Programs by Campus


Cellular and Integrative Physiology



  • PHSL-F 503 Human Physiology (5 cr.) Prerequisite(s): Introductory biology (K101, K103), and organic chemistry (C341, C342), and physics (P201, P202), or equivalent. Advanced course in human physiology designed for students with no prior exposure to the discipline. Emphasis on basic physiological mechanisms of control with regard to membrane, neural, endocrine, reproductive, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and multisys­tems physiology.
  • PHSL-F 504 Human Physiology Simulation Lab (2 cr.) Students will use computer simulations to study and understand fundamental concepts in human physiology. The areas covered include cardiovascular, skeletal, neural, muscular, respiratory, bone, exercise, renal, endocrine and reproduction
  • PHSL-F 513 Human Physiology (6 cr.) Neurophysiology, physiology of muscular activity, respiration, circulation, gastro­intestinal physiology, excretion, metabolism, and endocrinol­ogy. Emphasis on basic physiological mechanisms and control systems.
  • PHSL-F 595 Advanced Physiology (1-4cr.) Consent of instructor. This course focuses on in depth study of particular aspects of physiology; to be arranged with members of faculty.
  • PHSL-F 603 Integrated Medical Physiology (3 cr.) Prerequisite(s): PHSL-F 503 Human Physiology. This course will provide students and fellows with the opportunity to extend their knowledge of human physiology by investigating the mechanisms of human diseases and understanding how physiological systems interact in order to maintain homeostasis in health and disease. A combination of lectures and team based learning will be integrated with discussion of articles from the primary literature to develop the students understanding of how diseases affect the integrated physiology of humans.
  • PHSL-F 701 Research in Physiology (arr) students covering fundamental concepts of cellular and integrative physiology of tissues and organ systems. Basic physiology of the neural, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, endocrine, and gastrointes­tinal systems is covered. At the end of the course, students should have a basic understanding of the physiologic functions of cells, tissues, and organ systems and should understand modern approaches for the measurement and interpretation of physiologic functions. Note: Course not currently offered.
  • PHSL-G 703 Physiology of the Coronary Circulation (1 cr.) Prerequisite(s): Graduate physiology. Advanced study of the physiology, pharmacology, and pathophysiology of the coronary circulation using contem­porary methods. Overall goal is to provide a rational basis for functional genomics and modern therapy.
  • PHSL-G 707 Physiology of Smooth Muscle (1 cr.) Prerequisite(s): Graduate-level physiology course. Advanced study of the physiology of the smooth muscle tissues with focus on the normal physiology and pathophysiology of airway smooth muscle and the airways. Biochemical and physiologic mechanisms in the regulation of contraction, growth, and phenotypic expression in smooth muscle tissues will be explored.
  • PHSL-G 708 Cardiac and Coronary Physiology of Exercise (1 cr.)P: Graduate integrative physiology. Exercise stimulus, quantifi­cation of work, and in vivo responses and adaptations involved in cellular and molecular mechanisms of myocardial and coro­nary artery responses and adaptations to exercise.
  • PHSL-G 761 Molecular and Cellular Physiology of Ion Channels (1 cr.)P: Graduate cellular physiology. Advanced ion transport topics selected from current research on channels, pumps, and exchangers. Topics include transporter biophysical characteris­tics, long-term regulation, and electrophysiological and optical methods for study.
  • PHSL-G 762 Renal Physiology (1 cr.)P: Graduate physiology. Reading and discussion of classical papers in renal physiology. Labora­tory experiences will include measurement of renal functions using clearance methods and demonstrations of micropuncture and in vivo techniques.
  • PHSL-F 782 Physiology and Pathophysiology of Lipid Rafts (1 cr.)P: Graduate cell biology. To acquire a core of essential prin­ciples about lipid raft structure and comprehensive insight into the functional process of these membrane domains by means of introductory lectures, review of current literature, and group discussions with an emphasis on experimental techniques used to examine membrane physiology.
  • PHSL-G 830 Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology (3 cr.)P: Graduate physiology Advanced (3 cr.) study of the physiology, pharmacology, and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system using contemporary methods is emphasized. Concepts of cardiovascular structure, function, hemodynamics, excitation-contraction coupling, signal transduction and electrohysiology are reinformced.
  • PHSL-G 831 Concepts and Controversies in Cardiovascular Science (3 cr.)P: Graduate physiology. Reading and in depth discussion of current concepts and controversies in the field. Classes involve student presentations of relevant manuscripts in journal club like format.
  • PHSL-F 898 Senior Elective in Physiology (arr) This course provides students with focused special topic to be arranged by student’s mentor with consent of program director (Tune).
  • PHSL-G901 Advanced Research (arr.) Prerequisite(s): Admission to PhD candidacy. Enrollment requires completion of over 90 credit hours and consent of instructor (Tune).

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