Programs by Campus


Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance



Required during the first term of residence:

  • THTR-T 500 Introduction to Graduate Study (1.5 cr.)


  • THTR-T 442 Directing II: Advanced Directing (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 443 Directing III: Directing Style (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 504 Stage Combat (3 cr.)Complete basic training in the safety techniques of theatrical and film violence, based upon the accepted practices and principles founded by the Society of American Fight Directors and other internationally recognized stage combat organizations. Emphasis placed on acting the fight, storytelling, and historical armed and unarmed combat.
  • THTR-T 510 Advanced Movement for the Theatre I (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor.  Movement training for graduate actors and directors with an emphasis on physical conditioning, exploration of the Michael Chekhov technique, Laban, Lecoq, dramatic acrobatics and improvisation utilizing the physical self or "the body as text."
  • THTR-T 511 Advanced Movement for the Theatre II (3 cr.)P: T510. A continuation of T510. Second semester.
  • THTR-T 513 Musical Theatre Dance Styles I (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. Dance styles of the 1920s through the 1950s will be explored and performed, including the choreographers Fred Astaire, Hermes Pan, Agnes de Mille, Jerome Robbins, and Gower Champion. Graduate students will be required to write a research paper within the context of the course’s historical content and present results to the class.
  • THTR-T 514 Musical Theatre Dance Styles II (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. A continuation of Musical Theatre Dance Styles I, dance styles of the 1950s through present day will be explored and performed, including the choreographers Bob Fosse, Michael Bennett, Bob Avian, and Susan Stroman. Graduate students will be required to write a research paper within the context of the course’s historical content and present results to the class.
  • THTR-T 516 Musical Theatre Showcase (3 cr.)P: Audition and consent of instructor. A professional course to better develop audition techniques, understanding of the business of show business, performance skills, and to showcase for agents and casting di­rectors. Graduate students will be required to write a research paper within the context of the course’s historical content and present results to the class.
  • THTR-T 520 Studies in Acting I (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. History and analysis of major theories of acting.
  • THTR-T 521 Studies in Acting II (1-3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. Ap­plication of major theories of acting to performance. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
  • THTR-T 522 Studies in Acting III (1-3 cr.)Analysis of script; application of vocal and physical techniques of characterization to various forms and types of drama. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
  • THTR-T 525 Voice for the MFA I (3 cr.)P: Exploration of voice, body, and breath connection employing the techniques of Patsy Rodenburg and other recognized voice pedagogy. Examines works of Elizabethan metaphysical poets as a foundation for Shakespeare. Begins second circle awareness by working on various Greek plays.
  • THTR-T 535 Voice for the MFA II (3 cr.)P: T525. An exploration of two full Shakespeare plays employing second circle work developed by Patsy Rodenburg. Plays to be determined by instructor.
  • THTR-T 542 Theories of Directing (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. History and analysis of major theories of directing. Lecture and practical projects.
  • THTR-T 543 Studies in Directing II (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. Prac­tical problems in directing significant plays of diverse forms and styles. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
  • THTR-T 545 Voice and Dialects (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. Training for the professional actor that focuses on combining imagery and imagination with the development of vocal technique through exercises in breathing, producing the sound resonance; the mastery of four of the most common dialects used in the American theatre.
  • THTR-T 610 Advanced Movement for the Theatre III (3 cr.)P: T510 & T511. A continuation of T510 & T511.  Training continues for second year graduate actors by integrating physical improvisation via the Michael Chekhov technique, Grotowski, Laban, Lecoq, and psycho/physical states to provide actors with more tools for physical expression in character, self, and ensemble.
  • THTR-T 611 Advanced Movement for the Theatre IV (3 cr.)P: T510, T511, T610. A continuation of T510, T511 & T610.  Training continues in the second year spring semester. Utilization of deeper techniques of psycho/physical work to further integrate the imagination and physical expression of the actor. Detailed and creative physical self and group analysis of actor mannerisms and habits.
