Programs by Campus





General Anthropology

  • ANTH-A 403 Introduction to Museum Studies (3 )
  • ANTH-A 405 Museum Methods (3 )
  • ANTH-A 505 Fields of Anthropology: A Graduate Survey (3 cr.) Cultural anthropology, linguistics, archaeology, physical anthropology. For graduate students of other departments and beginning graduate students in anthropology.
  • ANTH-A 506 Anthropological Statistics (3 cr.) Statistics in all fields of anthropology. Scales, frequency distributions, contingency, correlation, probability, sampling, significance tests, elementary multivariate analysis.
  • ANTH-A 521 Introduction to College Teaching, Interdisciplinary Approaches (3 ) This seminar will help graduate students become more effective educators and to spark ongoing interest in the intellectual challenges and possibilities that teaching presents. Theory and practice in college teaching will help participants become more intentional and more informed about interdisciplinary possibilities and disciplinary distinctions in college teaching.
  • ANTH-A 525 Community Based Research I (3 cr.) Community based research involves a partnership approach in which responsibility for planning, conducting, and evaluating research is shared with a community. This course provides grounding in community based research methods, examining how they transform social science research. We will explore issues of ethics, power relations, and field work practices.
  • ANTH-A 526 Community Based Participatory Research Methods 2 (3 cr.) This is a service-learning course that provides hands-on-training. Students will apply principles taught in ANTH-A525, and work with communities to conduct a community-based research project. Class activities include developing a research design, writing a grant proposal to fund the research, and producing community public reports about the project.
  • ANTH-A 576 Graduate Museum Practicum (1-6 cr.) P: Must have prior arrangement with the museum professional supervising Anthropology- oriented practicum at a campus or community- based museum or systematic research collection. Participatory activities will be supplemented by reading and writing activities. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
  • ANTH-A 595 Graduate Readings in Anthropology (1-4 cr.) Individualized course that allows graduate students the opportunity to work one on one with a faculty member to develop expertise in a particular topic/theme/area of study. The course requires instructor permission and can be repeated as
  • ANTH-A 600 Seminar in Anthropology (2-4 cr.) May be taken in successive semesters for credit.
  • ANTH-A 602 Food and the Body (3 cr.). This seminar studies the racialized history of food inequity in the United States, its embodied intergenerational health impacts, and the power of community-based responses.
  • ANTH-A 622 Advanced Pedagogy: Knowledge, Power, and Pedagogy (3 cr.) This advanced pedagogy seminar will investigate theories of learning and academic practice.
  • ANTH-A 650 Graduate Capstone in Food Studies (3 cr.) Students will design and carry out a practically oriented research project of their choosing reflecting their MA training in anthropologically informed food studies.
  • ANTH-A 667 Topics in Medical Anthropology (3 cr.) In-depth perspectives on central topics in contemporary medical anthropology. Topics vary depending on expertise and focus of instructor. Example topics of focus include HIV-AIDS in Cross- Cultural Context; Anthropological Perspectives on Disability: Child Health and Nutrition; Health and Structural Inequalities; and Medical Anthropology of Gender and Reproduction, among others.
  • ANTH-A 800 Research (arr. ) (1) archaeology, (2) social-cultural anthropology, (3) linguistics, and/or (4) biological anthropology.


  • ANTH-B 301 Laboratory in Bioanthropology (3 )
  • ANTH-B 472 Bioanthropology of Aboriginal America (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-B 480 Human Growth and Development (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-B 500 Proseminar in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) Human evolution from the standpoint of an interaction of biological, ecological, and sociocultural factors. Survey of bioanthropology from historical, systematic, and applied viewpoints; emphasis on changing content, concepts, methods, and organization of the science.
  • ANTH-B 512 Evolutionary Medicine (3 cr.) This course will incorporate principles from evolutionary theory into our understanding of various infectious and chronic diseases common to human populations both past and present. Although proximate mechanisms involving physiology and behavior will be discussed, the focus will be to determine why such mechanisms have evolved in the first place. 
  • ANTH-B 521 Bioanthropology Research Methods (3 cr.) P: B200, B301. Designed for advanced students of bioanthropology and related biological sciences to familiarize them with the methods and techniques of collecting, preserving, and analyzing both morphological and somatological data.
