

(15 credit hours) A student, whose educational and professional goals are not satisfied by O’Neill’s concentrations, may design a Specialized Concentration that best suits his or her needs in consultation with a faculty advisor with final approval required by the relevant faculty program director(s). The student, the student’s advisor, and the appropriate Faculty Program Director must sign a Specialized Concentration Form that specifies the courses that will comprise the customized concentration. This form is available the Forms section of the Current Student Portal. The completed Specialized Concentration Form must be submitted prior to enrolling in the courses outlined. The concentration must be declared within the first 24 credit hours of the student’s academic program.

MPA specialized concentrations consist of a minimum of 15 credit hours.

Although no specific guidelines exist for the courses to be included in a Specialized Concentration, students must take O’Neill courses unless approved by a faculty advisor(s) and the appropriate Faculty Program Director(s). Students must name their Specialized Concentration. However, these names will not appear on their IU transcript. Instead, after “Major” the words “Specialized Study” will appear.

Academic Bulletins

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