  • THTR-T 625 Second Year Voice for the MFA I (3 cr.)P: T535 Emphasis on the examination of structure in scene work and how the structure of text frees the student to speak and communicate thought. Revisiting of the IPA and dialects for the stage through rhythm and placement of vocal focus. Techniques: Meier and David Alan Stern.
  • THTR-T 635 Second Year Voice for the MFA II (3 cr.)P: T625. Con­tinued work with dialects. The course is designed to find the organic side of dialect work and to investigate how consistent dialect allows the listener to enter the world of the play. The emphasis is the creation of a relationship between form and content.
  • THTR-T 704 Stage Combat II (3 cr.) P: T An advanced exploration of the performance and practice of stage combat with unarmed and unarmed theory. Additional certification opportunities with the Society of American Fight Directors.
  • THTR-T 710 Advanced Movement for the Theatre V (3 cr.)P: T510, T511, T610, T611.  The culmination of the M.F.A. Acting graduate movement progression. Honoring all of the physical work done in the first two years of training, actors deepen their understanding and expression of the physical self through transformative performance pieces.
  • THTR-T 720 Internship in Acting (3-9 cr.)Internship in a profes­sional theatre for one semester or equivalent period of time. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.
  • THTR-T 721 Working in the Profession (1 cr.) Covers the business side of the entertainment industry from the perspective of the artist. Projects include theatrical and non-theatrical resumes, branding, social media, marketing, unions, personal finances, supplemental/survival jobs, networking, and professional websites.
  • THTR-T 723 Graduate Acting for the Camera (2 cr.)Restricted to the Theatre & Drama M.F.A. program. Exploration of the fundamentals of acting for the camera designed to develop students’ on-camera acting skills.
  • THTR-T 724 Performance in Digital Media (3 cr.) P: T521. Performance in Digital Media will give an actor tools to build and experience works like voiceover, audiobook, camera technique, motion capture, online creative content for various media platforms.
  • THTR-T 725 Third Year Voice for the MFA I (3 cr.)P: T635. Establishing a strong vocal process and foundation for the graduate student to take into professional acting work. An understanding of the fundamentals of voice techniques, including breath,connection and use of emotional release giving the student strong process for text analysis by looking at poetic as well as contemporary texts.
  • THTR-T 735 Third Year Voice for the MFA II (3 cr.)P: T725. Dealing with vocal release and breath in the audition process. Examin­ing physical and vocal stamina through a long run in the profes­sional theatre and dealing with voice strain in different theatre spaces, including outdoor theatre.


  • THTR-T 433 Costume Design II (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 438 Advanced Stage Lighting (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 502 Theatre Design and Technical Research Methods (1.5 cr.)P: T500 (S/F grading) Reading, discussion, and use of computer for scenic, costume, lighting, and technology research. Explora­tion of commercial software used in developing and communi­cating each discipline’s products.
  • THTR-T 505 Design Research and Collaboration I (1-3 cr.)Development of skills necessary for successful theatre productions, especially collaboration, research, communication (graphic and verbal), and presentation.
  • THTR-T 506 Fundamentals of Scenic Design (3 cr.)A studio course in the theory, process, and techniques of scenic design for the theatre. Topics include principles, elements, and concepts of design; script analysis; design concept development; creative research and its interpretation; and the communication and presentation of theatrical ideas.
  • THTR-T 508 Introduction to Flat Patterning (3 cr.)Introduces and develops costume patternmaking skills. Teaches the process for drafting basic slopers (bodice, sleeve, skirt, collars) using individual measurements. Explores the manipulation techniques to alter slopers to achieve individual design elements.
  • THTR-T 509 Introduction to Draping (3 cr.)Introduction to draping will develop costume draping skills. The course will teach basics and apply it toward exploring effective communication between the costume technician and costume designer. The examination of costume sketches, research and photos will enhance the student's ability to interpret and create accurate and acceptable costumes.
  • THTR-T 517 Rendering I (3 cr.)The first of a two-semester course, an in-depth, advanced study into rendering costuming. In semester one, the focus is on drawing with a strong introduction into the media of watercolor.
  • THTR-T 518 Scenic Painting for the Stage (3cr.)An introduction theatrical painting course specializing in the area of scenic textures and faux finishes. It will expose the student to the many different ways to texture, paint and finish scenery for the stage.