  • ANTH-B 522 Laboratory Methods in Bioanthropology (2 cr.) P: Concurrent with B521. Laboratory dealing with methods and techniques of assessment and analysis of morphological and somatological data that forms the subject matter of B521.
  • ANTH-B 524 Theory and Method in Human Paleontology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of instructor. Emphasis on fossil hominid evolution and adaptation. Intensive study of human fossil skeletal anatomy. Reconstruction of hominid diets and positional behavior via skeletal analysis and functional morphology.
  • ANTH-B 525 Genetic Methods in Anthropology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of instructor. Specialized training in laboratory procedures and interpretation of genetic markers found in human populations. Major systems covered are ABO, Rh, MNSs, Duffy, Kell, secretor status, and PTC testing. Emphasis on use of genetic markers in human evolutionary research.
  • ANTH-B 526 Human Osteology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of instructor. Descriptive and functional morphology of the human skeleton with emphasis on the identification of fragmentary materials. Determination of age, sex, and stature; craniology; and research methods in skeletal biology. Guided research project in the identification of skeletal material required.
  • ANTH-B 527 Human Evolutionary Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) This course provides students with experience conducting actual research in human evolutionary biology. Students work together in small groups to collect data on living humans, perform laboratory/statistical analyses and prepare/present manuscripts. Students will gain experience with scientific methodology, human subjects committees, survey design, sample collection, and biomarker
  • ANTH-B 528 Dental Anthropology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of the Descriptive and functional morphology of primate dentitions, stressing nomenclature of crown features. Human enamel microstructure, development, wear, occlusion, pathology, odontometrics, and discrete variation as applied to research problems in bioanthropology. A guided research project is required.
  • ANTH-B 540 Hormones and Human Behavior (3 cr.) This course will review the roles of hormones in the evolution and expression of human and nonhuman animal behaviors. Emphasis will be placed on behaviors associated with aggression, stress, mating, and parenting. This course is particularly relevant for students interested in evolutionary psychology and human health. 
  • ANTH B543 Evolution of Human Ecological Footprint (3 cr.) Current environmental crises did not begin overnight and may have roots deep in our evolutionary history. Although our effects on the biosphere has only recently shown exponential growth, we will explore a series of threshold moments in the history of our species that had great implications for the environment.
  • ANTH-B 544 The Biology and Culture of Women's Bodies (3 cr.) Using evolutionary and anthropological approaches (life history theory, biocultural models, demography), examines the extent and causes of variation among women and across populations in biological form and functioning from menarche through menopause. Covers the biology of women's bodies and an appreciation for the influence of cultural traditions and practices. ANTH-B 545 Nutritional Anthropology (3 cr.) A biocultural approach to diet and nutrition. Basic concepts in nutrition. Methods to assess dietary intake and nutritional status. Diet in human evolution, human biological variation, and the adaptive signifi- cance of food processing. Contemporary critiques of nutrition and food policies; globalization of diet.
  • ANTH-B 548 Human Demography and Life History (3 cr.) An exploration of the relationships between the human lifecycle and population dynamics. Classic and contemporary theories of population dynamics will be explored and considered in relation to evolutionary theory, highlighting life history theory. Demographic methods will be presented. Examples of anthropological studies of demography and life history will be utilized.
  • ANTH-B 550 Issues in Human Origins: Creation and Evolution (3 cr.) Review of the creation/evolution controversy in a seminar setting. Fundamentals of organic evolution covered, especially pertaining to the origins of our species. Additionally, the major arguments as set forth by "scientific creationists" are presented, along with an appraisal of the "balanced treatment" notion that has been proposed for inclusion in public school curricula.
  • ANTH-B 568 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (3 cr.) Major patterns of social organization in the order of primates, with closer examination of several important primate species. Darwinian theories of behavioral evolution will be examined. Particular attention will be paid to the influence of food-getting and diet on social behavior.
  • ANTH-B 570 Human Adaptation: Biological Approaches (3 cr.) Understanding the concept of adaptation as it is utilized within bioanthropology, anthropology, and other disciplines. Focus on individual and population responses to heat, cold, solar radiation, high altitude, nutritional and disease stress. Participation in discussion and presentation of oral and written reports emphasized throughout the seminar.
  • ANTH-B 600 Seminar in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) Subject will vary; students may thus receive credit more than once.
