Departments & Centers

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Areas of Specialization

The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics offers one Bachelor of Public Health degree, two Master of Public Health programs, and one doctoral path of study. These programs aim to prepare students to become effective investigators involved in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of population- and clinically-based research.

  • The Epidemiology Program offers training for B.S.P.H., M.P.H. and Ph.D. degrees. The B.S.P.H. in Epidemiology features required courses in the five core areas of public health, along with an epidemiology major component including disease surveillance, study design, data collection and analysis, risk factor identification, and interpretation of findings from research studies. A capstone field experience provides students with opportunities to apply learned skils and competencies, and to fine tune professional behavior and communication. Students completing this degree will be well positioned to begin employment as epidemiologists, or to pursue an advanced degree. The Master of Public Health in Epidemiology emphasizes epidemiologic methodology and the design and analysis of epidemiologic and medical studies. This program is full-time with three semesters of coursework and a one-semester internship. Upon completion of the MPH degree, students will be prepared to begin careers on epidemiology research teams in government, institutes, universities or industry. In addition, these students are prepared to continue on to a doctoral program or professional school. The doctoral training in epidemiology prepares students to become independent and effective investigators and to be able to lead population- and clinically-based studies. The doctoral training can be distinguished from the Master’s training by the additional training in advanced epidemiological methods and completion of several research projects culminating in the preparation and defense of the doctoral dissertation.
  • The Biostatistics Program offers an MS and PhD in Biostatistics.  The MS program provides students with a background in theoretical and applied biostatistics, including data collection and management, data analysis, interpretation of statistical analysis results. Graduating students will be well-qualified for positions as statistical analysts in academic research departments in medical schools and schools of public health or in the pharmaceutical, insurance or health care consulting industries. The program is full time with 3 semesters of coursework and a one semester internship.  The doctoral training in biostatistics prepares students to become independent and successful investigators and to be able to lead biostatistical methodology development and application of existing biostatistical methods to public health problems.  The doctoral training can be distinguished from the master's training by the additional emphasis on advanced biostatistical methods and the completion of several research projects culminating in the preparation and defense of the doctoral dissertation.

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