Programs by Campus


Spanish and Portuguese

College of Arts and Sciences

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(Please note that when conferring University Graduate School degrees, minors, certificates, and sub-plans, The University Graduate School’s staff use only those requirements contained in The University Graduate School Bulletin.)



Degrees Offered

Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy (The Master of Arts for Teachers program is not currently accepting applications.)

Special Departmental Requirements

(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)

Admission Requirements

  1. Undergraduate major in Spanish or Portuguese or its equiv­alent (students  without a Spanish major may be required to take preliminary courses);
  2. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)—for non-native English speakers only;
  3. Three letters of recommendation;
  4. Statement of purpose;
  5. Official Transcripts;
  6. Writing sample (M.A. and Ph.D. Hispanic Literatures, M.A. and Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics, and M.A. and Ph.D. Portuguese applicants )
Master of Arts Degree

Admission to the M.A. program does not imply that once the degree is received the student may automatically begin work for the Ph.D.; the department will decide in each case.

The following requirements apply to all M.A. degrees.

Final Examination

A written examination, based on a reading list, and a one-hour oral examination. Both must be passed at least two weeks before the end of the semester in which the degree is to be granted. Students must demonstrate a good command of oral and written Spanish or Portuguese language on the exami­nations. There are separate reading lists for students of Hispanic Literatures, Portuguese, and Hispanic Linguistics. The M.A. examination is held the second Friday in February and the first Friday in November only for all programs.

Other Provisions

Students must serve one year (or longer at the discretion of the department) as associate instructors in the department. Students who have taught elsewhere may petition the faculty to have that experience fulfill this requirement.

Master of Arts Degree in Spanish

Concentration in Hispanic Literatures and Culture

Course Requirements

A minimum of 30 credit hours of departmental courses num­bered 500 or higher, at least four of which must be 500-level Spanish-language literature courses.

Language Requirement

Reading knowledge of an approved second foreign language. Proficiency is satisfied as outlined in the “Doctor of Philosophy, Language Requirement” section.

Concentration in Hispanic Linguistics
Course Requirements

A total of 30 credit hours of which at least 21 must be in His­panic linguistics. Up to 9 credit hours may be taken in other departments related to the student’s field of study.

Language Requirement

Reading knowledge of an approved second modern language. Proficiency is satisfied as outlined in the “Doctor of Philosophy, Language Requirement” section.

Master of Arts Degree in Portuguese

Course Requirements

A minimum of 30 credit hours in graduate-level courses, at least 20 credit hours of which must be in departmental courses in Portuguese. A thesis (1-6 credits) is optional. With the approval of their advisor, students may take up to 10 credit hours of course work in a minor field.

Language Requirement

Reading knowledge of an approved second foreign language. Proficiency is satisfied as outlined in the “Doctor of Philosophy, Language Requirement” section.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Two degrees are offered. The following requirements apply to both. Students are eligible to apply to the Ph.D. programs upon successful completion of an M.A. degree in the intended area of study.

Language/Research-Skill Requirement

Proficiency in multiple languages is an important tool for research. Therefore, students should consult with their advisors and the Director of Graduate Studies before determining which languages they will choose for proficiency. For all plans, students must have reading proficiency in two additional languages (or one in-depth proficiency) besides English and the language of the target program. These may be satisfied in the following ways (all coursework must be taught in the target language):

