Programs by Campus


Animal Behavior




Professor Cara L. Wellman*

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral disser­tations.) 


Jeffrey R. Alberts* (Psychological and Brain Sciences),
Randall D. Beer* (Cognitive Science and Informatics),
John M. Beggs* (Physics),
Heather Bradshaw* (Psychological and Brain Sciences),
Jonathon Crystal* (Psychological and Brain Sciences),
Robert de Ruyter* (Physics and Neural Science),
Gregory E. Demas* (Biology),
Kevin D. Hunt* (Anthropology),
Laura Hurley* (Biology),
Ellen D. Ketterson* (Biology),
Curtis M. Lively* (Biology),
Elisabeth Lloyd* (History and Philosophy of Science),
Armin P. Moczek* (Biology),
Christena Nippert-Eng* (Informatics)
P. David Polly (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Stephanie Sanders* (Gender Studies),
Dale R. Sengelaub* (Psychological and Brain Sciences),
Sima Setayeshga* (Physics),
Peter M. Todd* (Psychological and Brain Sciences),
W. Dan Tracey* (Biology),
Michael J. Wade* (Biology),
Cara L. Wellman* (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Associate Professors

Justin R. Garcia* (Gender Studies),
Frederika Kaestle* (Anthropology),
Kimberly Rosvall* (Biology)
Whitney M. Schlegel* (Biology),
P. Thomas Schoenemann* (Anthropology),
G. Troy Smith* (Biology),
Michael Wasserman* (Anthropology and Human Biology),
Justin N. Wood* (Informatics)

Assistant Professors

Eduardo Izquierdo* (Cognitive Science),
Cris Ledón-Rettig* (Biology),
Patrick C. Shih* (Informatics) 

Assistant Scientist

Farrah Bashey-Visser (Biology)

Associate Scientist

Schiko Koyama (Medical Sciences)

 Academic Advisor

Professor Cara L. Wellman, Psychology Building 362, (812) 855-4922 

Academic Bulletins

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