as Kelley Graduate Accounting Student

    Virtually every significant audit failure in the last 100 years is a result of fraud – and the costs are devastating!  Enron, Bernie Madoff, PharMor, and many other notable frauds have impacted our financial markets and have cost investors and creditors billions of dollars.  In this course, we will discuss the pathology of fraud (who commits fraud, why they commit it, how they commit it), the different types of fraud, how fraud can be deterred and detected, and how forensic accounting tools can be used to investigate and prove fraud.  The course will be broken into three main parts:  What is fraud and how is it committed?  How do we deter and detect fraud?  What is forensic accounting and how does it fit with fraud deterrence and detection?

  • BUPA-A 575 Auditing and Corporate Governance (3 cr.) P: A201 or equivalent. This course introduces basic concepts of internal auditing, emphasizing business process controls as well as entity-level controls. The course is taught from a corporate governance perspective, which stresses the role played by internal audit in assisting management and the board in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, internal controls, and the governance process. The course also includes an introduction to audit software.
  • BUPA-A 590 Independent Study in Accounting (Arr. cr.) For advanced MBA or MSA students engaged in special study projects. Course admission and project supervision is arranged through the MBA/MSA office and the faculty's advisor.
  • BUS-A 590 Independent Study in Accounting (Arr. cr.) For advanced M.B.A. students engaged in special study projects. Course admission and project supervision is arranged through the M.B.A. Office and the student's faculty advisor.
  • BUPA-F 560 Current Topics in Finance (3.0 cr.) P: F300 or equivalent.

    Varied topics in finance that include: 

    Corporate Financial Strategy and Governance.  This course introduces students to the financial tools used in firm valuations, emphasizing the need for managers to focus on the value their business strategies are creating.

    Introduction to Real Estate Analysis.  This course is designed as a general principles course, intended to offer a comprehensive overview understanding of the field of real estate and to provide initial exposure to the methods and techniques of real estate financial analysis, valuation and decision-making. 

  • BUPA-F 590 Independent Study in Finance (Arr. cr.) For advanced MBA or MSA students engaged in special study projects. Course admission and project supervision is arranged through the MBA/MSA office and the faculty's advisor.
  • BUPA-L 503 Advanced Business Law (3 cr.) P: L203 or equivalent. Examines concepts of law as applied to the accounting profession, including contracts, agency, forms of organization, property, wills and trusts, securities regulation, consumer protection, and antitrust, secured transactions, negotiable instruments, commercial paper, payment systems, bankruptcy, and related subject areas.
  • BUS-S 590 Independent Study in Management Information Systems (Arr. cr.) For advanced M.B.A. students engaged in special study projects. Course admission and project supervision is arranged through the M.B.A. Office and the student's faculty advisor.