  • THTR-T 523 Costume and Character in London Theatre (3 cr.)Over­seas theatre studies in London. Experience theatrical character development through costume design. Survey social influences on costume and dress worn by characters through history, including contemporary trends and dress. Field trips to Bath and Stratford.
  • THTR-T 524 Theatrical Rendering and Model Building (3 cr.)A skills-based studio course with a concentration on theatrical render­ing and model building techniques, craft, media; and visual communication.
  • THTR-T 526 Advanced Scenic Design I (3 cr.)P: T426 and permission of instructor. A graduate level studio course in the theory, process, and techniques of scenic design for the theatre. Top­ics will include script analysis; design concept development; creative research and its interpretation; and the communica­tion and presentation of theatrical ideas. Particular emphasis is placed on design for specific theatre architecture
  • THTR-T 527 Theatre Planning (3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. Function and design of theatre plans with attention to needs of audience and theatre personnel.
  • THTR-T 528 Studies in Stage Scenery (1-3 cr.)P: T526 or consent of instructor. Selected problems in designing stage scenery; composition and style. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
  • THTR-T 529 Studies in Theatre Technology (1-3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. Selected problems in scenery engineering, stage machinery, problem-solving, technical management, estimation and planning, and design and execution of advanced projects. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 credits.
  • THTR-T 530 Advanced Costume Design Aesthetics (3 cr.)Intensive study of costume design and application of design principles. Students will produce projects in various genres. Theatre, opera, ballet, and musical theatre are just some of the forms surveyed. Students work in a collaborative design arena that emulates the process for whichever genre they are designing in.
  • THTR-T 531 Costume Technology II (3 cr.)Provides a strong base in costume construction techniques for incoming graduate students. It provides a foundation of sewing, craft, fitting, and patternmaking techniques as well as training in team management from which the students may develop a construction project and perform assignments including supervisory roles in production work.
  • THTR-T 532 Design for Television and Film (3 cr.)P: Permission of instructor. Design based studio class in Production Design for Film and Television. Working from original scripts written specifically for the course, concepts include research, interpretation, and industry standard presentation techniques.
  • THTR-T 533 Studies in Stage Costuming (1-3 cr.)P: T430 and T433 or consent of instructor. Selected problems in costume materials and methods, costume design and historic fashion; application to styles and forms of theatrical production. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
  • THTR-T 534 Historic Costumes for the Stage (3 cr.)P: Permission of instructor. Survey of historical costume in western civilization, ancient Mesopotamian cultures through the Twentieth Century. Taught from a socio-historical perspective and applied to performance theory.
  • THTR-T 536 Electronics for Theatre (3 cr.)Rudiments of electricity and electronics as applied to theatre. Investigation of current technology for theatrical performance, including power distribution, control systems, and creative applications for lighting, sound, special effects, and mechanized scenery.
  • THTR-T 537 Fundamentals of Costume Design (3 cr.)Intensive study of costume design in mainstream theatre. Projects in collaborative aesthetics in design and practical application, rendering techniques, and visual communication. No laboratory/technology component.
  • THTR-T 538 Studies in Stage Lighting (1-3 cr.)P: T546, or a previous T538, or permission of instructor. Variable topics course focusing on lighting genres, techniques, and criticism. Topics include architectural lighting, lighting consulting for the theatre, stage lighting aesthetics, and rendering light. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.
  • THTR-T 539 Fundamentals of Theatrical Drafting (3 cr.)A studio course consisting of both traditional hand drafting techniques and digital CAD techniques as they are used in theatrical production communication.
  • THTR-T 540 Structural Design for the Stage (3 cr.)P: Permission of instructor. Structural concepts of static mechanics and strengths of materials with focus on the ability to critically analyze and design efficient structures specific to theatre and performing arts applications.
  • THTR-T 541 History of Decor (3 cr.)A survey course examining the trends in architecture, painting, sculpture, furniture, and decorative motifs. The student will gain a distinction of periods while building an historic time line for use in theatrical design.
