Curriculum and Instruction

Ed.S. in Education-Elementary Education Track

The Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) degree program is an advanced graduate program that enables students to develop competence in an area of educational specialization with emphasis on practice. The Ed.S. in elementary education goes beyond the master’s degree with a focus on theory, curriculum development, and the application of research to the elementary classroom. The program is individually tailored and can focus on early childhood, mathematics, science, art social studies or general elementary education.

Degree Requirements (65 cr.)

Major Requirements (24 cr.)
The credits in the major are chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor and program advisory committee.

Inquiry Requirements (6 cr.)
These hours will be selected in consultation with the student’s advisor and program advisory committee. They will be selected from the approved list of current Inquiry Core courses: A list of approved inquiry courses may be found at

Cognate Requirements (9 cr.)
The cognate must have integrity in its own right and must complement the major. The cognate field must demonstrate wholeness within itself and contribute to the student's overall doctoral program. Cognates are normally formulated within a single program area. Major area courses may not be used in the cognate.

Elective Requirements (26 cr.)
Elective courses must be approved by the advisory committee. They must be relevant to the program. The electives category may be used to add to the major, research/Inquiry, or cognate components.

Capstone Project or Comprehensive Examination
A substantial project or a comprehensive examination constitutes the culmination of the Ed.S. program. A project normally requires a written manuscript describing the project. Projects vary from program to program.

Practical Experience
Ed.S. students must have demonstrated successful practical experience in order to be eligible for graduation. This experience may be in the form of work experience prior to or during the program of studies, or it may be accomplished through practicum and internship courses taken during the program.

Final Meeting
A final meeting of the advisory committee is required, at which the student’s entire program, including the project manuscript or comprehensive examination results, are reviewed. If the committee is satisfied that all program requirements have been successfully completed, the student is recommended for graduation.

Academic Bulletins

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Additional program information can be found at the Office of Graduate Studies.