Programs by Campus


Medical and Molecular Genetics



  • MGEN-Q 580 Basic Human Genetics (3 cr.)P: General genetics and consent of the instructor. An introduction to the genetics of hu­man traits and heritable diseases. Emphasis will be on general aspects of eukaryotic genetics as it applies to humans, but some prokaryote genetics will be included for comparison.
  • MGEN-Q 581 Introduction to Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (3 cr.) This course is designed to introduce students to diverse topics in the quantitative biomedical sciences connecting basic biology concepts with advanced quantitative methodologies. It will serve as an introductory course for students with either basic biology or computational backgrounds. The topics cover bioinformatics, medical informatics, imaging informatics, and data sciences.
  • MGEN-Q 600 Practical Prenatal Genetic Counseling (2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. An introduction to prenatal genetic counseling including fundamentals of prenatal screening and testing, genetic risk assessment in the prenatal clinic, the prenatal genetic counseling session, and psychological aspects of working with prenatal patients. Recurrent pregnancy loss, infertility and assisted reproductive options are reviewed.
  • MGEN-Q 604 Genetic Counseling Communication Techniques (4 cr.) Genetic counseling models, methods and communication skills; professional issues related to client interactions. Practice-based learning through role play, analysis of genetic counseling case studies, and other class interactions.
  • MGEN-Q 606 Foundations in Genetic Counseling (2 cr.) Introduction to the principles and practice of genetic counseling. Topics include genetic counseling and case preparation techniques, pediatric/adult counseling, and support services.
  • MGEN-Q 608 Introduction to Genetic Counseling Research (1 cr.)An overview of topics relevant to the development implementation, and dissemination of genetic counseling research projects. Topics will include library tools, project development, research ethics, IRB, basic statistics, and manuscript preparation. Each student will develop a research proposal.
  • MGEN-Q 609 Practical Cancer Genetic Counseling (2 cr.) Overview of hereditary cancer syndromes, genetic risk assessment for personal and family history of cancer, genetic counseling approaches, and testing issues.
  • MGEN-Q 610 Clinical Genetics Practicum (3 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Methods for obtaining medical and family histories, approaches to evaluation of individuals and families with ge­netic disorders, and techniques for providing genetic counsel­ing. May be repeated once for credit.
  • MGEN-Q 611 Genetics Analysis Laboratory (1-2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. (Not currently being offered.) Computer storage and retrieval of family data. Use of programs for genetic analysis. Includes analysis of twins, families of twins, and genetic linkage and segregation.
  • MGEN-Q 612 Molecular and Biochemical Genetics (3 cr.) Molecular and biochemical aspects of gene function in various genetic disorders. Emphasis on the DNA lesion when known, on aber­rations in the metabolic pathways, and on structural defects. Discussion of hemoglobinopathies, phenylketonuria, storage diseases, and other conditions.
  • MGEN-Q 613 Molecular and Biochemical Genetics Laboratory (2 cr.) The student will learn about many molecular and biochemical techniques for the determination of genetic mark­ers that can be used for diagnosis, genotyping, and forensic applications. Includes discussion of variant interpretation of diagnostic test results and factors to consider in the selection of test methodology.
  • MGEN-Q 614 Psychological Aspects of Genetic Counseling (3 cr.) P: One course in introductory or abnormal psychology. Introduc­tion to theory and research in the field of genetic counsel­ing. Topics include risk assessment, psychosocial assessment, and decision-making. The social, ethical, and legal aspects of the delivery of genetic services are also covered.
  • MGEN-Q 618 Practical Cardiovascular Genetic Counseling (2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Fundamentals of cardiovascular genetic counseling including recognition of cardiovascular conditions and subsequent impact on medical management; risk assessment for hereditary/familial cardiovascular conditions; and psychosocial and ethical issues pertaining to inherited cardiovascular disease.  Includes genetic testing for hereditary cardiovascular disease and results interpretation and communication.
  • MGEN-Q 620 Human Cytogenetics (2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor, basic genetics. Study of chromosome structure and replication, X-inactivation, meiosis, numerical and structural rearrange­ments in humans, and cytogenetics of malignancies.
  • MGEN-Q 621 Human Cytogenetics Laboratory (3 cr.) P: Basic genetics, Q620, and consent of instructor. Current techniques in human cytogenetics. May be taken concurrently with Q620.
  • MGEN-Q 622 Cytogenetics of Malignancies (2-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. This course will examine the biologic implications of cytogenetic abnormalities found in malignancies. Aberrant gene function as a result of cytogenetic abnormalities will be stressed. Not currently being offered
  • MGEN-Q 623 Dysmorphology for Genetic Clinicians (1 cr.) Study of human congenital malformations, deformations, disruptions and dysplasias; review of associated syndromes; approach to dysmorphology evaluation.
  • MGEN-Q 624 Clinical Management and Genetics of Metabolic Disease (1 cr.) The student will gain a practical understanding of inborn errors of metabolism, the management of patients with these diseases and the genetic counseling issues that arise in the care of families with these diseases.