  1. Proficiency for students within the Department of Spanish and Portuguese:
    • Spanish: completing with a grade of B (3.0) or better, S105, or the equivalent, and one course at the 500 level or higher (excluding S517);
    • Portuguese: completing, with a grade of B (3.0) or bet­ter, P491, or the equivalent, and one course at the 500 level or higher, taught in Portuguese;
    • Catalan: completing, with a grade of B (3.0) or better, two courses at the 400 level or higher;
    • In-depth language proficiency: The student must first establish proficiency in the language by one of the methods listed above (a-c). Then the student must pass, with a grade of B or better, another course at the 500 level or higher.
  2. Proficiency for students outside the Department of Spanish and Portuguese: The Department of Spanish and Portuguese accepts language proficiency by any of the fol­lowing methods, provided that these also fulfill the target language department’s proficiency requirements (all coursework must be taught in the target language):
    • For Spanish, passing a language proficiency examination;
    • For Spanish, passing an S300-level, or higher, literature, linguistics or culture course with a grade of B (3.0) or better; For Catalan, passing a C400-level, or higher, course with a grade of B (3.0) or better; coursework must be taught in target language;
    • For Spanish or Portuguese, passing the second half of a 400-level reading course (492) with a grade of B (3.0) or better. 
  3. In-depth language proficiency: The student must first establish proficiency in the language by one of the methods listed above (a-c). Then the student must pass, with a grade of B (3.0) or better, another course at the 500 level or higher. The course must be taught in the target language.S803, Individual Readings, may not be counted towards language proficiency.
  4. D. students in linguistics may replace reading proficiency in one foreign language with two courses, chosen in consultation with the Director of Hispanic Linguistics, in statistics or computer science.

Neither English nor the language of the degree program may be presented as one of the foreign languages.

Qualifying Examination

See individual program outlines for qualifying exam require­ments. For additional details about examinations, contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

Final Examination

Oral, primarily a defense of the dissertation.

Other Provisions

Competence in speaking Spanish or Portuguese fluently and with correct diction is expected of every student; hence, for­eign residence in a Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking country prior to receiving the Ph.D. is highly desirable.  Students must serve one year (longer at discretion of the de­partment) as associate instructors in the department. Students who have taught elsewhere may petition the faculty to have that experience accepted as fulfilling this requirement.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Spanish

Concentration in Hispanic Literatures and Culture

Course Requirements

A total of 90 credit hours, including at least 18 credit hours (six courses) in departmental Spanish-language literature courses beyond the M.A.; S512 and S517 do not count as literature courses, but 3 credits of S504 may be counted. In addition, students must take S512 or its equivalent. Students must also satisfy course requirements for a Ph.D. minor (at least 12 credit hours). Students must have at least 60 total credit hours in course work before being eligible to take the qualifying examination. (A maximum of 30 credit hours may be transferred from the M.A.) The remaining credit hours can be taken as thesis hours. Ph.D. students in Hispanic Literatures may not take 400-level courses in Spanish.


Twelve credit hours or more in a related field. Some recom­mended fields: American Studies, Catalan, Cognitive Studies, Comparative Literature, Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, European Studies, Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Gender Studies, History, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Portuguese. Ph.D. students in Hispanic Literatures who wish to minor in Portuguese or Catalan must take three graduate courses in literature beyond the foreign-language proficiency requirement.

Qualifying Examination

The PhD qualifying examination for Hispanic Literatures will take place during the course of one semester and will commence at the beginning of a fall or spring semester. The PhD exam will consist of the following components: (1) a pre-prospectus and three separate lists of primary, secondary, and theoretical works; (2) three take-home essays related to the student’s lists of primary, secondary, and theoretical works; (3) an oral defense of the pre-prospectus and essays; (4) a dissertation prospectus; (5) an oral exam of the dissertation prospectus. For details about examinations, contact the Director of Hispanic Literatures.

