Counseling and Educational Psychology

Ed.S. in School Psychology

Degree Requirements (65 cr.)

Major Requirements (36-40 cr.)

Courses here are in the area of specialization; 18 credit hours must be taken on the campus awarding the degree. Required courses include:

  • P596 Internship in School Psychology I (2-6 cr.)
  • P655 Cognitive Assessment and Intervention (4 cr.)
  • P656 Practicum in School Psychology (4 cr.)
  • P657 Academic Assessment and Intervention (4 cr.)
  • P670 Behavioral Analysis and Consultation for School Psychologists (3 cr.)
  • P680 Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in School Psychology (3 cr.)
  • P681 Psychology of Cultural Diversity (3 cr.)
  • P682 Developmental Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • P691 Personality Assessment and Intervention (3 cr.)
  • P692 Seminar in Therapeutic Interventions with Children (3 cr.)
  • P695 Practicum in Personality and Behavioral Assessment (2 cr.)
  • P696 Practicum in Therapeutic Interventions with Children (2 cr.)
Inquiry Requirements (6 cr.)
  • Y502 Intermediate Statistics Applied to Education (3 cr.)
    (Must be taken concurrently with Y500.)
  • Y520 Strategies for Educational Inquiry (3 cr.)
Psychological Foundations Requirements (12 cr.)
Human Development (3 cr.)
  • P514 Lifespan Development: Birth to Death (3 cr.)
Social Bases of Behavior (3 cr.)
Select one course from the following:
  • P622 Social Development (3 cr.)
  • P566 Social Psychology in Education (3 cr.)
  • G656 Social Bases of Behavior (3 cr.)
Cognitive/Learning Bases of Behavior (3 cr.)
Select one course from the following:
  • P540 Learning and Cognition in Education (3 cr.)
  • P544 Applied Cognition and Learning Strategies (3 cr.)
Counseling Course (3 cr.)
Select a counseling course in consultation with the advisory committee. (3 cr.)
Cognate Requirements (9 cr.)

The cognate must have integrity in its own right and must complement the major. The cognate field must demonstrate wholeness within itself and contribute to the student's overall program. Cognates are normally formulated within a single program area. Major area courses may not be used in the cognate. Most students select counseling for their cognate, which provides a foundation for internships in school settings. The cognate should be selected to prepare for internship and professional positions upon graduation.

Elective Requirement (2-12 cr.)

Electives may be taken in fields inside or outside the School of Education. Students may take electives in any area of interest to complement their program of study. Elective courses must be approved by the advisory committee and must be relevant to the field of School Psychology. The electives category may be used to add to the major, research/inquiry, or minor components to bring the total program credits earned to at least 65 hours.

Capstone Project or Comprehensive Examination

Students develop and maintain a Professional Development Portfolio throughout their program. At the end of the second year, the portfolio will be reviewed and evaluated by the advisory committee during an oral examination that includes coverage of coursework, practica, and ethics.

The Ed.S. program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), which provides the graduate with the opportunity to become a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Students are required to take and pass the National School Psychology Examination (Praxis II) as a condition for graduation. This examination is most often taken in June of the second year of study, just before the start of the internship.

Ed.S. Internship

Upon completion of coursework and the oral examination, students are ready to complete an internship. The internship is overseen by a site supervisor and a university-based supervisor. The internship is a minimum of 1200 hours or the equivalent of a full time (nine-month) academic year. Students are expected to complete the internship under conditions established by the internship site. After the internship is completed satisfactorily, graduation occurs. Because the internship timeline is beyond the regular IU academic year, official graduation is most often in June of the third year, and graduates should be able to obtain a license to work in the schools the following year.        

  • P596 Internship in School Psychology I (2-6 cr.)

Academic Bulletins

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Additional program information can be found at the Office of Graduate Studies.