  • ANTH-B 601 Primate Anatomy (3 cr.) P: B200, B301; P or concurrent: B466. Comparative anatomy of the nonhuman primates with emphasis on the analysis of bone and muscle relationships. Ap- plication of comparative techniques to current research in bioanthropology. Dissection of several primate species required.
  • ANTH-B 602 Paleopathology (3 ) P: B200, B301. Disease in prehistoric skeletal material and in written and visual representations. Diagnosis and epidemiological characterization of diseases of bone. A guided research project on a topic in paleopathology is required. Seminar presentation of two literature reviews and a research project are required.
  • ANTH-B 645 Biocultural Medical Anthropology (3 cr.) Analysis of health and disease from an integrated biocultural perspective, which incorporates the evolutionary, ecological, and socio-cultural context of health and disease, to understand what kinds of diseases to which we as a species are vulnerable and why there is variation in risk of getting sick or staying well.

Social and Cultural Anthropology

  • ANTH-E 500 Proseminar in Cultural and Social Anthropology (3 cr.) Introduction to contemporary theories and practices in cultural and social anthropology, with a focus on key concepts and debates that have motivated the field.
  • ANTH-E 502 Introduction to Performance (3 cr.) Introduction to performance-oriented perspectives on communication and culture, focusing on the relationship between performance and other dimensions of communicative practice in social life.
  • ANTH-E 508 Ethnographic Method in Performance (3 cr.) Exploration of ethnographic research methods in the study of performance, including the ethnography of performance, media, and public discourse. The emphasis is on qualitative methods; course work includes exercises in participant observation and interviewing.
  • ANTH-E 510 Problems in African Ethnography and Ethnology (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-E 520 Problems in Economic Anthropology (3 cr.) In this seminar, we will consider how anthropology has addressed economic questions. Topics may include contemporary and classic debates in the field; gendered forms of (re)production; labor and knowledge; ecology; nutrition and food politics; shifting notions of currency and markets; cultures of consumption; and value across transnational and global contexts.
  • ANTH-E 523 Life Histories (3 cr.) Life histories give ethnographies accessibility, emotional impact, deep contextualization, and a deceptively transparent opening for authentic voices. This course explores the complex issues of power and knowledge underlying this method, including interviewing strategies, consent, confidentiality, editing and publishing choices, and considers its position within broader research agendas. We discuss classic examples, recent narrative collections and contemporary experimental texts.
  • ANTH-E 525 Comparative Ethnology of North America (3 cr.) P: A505 or E500; E320; A506; or consent of instructor. Seminar on comparative problems of North American Indian cultures. May be repeated for credit.
  • ANTH-E 526 Creative and Interdisciplinary Ethnography (3 cr.) Explores works of ethnography that seek to represent the real through expressive, nonstandard forms by examining the permeable boundaries and overlaps between fiction and ethnography through both close readings and discussion of selected texts and through forays into producing nontraditional, creative ethnographic
  • ANTH-E 527 Environmental Anthropology (3 cr.) Graduate course on theory and method in the study of human-environment interactions. Emphasis on contemporary debates and approaches and on research design in environmental research.
  • ANTH-E 593 World Fiction and Cultural Anthropology (3 ) This course links literature and anthropology as means of understanding culture. Ethnographic writing and world fiction— novels, short stories, poems, myths, folktales— are analyzed for what they reveal about the social, cultural and political lives of peoples around the world. Colonialism, war, socialism, and immigration are among the issues discussed.
  • ANTH-E 600 Seminar in Cultural and Social Anthropology (3 cr.) Subject will vary; students can receive credit more than once.
  • ANTH-E 603 Modernities: Time, Space, Identity of the Historical Present (3 cr.) This course examines the history of social and cultural theory as organized around the concept of modernity. We examine what, where, and who is implied by the term, where it originates, and how it continues to be contested by contemporary scholars.
  • ANTH-E 606 Ethnographic Methods (3 ) P: Must be a graduate student in anthropology or obtain consent of instructor. This course explores ethnographic field methods. We examine the history of ethnography, its critiques, and then move to more practical matters. Students will carry out research exercises (an ongoing ethnography project, options of interview assignments, visual techniques etc.) designed to help students present results using these methodological strategies.
  • ANTH-E 608 Thesis Proposal Preparation (3 cr.) Social science and humanities students will learn how to frame research questions in this course. While graduate students will formulate propos- als with their doctoral committees, this course will provide the necessary background reading and peer review to prepare a serious proposal that will be competitive in national grant competitions.
