IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Kelley School of Business » Undergraduate » Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

The Undergraduate Program of the Kelley School of Business provides opportunities for breadth of education as well as for a reasonable amount of specialization. As a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the school subscribes to the principle that a significant portion of a student's academic program should be in general-education subjects, complemented by study in the basic areas of business administration. This assures the planning of balanced study programs while enabling a student with an interest in one or more professional areas of business to specialize in those fields.

Integrative Core

All undergraduate study programs also include courses that ensure the development of a basic understanding of the principles and practices involved in the management of business firms in the dynamic economic, social, and political environment of the world today. At IU Indianapolis, four interrelated, rigorous junior-level courses in the management of finance, marketing, operations, and team dynamics, known collectively as the Integrative Core (or I-Core), are required of all business majors.

Integrative Core emphasizes the trends likely to shape the pattern of the world in the years ahead. Beyond these basic requirements, students are given an opportunity to pursue studies from a wide variety of subject areas.

Honors Courses

Honors courses are available to students in the Kelley Honors Program. All freshmen and sophomore honors courses are open to Kelley students with a 3.5 GPA or higher.

Leadership and Social Responsibility

To develop leadership skills and a sense of social responsibility, students are strongly encouraged to participate in one or more of the student organizations at IU Indianapolis. Special emphasis is placed on volunteerism and the personal benefits derived from participating in community service. The Kelley School of Business Learning Community course, BUS-X103, involves freshmen in a service-learning project in the local community. This course is an entrance requirement for admission to the school.

Senior Standing

Upon attaining senior standing, students enjoy a broader range of elective courses and special opportunities for discussion and counseling with senior members of the faculty. Courses at the senior level ensure widespread participation by students in the solution of case studies, projects, and special problems drawn from the contemporary business scene. Also, seniors typically hold offices in professional student organizations, which gives them exceptional extracurricular experience. The course BUS-X320 Business Career Planning and Placement prepare students for the transition to the world of business. This course also helps students locate and select employment opportunities that hold the greatest promise for them.

Program Objectives

Graduates of the undergraduate program of the Indiana University Kelley School of Business should:

  1. Have a general knowledge and appreciation of human accomplishments in the physical sciences, arts, humanities, and social sciences
  2. Possess a broad-based knowledge of business and the business firm, and the role business plays in our society
  3. Understand the national, international, political, social, and economic environment that affects a firm's operations
  4. Be able to articulate their thoughts orally and in writing and be computer literate
  5. Have a sensitivity to and appreciation of ethical issues
  6. Possess an appreciation of the opportunities and problems of managing complex organizations
  7. Have the skills and ability to work effectively with others in the completion of joint tasks
  8. Possess the ability to find and formulate problems, think analytically, and recommend solutions to problems

The undergraduate curriculum is designed to provide students with the above attributes. Graduates should have acquired an education that will serve them throughout their careers in business, not just prepare them for an entry-level position.

Honor Code


Updated 04/24