  • MGEN-Q 625 Introduction to Clinical Genetics (1 cr.) This class will introduce the students to the broad areas of practice in clinical genetics, the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in the care of patients and families with genetic disorders, and the inter­face of clinical genetics and genetics research.
  • MGEN-Q 626 Fundamentals of Biochemical and Molecular Genetics (1 cr.) Introduction to the concepts of molecular and biochemi­cal genetics with emphasis on examples of pathogenesis of human disease. Not currently being offered.
  • MGEN-Q 627 Fundamentals of Human Cytogenetics (1 cr.) An intro­duction to the principles of human cytogenetics with applica­tions in basic genetics, including the clinical consequences of chromosomal abnormalities. Not currently being offered.
  • MGEN-Q 628 Fundamentals of Population Genetics (1 cr.) Introduction to the broad areas of population genetics and gene discovery. Not currently being offered.
  • MGEN-Q 629 Embryology for Genetic Clinicians (2 cr.)Normal human conception and embryonic/fetal development and factors causing birth defects.
  • MGEN-Q 630 Population Genetics (1 cr.)P: Basic genetics. Basic prob­ability and Bayes theorem, as applied to genetic counseling. Effects of mutation and selection on the survival of alleles in a population; consequences of consanguinity and inbreeding; methods of analysis including segregation and linkage includ­ing nonparametric methods; quantitative genetics such as twin studies, and heritability.
  • MGEN-Q 631 Quantitative Genetics (2 cr.)P: G651 and G652 or equivalent. (Not currently being offered.) Inheritance of human quantita­tive traits, partitioning of phenotypic variation, estimation of genetic variance and heritability, methods of analyzing resem­blance among relatives including nuclear families, twins, and half-siblings. Not currently being offered.
  • MGEN-Q 633 Professional Issues in Genetic Counseling I (1 cr.) P:Consent of the instructor. Professional skills including keys to a successful genetic counseling job search, interviewing skills, communication skills, and professionalism; professional development in genetic counseling including expanded counselor roles, professional organizations and involvement, professional growth, and mentoring; and business foundations including insurance/billing, credentialing, licensing, and health systems. 
  • MGEN-Q 634 Professional Issues in Genetic Counseling II (1 cr.) P:Consent of the instructor. Professional skills including effective communication, media awareness, leadership, and clinical supervision; professional growth and development including communicating your worth, negotiation, expanded roles, effective teaching, course development, and becoming a master genetic counselor; and business foundations including risk management and alternative service delivery models. 
  • MGEN-Q 640 Special Topics in Medical and Molecular Genetics (1 cr.) Study of advanced topics/literature not already emphasized in Q580, problem-based learning, and skills helpful for the PhD (grant writing, examination preparation). 
  • MGEN-Q 642 Dermatoglyphics (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. (Not currently being offered.) Formation, development, classification and varia­tion of finger, palm, and footprint patterns (dermatoglyphics) in humans; interpretation of results of quantitative and statistical techniques utilized in the study of the inheritance of derma­toglyphic traits, variation in twins, and applications in clinical genetics.
  • MGEN-Q 660 Medical Genetics Seminar (1 cr.) P: Basic genetics. Top­ics chosen from aspects of medical genetics not extensively treated elsewhere. Various phases of research in medicine from a genetic and clinical point of view. Students may receive credit during each semester of residence on the Medical Center campus.
  • MGEN-Q 710 Advanced Clinical Genetics Practicum (2 cr.) P:Consent of the instructor. Hands-on training in clinical genetics diagnostic and counseling clinics.  Students participate in providing genetic evaluation, risk assessment and counseling to patients with indications including dysmorphic features; abnormal growth; difficulties with neurological, psychological and/or intellectual functioning; family history of genetic disorders; and abnormal genetic test results.
  • MGEN-Q 711 Metabolic Genetics and Newborn Screening Clinical Practicum(1 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Hands-on training in metabolic genetics outpatient clinics and inpatient settings with introduction to the roles of the multidisciplinary biochemical genetics team.  Students gain experience with the newborn screening program and conditions including PKU, galactosemia, organic acid disorders, and lysosomal storage diseases,
  • cystic fibrosis and hemoglobinopathies.
  • MGEN-Q 712 Cardiovascular Genetics Clinical Practicum(1 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Covers presentation, long-term management and screening recommendations, risk assessment, genetic testing options and psychosocial issues associated with inherited cardiovascular conditions including cardiomyopathy, familial hypercholesterolemia, aortopathies and congenital heart defects.  Students provide genetic counseling and follow-up in a supervised setting.
  • MGEN-Q 713 Cancer Genetic Counseling Clinical Practicum(variable, 1-2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Practicum includes presentation, long-term comprehensive management, risk assessment, genetic testing options and psychosocial issues associated with inherited oncology conditions.  Students provide genetic counseling and follow-up in a supervised setting and become familiar with the genetic counselor’s role in multidisciplinary tumor board meetings.