  • ANTH-E 609 Stigma: Culture, Identity, and the Abject (3 cr.) Stigma theory speaks broadly to the nature of the social relationships that create marked categories of persons, regardless of which particular attributes are devalued. Class examines both theory and at particular cases of stigmatized persons and
  • ANTH-E 610 Seminar in Households, Family, and Gender (3 cr.) Asks how basic social units like family and households are socially constructed and maintained. Current literature on social exchange, bargaining, decision-making, and gender. Pressing current issues such as child welfare, equity in economic development, abusive relationships, and consumer choice.
  • ANTH-E 611 Colonial and Postcolonial Formations (3 cr.) This course is concerned with the poetics and politics of othering and will focus on the social, epistemological, and imaginative work entailed in the construction and maintenance of difference.
  • ANTH-E 612 Anthropology of Russia and East Europe (3 cr.) Explores the contradictory effects of socialism's "fall" through a study of new ethnographies of postsocialist societies. We will connect our inquiries to broad intellectual questions in anthropology and related disciplines, including globalization, social suffering, commodification and cultural identity, ethnicity and nation building, armed conflict, and gender inequalities.
  • ANTH-E 613 Global Africa (3 cr.) Through comparative and interdisciplinary discussions we will consider recent ethnographies of the African continent that address contemporary debates over a variety of topics such as theorizing Africa, new urban formations, global migration, extractive economies, and social and cultural production.
  • ANTH-E 614 Post-Socialist Gender Formations (3 cr.) An anthropological approach to understanding socialist and post-socialist gender formations in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Particular attention will be paid to changing discourses of femininity, feminism, masculinity, and sexuality in post-socialist countries.
  • ANTH-E 616 The Anthropology of Tourism (3 cr.) This course will explore the phenomenon of tourism from an anthropological perspective. It will look at tourism as linked to consumer culture, transnational movements of people and goods, post-colonial settings, global capitalism, and the politics of ethnic and national identities.
  • ANTH-E 618 Global Consumer Culture (3 cr.) Examines processes of globalization and economic and cultural integration, including the origin and spread of mass-consumer society. Topics include the theories of consumption, mass media and advertising, and the relationship between modernity and consumerism. Examples from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the United States are included.
  • ANTH-E 621 Food and Culture (3 cr.) Discusses the political economy of food production, trade, and consumption on a global basis. Gives a cross- cultural and historical perspective on the devel- opment of cooking and cuisine in relationship to individual, national, and ethnic identity. Relates cuisine to modernity, migration, and forms of cultural mixing and Creolization.
  • ANTH-E 628 Contemporary Latin American Social Movements (3 cr.) In this course we compare and contrast contemporary activist and grassroots movements throughout the Latin American region. We focus on movements both within the region and within the Latin American diaspora in the US, organized around the rubrics of ethnicity, gender, resources, and environment.
  • ANTH-E 634 Networks, Systems, and Flows (3 cr.) This course looks at contemporary theoretical approaches to how knowledge and objects travel. Readings in current theories of circulation address the categories used to conceptualize circulation and distribution, such as networks, systems, and flows.
  • ANTH-E 636 Humor in Use (3 cr.) Beginning from the premise that humor is a good site for the study of culture, this course looks at a range of cultural contexts for humor, from staged public performance to private joking, and is primarily concerned with the many and varied social uses to which humor is put.
  • ANTH-E 637 Publics (3 cr.) How can we understand the different ways that publics are composed? This course looks at how one analyzes texts, events and social groups when focusing on publics.
  • ANTH-E 644 People and Protected Areas: Theories and Realities of Conservation (3 cr.) Explores major theories and approaches to conservation, from “fortress conservation” to community-based and participatory strategies. It considers the implication of protected areas for local human populations and cultural diversity. It evaluates outcomes and unintended consequences of protected areas, and controversies over the “best” way to protect natural resources.
  • ANTH-E 645 Advanced Seminar in Medical Anthropology (3 cr.) Focuses on theoretical approaches to understanding the body and notions of health, illness, and disease across cultures. Concentrates on interpretive and critical (political economy) approaches to issues of health and includes critical study of Western biomedicine.