Concentration in Hispanic Linguistics

Course Requirements

The degree consists of 90 credit hours. Course work consists of at least 63 credit hours (of which up to 30 hours in Hispanic Linguistics may be applied from the M.A.): (i) 12 credit hours in Hispanic Linguistics (9 hours at the 600-level, 3 hours at the 700-level. NOTE: These four courses must be drawn from at least three of the five M.A. examination areas of study and must be taken in residence. These 12 credit hours can be used to fulfill distribution requirements in the 3 areas of concentration chosen by the student); (ii) 12 credit hours in the student’s research area; (iii) 12 credit hours in a second area of interest; (iv) 9 credit hours in a third area of interest; (v) a minimum of 15 hours of thesis credit (HISP S-805). These distribution requirements fulfill the Ph.D. minor of at least 12 credit hours in another department. The student will finish his/her coursework in a maximum of 7 semesters.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination for Hispanic Linguistics consists of four parts: a written take-home exam for each of the three areas of concentration and a one-hour oral exam following successful completion of all written portions of the exam. The take-home exams are each one week in length and are taken sequentially; each exam requires a maximum of 30 double-spaced type-written pages in 12-point Times New Roman with one-inch margins. This page limit excludes tables and figures, even when located throughout the text, as well as references and appendices should they be necessary. The number of questions and their format will be at the discretion of the examiner(s). All portions of the exam must be completed in the same semester. The qualifying examination may be repeated only once.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Portuguese

Course Requirements

A total of 90 credit hours (a maximum of 30 credit hours may be transferred from the M.A.). Work in the major, secondary, and minor fields must total 63 credit hours in courses and seminars in addition to completion of a doctoral dissertation. Students’ programs are individualized and depend on the ap­proval of the graduate faculty in Portuguese.


Twelve credit hours or more in a related field.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination is both written and oral. Students concentrating in Portuguese will also be examined in Hispanic Literatures, or another approved secondary area of interest. The written examination is 12 hours. A written or oral examination may also be required in the minor field, at the discretion of the minor department. The qualifying examination may be repeated only once.

Outside Minor Requirements

Ph.D. Minor in Catalan

Doctoral students may earn a minor in Catalan by successfully completing no fewer than 4 Catalan literature courses plus the language course (C491 or C492) for a total of 12 graduate credit hours. The language course can be at the 400 level, but all literature courses must be at the 500 level or above. (The language proficiency requirement for students in our department would stipulate 2 courses in Catalan, one at the 400 level and one at the 500 level or above, so that students could use the 500 level course towards the 4 courses for the minor in Catalan; students from other departments would choose C491 + C492 for their language proficiency requirements.) The literature courses for the minor may also include one course in Hispanic Literatures with at least 30% content of Catalan literature. Such courses must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. Courses may include:

  • C491 Elementary Catalan for Graduate Students;
  • C492 Readings in Catalan for Graduate Students;
  • C550 Modern Catalan Literature;
  • C618 Topics in Catalan Literature (Nationalism and Literature in Modern Catalonia);
  • C619 Topics in Catalan Studies (The Making of Barcelona: Architecture in Modern Catalonia; Catalan Film and Literary Production);
  • S648 Topics in Spanish Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries (provided (a) that this section of the course includes at least 30% content of Catalan literature and (b) that the final paper be on Catalan literature);
  • C803 Individual Reading in Catalan Literature and Language;
  • Any Spanish Literature course at the 500 level or above, provided (a) that the reading list includes at least 30% content of Catalan literature and (b) that the final paper be on Catalan literature.
Ph.D. Minor in Hispanic Literatures and Culture

Doctoral students from other departments may complete a minor in Spanish by successfully completing no fewer than four Spanish-language literature courses (12 credit hours). All courses must be at least at the 500 level and approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. S803 Individual Readings may not be counted toward the minor.

Ph.D. Minor in Hispanic Linguistics

Doctoral students may complete a minor in Hispanic linguis­tics by successfully completing no fewer than four courses in Hispanic linguistics (12 credit hours). All courses must be at least at the 500 level and approved by the Director of Hispanic linguistics. Transfer credits for courses taken elsewhere are not accepted. S803 Individual Readings may not be counted toward the minor.

Ph.D. Minor in Portuguese

Doctoral students from other departments may complete a minor in Portuguese by successfully completing no fewer than four Portuguese courses (12 credit hours) listed in the Universi­ty Graduate School Bulletin as carrying credit toward the Ph.D. P803 Individual Readings may not be counted toward the minor.

Academic Bulletins

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