  • MGEN-Q 714 Advanced Cancer Genetic Counseling Clinical Practicum(1 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. This clinical practicum strengthens students’ understanding of the presentation, risk assessment, genetic testing options and psychosocial issues associated with inherited oncology conditions and builds upon their basic genetic counseling skills. Students provide genetic counseling and follow-up in a supervised setting and attend multidisciplinary tumor board meetings.
  • MGEN-Q 715 Neurogenetics Clinical Practicum(1 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Hands-on training in clinical neurogenetics diagnostic and counseling clinics.  Students will participate in providing genetic evaluation, risk assessment and counseling to patients with indications including inherited structural brain anomalies, epilepsy syndromes, muscular dystrophies, developmental delays, autism, mitochondrial disorders, and adult onset neurodegenerative conditions.
  • MGEN-Q 716 Prenatal Genetic Counseling Clinical Practicum(variable, 1-2 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Hands-on training in prenatal genetic counseling for cell-free fetal DNA and maternal serum screenings, abnormal screening results, ultrasound anomalies, teratogens, family history of genetic conditions, recurrent miscarriage and advanced maternal age. Students provide genetic counseling, case management and follow up in a supervised setting. 
  • MGEN-Q 717 Prenatal Diagnosis Genetic Counseling and Stillbirth Assessment Clinical Practicum(1 cr.) P: Consent of the instructor. Hands-on training in prenatal genetic counseling for a variety of prenatal and preconception indications.  Students provide genetic counseling, case management and follow up in a supervised setting.  Includes working with interpreters in an Hispanic genetic counseling clinic and case assessment in a stillbirth assessment program.MGEN-Q 730 Methods in Human Genetics (3 cr.) P: Basic genetics, dif­ferential calculus, and Q630 or equivalent. Sampling methods employed in study of human genetics; methods for analysis of segregation, linkage, mutation, and selection with family data collected under various forms of ascertainment.
  • MGEN-Q 800 Medical Genetics Research (arr. cr.)
  • MGEN-Q 810 Genetic Counseling Research I P:Enrollment in IU Genetic Counseling Graduate Program. Covers the design and initiation of independent research, under the mentorship of geneticists, genetic counselors and research faculty affiliated with the Genetic Counseling Graduate Program, relevant to clinical genetics or the genetic counseling profession.
  • MGEN-Q 811 Genetic Counseling Research II P:MGEN-Q 810. Completion of independent research,  under the mentorship of geneticists, genetic counselors and research faculty affiliated with the Genetic Counseling Graduate Program, relevant to clinical genetics or the genetic counseling profession.  Culminates in dissemination of research via a seminar presentation and manuscript preparation.
  • GRAD-G 504 Introduction to Research Ethics (2-3 cr.) Introduction to the basic concepts of research ethics. The course will cover historical development of concern with ethics in science as well as practical information needed by students working in the sci­ence today. Format will be lecture and discussion.
  • GRDM-G 724 Molecular Cancer Genetics (1 cr.) An introduction to cancer focusing on genetics. Topics include causes and effects of chromosome instability (including centromere/telomere failures and chromosomal translocations), epigenetic changes and genetic risk factors during cancer progression.
  • GRDM-G 725 Gene Transfer Approaches to Clinical and Basic Re­search (Gene Therapy) (1 cr.) A lecture-based course of basic principles involved with the transfer and expression of genetic material. Focus on technical aspects of each vector system, fol­lowed by applications to human diseases/experimental animal models. Practical understanding of non-viral and viral gene transfer to utilize these techniques in research studies.
  • GRDM-G 727 Animal Models of Human Disease (1 cr.) This class explores advantages and limitations of animal models of hu­man disease. Topics include models for diabetes, psychiatric disorders, cancer, osteoporosis, polycystic kidney and cardio­vascular disease. The goal of the course is to provide a frame­work for students to select experimental animal models in their future research careers.
  • MGEN-G 788 Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing (3 cr.) Understanding the basic principles of next generation sequencing technology. This includes basic biological applications, basics in data processing, statistical and informatics theories in data analysis, advantages, limitations, and assumption of different methodologies, and biological interpretation of the results. Cross-listed with INFO-I590.
  • GRDM-G888 Single-Cell and Spatial Omics (2cr) The course focuses on single-cell analytics and spatial transcriptomics technologies, including experimental procedures, biological applications, bioinformatics processing and computational tools for data analysis. Each week will include a one-hour lecture covering the theory of the assay and analysis tools. The second hour will present a practical approach to using these technologies for biological discovery.
  • GRDM-G889 Single-Cell and Spatial Omics Practical Lab (1cr) The course provides hands-on practice in data analysis of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics technologies, including both bioinformatics data processing and use of computational tools. The course is offered concurrently and synchronized with GRDM-G888, Single-Cell and Spatial Omics.
  • MGEN-G 901 Advanced Research (6 cr.) For Ph.D. students who have at least 90 credit hours. May be taken for maximum of six semesters.

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