  • ANTH-E646 Anthropology of Democracy (3 cr.) Analyzes the cultural foundations of democracy. Focuses on the cultural dilemmas involved in exporting democracy. Relies on ethnographic case studies of legislatures, voting, polling, civil society and other elements democracy theorists have argued are crucial for democracies to succeed.
  • ANTH-E647 Traveling Texts: The Social Life of Intertextuality (3 cr.) Charts the foundations of the concept of intertextuality in the works of Bakhtin and others. Explores modes of intertextuality in relation to genre and performance. Investigates intertextuality as a social, political and cultural practice in a range of ethnographic settings.
  • ANTH-E 648 Power, Subjectivity, and the State (3 cr.) Explores relationships among culture, power, subjectivity, and the state through close readings of theoretical and ethnographic texts. Examines how different theoretical approaches have defined and used these contested terms. Developing insights from social theorists, compares ethnographic efforts to integrate theory with anthropological data.
  • ANTH-E 656 The Anthropology of Race (3 cr.) This course explores race in cultural anthropological perspective. It investigates the history of this idea within the discipline as well as its dissemination in international society. The course explores the play between challenges to race as an intellectual paradigm and the resilient status of race-thinking in society at large.
  • ANTH-E 660 Arts in Anthropology Seminar (3 cr.) Anthropology’s concern with the arts; cross-cultural study and comparison; the relationships of the arts to other aspects of society and culture; problems of the cross-cultural validity of aesthetics and the interrelationships of the arts. Subject will vary; students can receive credit more than once.
  • ANTH-E 663 Museum Exhibitions: Cultures and Practices (3 cr.) The course considers exhibitions and the institutions, histories, values, and curatorial practices that shape them and that are also shaped by them. The course introduces exhibition curation techniques and incorporates hands-on exercises. Students will leverage critical exhibition scholarship for the practical work of collaboratively developing effective and relevant exhibition projects.
  • ANTH-E 664 Body, Power, and Performance (3 cr.) This course explores performance in relation to social power. Its focus is on the body, and explores the extent to which several interdisciplinary readings on performance theory—largely emerging as they have from Western intellectual traditions—speak to embodied/performative negotiations of social power outside “the West.”
  • ANTH-E 673 Feminist Studies and Ethnographic Practice (3 cr.) Focuses on the impact of feminist theory on ethnographic practice in the fields of anthropology and criminology. We will read key works from the 1980s to the present that exemplify various feminist approaches to the study of culture and society.
  • ANTH-E 674 The Anthropology of Human Rights (3 cr.) This course investigates anthropology’s theoretical and practical engagements with global social justice. It examines a number of texts central to the development of the notion of human rights, and explores several case studies oriented around a range of historical and contemporary human rights issues.
  • ANTH-E 675 Law and Culture (3 cr.) A graduate- level introduction to legal anthropology and law and society scholarship from the perspective of anthropological theory. At the intersection of legal studies, anthropology, and critical race studies, the course examines the role of law in, of, and through culture and society. The course covers both classic and contemporary texts, with an eye to interrogating the logics of legal systems and how people use, abuse, subvert and leverage them in formal institutions and everyday life.
  • ANTH-E 677 Performing Nationalism (3 cr.) Throughout the world, and including the United States, nationalism movements draw upon symbolic forms to create unity. These movements may express resistance to domination, or they can be the forces of domination itself. The course examines these processes cross-culturally, focusing on symbolic forms (ritual, song, film, novels, discourse).
  • ANTH-E 678 Ritual, Festival, and Public Culture (3 cr.) Examines the ritual genres with anthropological theories of ritual and power. Utilizes performance theory and analysis of production, linking ritual to public culture; explores it as a response to contradiction in social political life that may express resistance or domination. Considers preindustrial and modern societies and sacred and secular events.
  • ANTH-E 681 Seminar in Urban Anthropology (3 cr.) P: E580. Practical work required. Seminar in cross- cultural urban social organization, emphasizing recruitment manifestation of urbanism in various cultural contexts and techniques of investigation.
  • ANTH-E 682 Memory and Culture (3 cr.) Students will interrogate the concept of “collective memory,” based on Halbwachs’ major contribution in the domain. This social scientific analysis of remembrance as culturally determined will review diverse contexts in which it unfolds (i.e., art, fiction, ritual, architecture, bodily practice, national identity, and politics).