  • THTR-T 544 Historic Costume II (3 cr.)P:  T534. Second half of the costume history curriculum; a survey of Western costume from Late 17th Century Europe through current day. Focuses on historical costume as it relates to the society and period in which it lived and its relevance to designing for the performing arts.
  • THTR-T 546 Stage Lighting Design (3 cr.) Stage lighting design concept development, presentation, and implementation are emphasized. Advanced lighting techniques and approaches. A practicum will be assigned.
  • THTR-T 547 Sound Design I (3 cr.)P: T347 or permission of instructor. Study of the practical use, aesthetics, and implementation of sound in theatre productions. Focus is on using computers to assist in the creation, selection, and playback of sound cues. Topics include sound system operation and design for both plays and musicals. Emphasis on researching, selecting, and recording music for production.
  • THTR-T 549 Production and Event Management (3 cr.)Discussion of the skills necessary to produce and manage theatrical productions, and the application of those skills to large events.
  • THTR-T 551 Stage Rigging I (1 cr.)Stage Rigging I is a survey of structural engineering terminology and methods as applicable to common rigging practice in the theatre and entertainment industry.
  • THTR-T 552 Stage Rigging II (1 cr.)Rigging II is a hands-on type course. This class is intended to familiarize the student with the operation and maintenance of typical rigging equipment. Class work includes counterweight systems operations, pin-rail operations, rope and knot basics, wire-rope basics, chain hoist basics, and arena-type rigging basics.
  • THTR-T 554 Period Costume Construction 15th–17th Centuries (3 cr.)P:  T531 or permission of instructor. Focuses on the patterning, fit, and construction of undergarments and costumes from the 15th-17th centuries. Enhances knowledge and understanding of period construction techniques. Teaches appropriate period research; both documentary and visual research will be examined and utilized.
  • THTR-T 560 Understructures for Historical Garments (3 cr.)P: T430 or T531. Students will learn about the various understructures of dress from 1500-1900, including materials and techniques of construction. Students will create, as a final project, an ensemble of understructures from a specific piece of research.
  • THTR-T 561 Period Patternmaking and Construction (3 cr.)P: T430 or T531. Students will learn about the various patternmaking techniques and shapes of women's garments from 1500-1920. Students will create, as a final project, an ensemble based on specific research.
  • THTR-T 562 Men's Tailoring (3 cr.)P: T430 or T531. Students will learn to draft, construct, and fit a man's suit for a model, as well as understanding basic men's fashion guidelines in historical detail.
  • THTR-T 564 Pro Tools for Theatre and Music (3 cr.)P: MUS-A100 or THTR-T347 or THTR-T447. This course introduces the recording and editing software Pro Tools for use in theatre sound design and music production.
  • THTR-T 585 Theatre Management (3 cr.)Problems in managing a theatre: selection of plays, special programming, business operations, promotion, public relations. Lecture and practical projects.
  • THTR-T 586 Studies in Stage Management (3 cr.)An examination of the stage management requirements and regulations for non-standard production styles. Each year the topic varies and may include spectacle, theme park, festival, or other large scale entertainment. On site observation and experience is a key portion and requirement of the course.
  • THTR-T 587 Advanced Entertainment Technology I (3cr.) The analysis of technology for live events, emphasizing stage machinery, through the principles of physics, mechanical design, risk assessment, and entertainment standards and practices. Emphasis on moving scenery through historic and modern approaches, mechanical systems, and mathematical modeling to predict mechanical performance.  
  • THTR-T 591 Introduction to Stage Properties (3 cr.)Covers the basics of running a properties shop. Students will learn script analysis for props; making lists; communication with stage management, designers, and technical personnel; budget breakdowns; and using local resources for the build/buy/borrow/pull process of properties production.
  • THTR-T 592 Advanced Stage Properties (3 cr.)Course covers advanced techniques, skills, tools, and methodology in constructing props as well as discussing how to manage prop lists and budgets on operas, musicals, dance, and touring shows.
  • THTR-T 604 Portfolio Seminar for Costume Designers (1 cr.)Prepares students to consider, evaluate, and state academic and professional goals, as well as learning how to develop portfolio content and outlines, preparing both digital and hard copy portfolios along with resumes for summer employment and internships. To be taken in all three years of the MFA costume design degree.
