Programs by Campus
Medical Neuroscience
Program Directors
Gary Landreth, PhD
Karmen Yoder, PhD
Graduate Faculty
(An asterisk [*] denotes membership in the University Graduate School faculty with the endorsement to direct doctoral dissertations.)
Chancellor’s Professors
Tatiana Foroud* (Medical and Molecular Genetics)
Raymond E. Houk Professor of Psychiatry
Anantha Shekhar* (Psychiatry, Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Joyce and Iver Small Professor of Psychiatry, Neurobiology, and Medical Genetics
John Nurnberger Jr.* (Neurobiology, Psychiatry)
Paul Stark Professor of Pharmacology
Showalter Professor
Mari Hulman George Professor
Xiao Ming Xu* (Neurological Surgery)
Raymond C. Beeler Professor of Radiology
Andrew Saykin (Radiology)
K. Stoelting Professor of Anesthesia
Fletcher White (Anesthesia, Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Kampen-Norins Professor and Chair of Dermatology
Ruth C. Holton Chair in Otology
Eri Hashino* (Otolaryngology, Anatomy and Cell Biology)
Richard L. Schreiner Professor and Chair of Pediatrics
Robert B. Forney Professor of Toxicology
Bryan Yamamoto* (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Albert E. Sterne Professo
Tom McAllister* (Psychiatry)
Nikolai Broustovetski* (Pharmacology and Taxicology), Theodore Cummins*, (Pharmacology and Toxicology), Charles Goodlett* (Psychology), Kathryn Jones (Anatomy and Cell Biology), Debomoy Lahiri* (Psychiatry, Medical and Molecular Genetics), Bruce Lamb (Stark Neurosciences Research Institute and Genetics), Alexander B. Niculescu III* (Psychiatry), Pharmacology and Toxicology), Pharmacology and Toxicology), Ruben Vidal* (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
Associate Professors
Andrew Chambers (Psychiatry), Michelle Block* ( Anatomy and Cell Biology), Steve Boehm* (Psychology), Jinhui Chen (Neurological Surgery), Ellen A.G. Chernoff* (Biology), Cristine Czachowski (Psychiatry, Psychology), Nicholas J. Grahame* (Psychology), David Kareken* (Neurology, Neuropsychology), Richard Nass (Pharmacology and Toxicology), Alexander Obukhov (Cellular and Integrative Physiology), Leonid Rubchinsky (Mathematical Sciences),Zahary Rodd* (PsychiatryFrederick Unverzagt (Psychology)
Assistant Professors
J. Baucum* (Biology), Yansheng Du* (Neurology), Phillip Johnson (Anatomy and Cell Biology), Xiaoming Jin (Anatomy and Cell Biology), Christopher Lapish* (Psychology), Brenna McDonald (Radiology, Neurology), Jason Meyer (Genetics), William Truitt* (Anatomy and Cell Biology), Karmen Yoder* (Radiology)
Education Program Coordinator
Rene Baugh, NB 214