  • ANTH-E 687 The Ethnography of Europe (3 cr.) Explores “Europe” as an idea, an identity, and a historical consciousness. Students discuss how European ethnography has acquired a valued status in social anthropology, how it has been instituted as a “cultural area,” and how the discipline constantly revises social, cultural, political, and nationalist
  • ANTH-E 690 Development and Anthropology (3 cr.) P: E420 or consent of instructor. The theory of development; the way anthropology has been employed in development schemes in Melanesia, Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and elsewhere; the practical problem of relating to development bodies such as AID and Third World governments; the ethical problem of such relationships.
  • ANTH-E 692 The United States (3 cr.) Reviews current ethnographic studies of the United States, emphasizing themes of cultural diversity, relationships between individuals and their communities, and the roles of public institutions at local, state, and federal levels.
  • ANTH-G 731 Seminar on Contemporary Africa (arr. cr.)

History of Anthropology

  • ANTH-E 635 French Social Thought: Anthropological Perspectives (3 cr.) Students will read and explicate the writings of six prominent scholars in twentieth- century French social thought (i.e., Durkheim, Mauss, Levi-Strauss, Barthes, Foucault, and Bour- dieu). They will discuss these thinkers' contributions to contemporary anthropological theory, and will reflect on the usage of these works in their respective doctoral projects.
  • ANTH-H 500 History of Anthropological Thought in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (3 cr.) Development of nineteenth-century and contemporary anthropological thought, with special reference to methods and theory of scientific anthropology.

Anthropological Linguistics

  • ANTH-L 500 Proseminar in Language and Culture (3 ) Relationships of language and culture; survey of ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, Weltanschauung theory, diglossia, bilingualism, and single language society; relevance of linguistic analysis to cultural and social anthropology.
  • ANTH-L 501-502 Anthropological Linguistics I-II (3-3 cr.) An introduction to grammatical discovery procedure, including phonetic, phonemic, morphemic, and syntactic analysis, designed to introduce the student to techniques for use with an unknown language in the field.
  • ANTH-L 507 Language and Prehistory (3 cr.) An introduction to the areas of linguistic research that are the most relevant to the work of archaeologists and students of prehistory. Topics include mechanisms of linguistic change, the comparative method, genetic and area relationships among languages, and applications of linguistic reconstruction to the study of ancient cultures and populations.
  • ANTH-L 510 Elementary Lakota (Sioux) Language I (3 cr.) Introduction to Lakota (Sioux), an American Indian language spoken on the northern plains of the United States. Focuses on developing elementary reading and writing skills as well as oral fluency in the Lakota language within the context of Lakota culture.
  • ANTH-L 511 Elementary Lakota (Sioux) Language II (3 cr.) Introduction to Lakota (Sioux), an American Indian language spoken on the northern plains of the United States. Focuses on developing elementary reading and writing skills as well as oral fluency in the Lakota language within the context of Lakota culture.
  • ANTH-L 512 Intermediate Lakota (Sioux) Language I (3 cr.) Study of more complex Lakota grammatical structures, with emphasis on development of active reading, writing, and speaking skills.
  • ANTH-L 513 Intermediate Lakota (Sioux) Language II (3 cr.) Study of more complex Lakota grammatical structures, with emphasis on development of active reading, writing, and speaking skills.
  • ANTH-L 520 American Indian Languages (3 cr.) Introductory survey of the native languages of the Americas. Topics include history of the study of American Indian languages, genetic and typological classifications, structures of selected languages, the comparative (historical) study of selected language families, and the interplay between language and culture. Emphasizes diversity of New World languages.
  • ANTH-L 600 Topical Seminar in the Ethnography of Communication (3 cr.) Current issues in linguistic anthropology designed to acquaint the student with readings and points of view not covered in the introductory courses. Topics such as: (1) lan- guages of the world, (2) variation in language, (3) problems in linguistic structure, and (4) culture and communication. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
  • ANTH-L 610 Language and Society in Central Eurasia (3 ) This seminar explores how language is used to accomplish economic, political, and sociocultural ends in Central Eurasia. Topics covered include multilingualism; regional ethnolinguistic categories; the relationship between language policy and nationalities policy; gendered language; code choice in interactions; the politics of translation; poetics; standardization; and language shift, endangerment, and revitalization.