  • THTR-T 605 Portfolio Seminar for Costume Technology (1 cr.) This course will guide students as they prepare to apply for summer and long term jobs. It will address job searching, cover letters, resume, portfolio preparation and website development. This course is for students in the Costume Technology M.F.A. program.
  • THTR-T 607 Advanced Draping (3cr.)Advanced development of costume draping skills, effective communication, and examination and evaluation of sketches, research and photos for draping replication. Exploration of irregular three dimensional shapes and use of unusual fabrics.
  • THTR-T 608 Advanced Patterning (3cr.) Further development of costume patternmaking skills. Explores advanced pattern development techniques to achieve complicated, unique design elements. Covers computer patterning and explores communication and manipulation via the computer.
  • THTR-T 617 Rendering II (3 cr.)Semester two provides an in-depth, advanced study into rendering. Here the focus is on developing and mastering proficiency in multimedia for the costume designer, including but not limited to pencil, ink, marker, digital, and collage.
  • THTR-T 626 Advanced Scenic Design II (3 cr.)P: T526. An MFA capstone studio course in the theory, process, and techniques of scenic design for the theatre. Design projects include non-theatrical venues and diverse areas of the entertainment industry. Portfolio quality presentation is expected.
  • THTR-T 630 Millinery (3cr.)A foundation in the techniques and design of millinery and headwear as an important part of developing character and establishing time, culture, and social class. The course will cover several major materials and problems faced by the professional milliner in the performing arts.
  • THTR-T 631 Mask Design and Construction (3cr.)Introduction to mask-making for performances, covering materials and methods of construction. Experimentation encouraged to test the limitations of materials and process. Focus on making masks wearable and usable by performers on stage, and usable in rehearsal for creating character and believability. Includes research into the history and styles of masks. 
  • THTR-T 632 Fabric Modification (3 cr.)P:  T531 or permission of instructor. Focuses on a wide variety of fabric modification methods, primarily using dyes, chemicals, and physical distressing techniques. Dyeing with different classifications of dyes and covering techniques such as: color matching, shibori, rusting, felting, batiking, fabric painting, and/or distressing methods.
  • THTR-T 633 Special Topics in Costume Technology (3 cr.)P:  T531 or permission of instructor. Focuses on special methods of physical and chemical alterations of fabric for use on the stage or screen. Specific topics and methods may vary.
  • THTR-T 634 Costume Design for Opera & Ballet (3cr.) Advanced study of designing costumes for opera and ballet. Intensive project work in the research and illustration of designs using both traditional and non-traditional approaches to costume design. Students develop several comprehensive portfolio-worthy projects demonstrating skills mastered in designing for opera and ballet. 
  • THTR-T 636 Patternmaking for Menswear/Tailoring 2 (3cr.)Exploration of patterning for menswear, and fitting and altering a tailored garment. Various historical tailoring systems will be examined and used. We will pattern and construct a properly made shirt, suit pants, and vest. 
  • THTR-T 637 Dancewear Construction (3cr.)Teaches the construction of dancewear as needed for classical and modern dance. 
  • THTR-T 638 Teaching Costume Construction to Undergrads (3cr.)P:  T531 or permission of instructor. Provides mentorship and guidance for a first time teacher. Prepares the new teacher to become an effective instructor through the topics of syllabus development, rubric development, how to lecture, how to demonstrate, how to grade and how to mentor students.
  • THTR-T 639 Advanced Theatrical Drafting (3 cr.)Advanced course in drafting methods, skills, and the specialized uses for theatrical drafting for productions. Mastery of students’ graphic communication through standard theatre drafting methods.
  • THTR-T 644 Fabric Science and Textile History (3cr.)Study of fibers, fabrics and textile characteristic, history and development. 
  • THTR-T 646 Lighting Design Seminar (3cr.)Development of a lighting designer's critical experience with color, timing, volumetric space, lateral thinking, and creativity are addressed in successive semesters in this project-based course, heavy on critique. With these supporting skills, the designer's work in production can be conducted with greater confidence and assurance of a successful outcome. 
