Academic Policies & Procedures

Doctoral Students

Doctoral Advisory Committee

During the first term of enrollment, the student shall nominate an advisory committee to approve the student’s program of study (Course Prescription) and counsel the student until the passing of the doctoral qualifying examination.

The advisory committee must include:

  •  At least two (2) members from the major area, consisting of the student's advisor in the role of advisory committee chair, and one (1) faculty member to serve as the major representative.
  • One (1) member from an area outside the major to serve as the representative for the student's doctoral minor.

At least two (2) of the above members must be members of Indiana University Graduate Faculty. To see whether a faculty member is a member of IU Graduate Faculty, please visit this link to view the Graduate Faculty Roster:

An Appointment of Advisory Committee Form must be completed and submitted to the graduate recorder in the SPH Records Office with approval of the advisory committee members. The form is available at

The doctoral advisory committee will work with the student to prepare a Course Prescription for the program of studies. The Course Prescription must be approved by the advisory committee and the executive associate dean no later than the eighth week of the second semester of full-time enrollment.

The advisory committee will be responsible for prescribing coursework and writing and evaluating qualifying examinations.

Academic Bulletins