  • ANTH-L 672 Ethnography of Media (3 cr.) This course focuses on what media reveals about culture, power, and social life. By exploring ethnographic approaches to media, this course theorizes concepts such as the idea of community; production and reception; the circulation of cultural forms and public signs; and the complex relationships between interpretation, hegemony, and agency.


  • ANTH-P 301 Archaeological Methods and Analyses (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-P 360 North American Archaeology (3 )
  • ANTH-P 361 Prehistory of Midwestern United States (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-P 380 Prehistoric Diet and Nutrition (3 )
  • ANTH-P 425 Zooarchaeology I: Faunal Osteology (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-P 426 Zooarchaeology II: Problems in Zooarchaeology (3 cr.)
  • ANTH-P 500 Proseminar in Archaeology (3 cr.) Exposes students to the historical and theoretical foundations of contemporary anthropological archaeology. The class is required for all gradu- ate students in archaeology, and is open to other students in anthropology and in other departments who are interested in the modern practice of archaeology.
  • ANTH-P 502 Archaeological Research Design (3 cr.) This seminar addresses the theoretical underpinnings of problem-oriented research, how to frame a research question, the selection of appropriate methods to create data, and how to carry out a research strategy. Topics include finding funding, preparing budgets, negotiating permits, and writing reports.
  • ANTH-P 506 Laboratory Methods in Archaeology (1-6 cr.) P: P405 or consent of instructor. Specialized training in laboratory procedures and analysis of archaeological materials. Major categories of material culture to be studied include lithics, ceramics, faunal and floral remains. Emphasis is on processing, sorting, identifying, and analyzing material recovered from the previous Field School in Archaeology (P405).
  • ANTH-P 507 Archaeological Curation (3 cr.) An examination of the history, methods, legislation, ethics, tools, and technology of archaeological curation. Instruction will include hands-on training in the curation and conservation of material culture and their associated documents (e.g., photographs, digital records). Special attention will focus on the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990.
  • ANTH-P 509 Archaeological Ethics (3 cr.) Explores the professional responsibilities of archaeologists by examining timely issues, such as the differences and, sometimes, conflicts between interna-tional law and professional ethics, and between archaeologists and others (e.g., Native Americans, antiquities collectors) who affect and are affected by archaeological work. Some background in archaeology is helpful.
  • ANTH-P 545 Indigenous Archaeology (3 cr.) How do Indigenous people do archeology? How do they protect their sacred sites and places and build and manage knowledge about their pasts? This course takes a global approach to examining such questions. Students examine Indigenous world views and ways that archaeologists and Indigenous communities work together in archeology.
  • ANTH-P 575 Food in the Ancient World (3 cr.) We will look at the theoretical and methodological tools that archaeologists use to study food and foodways in ancient societies from a global anthropological perspective. We explore how studying food and ancient foodways gives us a window into economic, symbolic, historic, and political realities of past
  • ANTH-P 580 Fieldwork in Archaeology. Archaeological work directed toward field techniques: excavation and preservation of materials, surveying, photography, and cataloging. 1 credit hour per full week of fieldwork.
  • ANTH-P 600 Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology (3 cr.) Subject will vary; students may thus receive credit more than once.
  • ANTH-P 601 Research Methods in Archaeology (3 cr.) This course introduces the student to the practice of archaeology at a professional level. Although of variable topics, all courses will involve hands-on experience with analysis and techniques of data collection.
  • ANTH-P 604 Seminar in Archaeology and Social Context (3 cr.) Required course for students in the archaeology and social context graduate program. The topic is variable, but will always emphasize the social, political, and economic repercussions of archaeological work.
  • ANTH-P 645 Pots and People (3 cr.) Pottery has often been utilized to help understand past societies. In this course we take an archaeological approach to understanding how people make, use, and think about We make our own pots from wild clays and cook a meal in traditional ceramic pots. We consider how experimentation, ethnohistorical data, and anthropological theory can work together to produce insights into past lifeways.
  • ANTH-P 663 North American Prehistory through Fiction (3 cr.) Students consider fictionalized accounts of life in prehistoric North America, written by anthropologists, Native Americans, and novelists, as a means to think critically and creatively about the past. They explore the role and place of narrative and imagination in construction of the past and consider how authors utilize available data.
  • ANTH-P 666 Women in Civilization (3 cr.) Course looks at empirical and theoretical issues related to the reconstruction of gender identity, household organization, and the division of labor in the development of early states.

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