  • THTR-T 650 Lighting Design in Production (3cr.)Lighting designers can only practice their craft by building and executing it in time and space. This course gives them the opportunity to be evaluated for that work through a dialogue-based faculty-guided process from conceptualization, through development and technical rehearsals to opening night.
  • THTR-T 654 Period Construction 18th-19th Century (3cr.)P:  T531 or permission of instructor. Focuses on the patterning, fit, and construction of undergarments and costumes from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Enhances knowledge and understanding of period construction techniques. Teaches appropriate period research methods; both documentary and visual research will be examined and utilized.
  • THTR-T 687 Advanced Entertainment Technology 2 (3cr.) Design and application of industrial machinery to live events, with emphasis on artistic applications of modern mechanical and control methods and systems. Entertainment Engineering approaches to mechanical systems, and current live event standards and practices will be applied to several class projects and may include realized stage applications.  
  • THTR-T 705 Design Research and Collaboration II (1-3 cr.)Further study of the principles of group collaboration, concept development and skills in assessing and productively working through challenges in the design and technology processes.


  • THTR-T 460 Development of Dramatic Art I (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 461 Development of Dramatic Art II (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 462 Development of Dramatic Art III (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 468  Asian Performance (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 501 Introduction to Historiography (1.5 cr.)P: T500. (S/F grading) Reading and discussion of current historiographical problems and methods particular to research and scholarly reporting in theatre history, theory, and literature.
  • THTR-T 503 Pedagogy for the Theatre (1.5 cr.) P: Permission of department. Introduces Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance graduate students to the skills, philosophies, and best practices of teaching theatre in higher education. Prepares students to serve as Associate Instructors while at IU and to teach at the university level after they graduate.
  • THTR-T 550 Structure of Drama (3 cr.)Theory and structure of drama, based upon intensive reading of Aristotle’s Poetics and other critical writings.
  • THTR-T 555 Theories of Theatre and Drama I (3 cr.)Survey of major theoretical and critical works. Greeks to c. 1890.
  • THTR-T 556 Theories of Theatre and Drama II (3 cr.)Survey of major theoretical and critical works. 1890 to the present.
  • THTR-T 563 Forms and Styles in Modern Theatre and Drama (3 cr.)Study of plays in relation to such styles as realism, naturalism, expressionism, and absurdism.
  • THTR-T 565 American Drama and Theatre I (3 cr.)Beginnings to 1890. Either semester be elected independently.
  • THTR-T 566 American Drama and Theatre II (3 cr.)1890 to the present. Either semester may be elected independently.
  • THTR-T 567 European Drama from Molière to Ibsen (3 cr.)Representative French, German, Italian, and Russian plays.
  • THTR-T 568 Ibsen and Strindberg (3 cr.)Intensive study of the major plays of Ibsen and Strindberg.
  • THTR-T 570 Studies in Classical and Medieval Theatre (3 cr.)Concentrated study of Greek, Roman, and medieval theatre.
  • THTR-T 571 Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Theatre (3 cr.)Concentrated study of significant figures, practices, and dramas in the European theatre from 1500 to 1800.
  • THTR-T 572 Studies in Romantic and Realistic Theatre (3 cr.)Concentrated study of European and American theatre from 1800 to 1915. Emphasis on romanticism, realism, and the reactions to realism.
  • THTR-T 573 Studies in Modern and Contemporary Theatre (3 cr.)Concentrated study of significant practices, trends, and figures in the European and American theatre from 1915 to the present.
  • THTR-T 574 Dramaturgy Seminar (3 cr.) Examines the history of dramaturgy and its relation to dramatic criticism and theory. Offers strategies for sparking dramaturgical dialogue across disciplines and best practices for the creation of dramaturgical casebooks and contextualizing material for audiences. May be repeated three times.
  • THTR-T 575 Institutional Dramaturgy (3 cr.) In-depth examination of the dramaturg's roles and responsibilities within institutional theatres in North America, including involvement in season planning, articulating and serving the institutional mission, and advocacy for artists and artist development.
  • THTR-T 576 Reimagining the Canon (3 cr.) Students learn key works in contemporary theatre they will likely encounter working in the field, while critically examining the idea of a canon and its construction. The course aims to continually redefine the canon through new works, including artists representing minority communities and cultures of the Global South.
  • THTR-T 662 Comparative Theatre and Drama: Melodrama (3 cr.)The “third form” of drama, from melodramas of Euripides to tragicomedies and melodramas of modern television and motion pictures.
  • THTR-T 674 New Play Dramaturgy (3 cr.) In-depth study of the dramaturgs' role in new play development and production. Practical problems and application through the annual At First Sight Festival of New Plays.
  • THTR-T 675 Dramatic Theory (3cr.) An historical overview of the ways seminal thinkers - from ancient theorists to contemporary critics -- have tried to determine what theatre is, how it works, and what it should contribute to the world. Examination of how these theories inform contemporary theatre practice.
  • THTR-T 676 Civic Dramaturgy (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. In-depth study of history, practice, and pedagogy of theatre for social change with the practical experience of facilitating the design of a community-driven theatre project.
  • THTR-T 750 Seminar in Structure of Drama (3 cr.)P: T550, T555-T556 or equivalent. Projects in the analysis of different forms and types of drama. Each student is required to complete and report on a sequence of analytical interpretations of the structure of assigned plays.
  • THTR-T 765 Seminar in American Theatre and Drama (3 cr.)Selected topics. May be repeated if the topic differs.
  • THTR-T 774 Seminar in Stage Interpretation of Selected Plays (3 cr.)Study of selected plays through various periods; problems of interpretation and staging for present-day audiences. May be repeated if the topic differs.
  • THTR-T 775 Seminar in Theatre History (3 cr.)Selected problems concerning theatres and staging methods in Europe in a restricted period. May be repeated if the topic differs.


  • THTR-T 454 Playwriting Workshop (3 cr.)P: T254 or permission of instructor. Prior playwriting experience helpful, but not required. Consideration of dramaturgical antecedents and practical and theoretical problems. Creation of a full-length play.
  • THTR-T 458 Screenwriting (3 cr.)Structural analyses of cinematic models, culminating in the creation of an original full-length narrative screenplay.
  • THTR-T 557 Graduate Playwriting Seminar (3 cr.)Primarily for students in the M.F.A. playwriting program. Graduate playwriting seminar in which playwrights study in-depth, the process, technique, and inspiration related to new play creation, development, and production.
  • THTR-T 558 Topics in Dramatic Writing (1-3 cr.)Primarily for students of the M.F.A. playwriting program. In-depth study of special topics in dramatic writing, literature, and/or theory.
  • THTR-T 559 Studies in Playwriting (1-3 cr.)P: Consent of instructor. This course is recommended for specialists only, most generally for graduate students pursuing an M.F.A. in playwriting who are working on the advanced development of original full-length play scripts and screenplays.

Thesis and Special Courses

  • THTR-T 500 Introduction to Graduate Study (1-5 cr.)may be repeated for a maximum of 6 cr. (S/F grading) Methods and expectations of theatre research and script exploration in graduate study. Must be taken in the first terms of residency.
  • THTR-T 583 Topics in Theatre and Drama (1-3 cr.)Studies in special topics not ordinarily covered in other departmental courses. May be repeated for credit if topic differs.
  • THTR-T 600 Directed Research (1-6 cr.)P: T500 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Individual supervised research projects.
  • THTR-T 700 Independent Study (arr. cr.)P: Consent of instructor and department chairperson. **These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.
  • THTR-T 701 Readings in Theatre and Drama (arr. cr.)**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.
  • THTR-T 889 Production Seminar for Graduates (0) Production Seminar is for students involved with any mainstage production or reading sponsored by the Department of Theatre and Dance. If student is registered for credit on the production through another course, registration for zero-credit Production Seminar is not required.
  • THTR-T 895 M.A. Thesis (arr. cr.)**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.
  • THTR-T 897 M.F.A. Thesis (arr. cr.)**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.
  • THTR-T 899 Ph.D. Thesis (arr. cr.)**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade. 

Academic Bulletins

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