Titan Success Center
Administration 140 | (574) 520-5050 | titansuccesscenter.iusb.edu
We welcome walk-ins and appointments
About the Titan Success Center
The Titan Success Center (TSC) was established in 2015. It's mission is to support, provide academic guidance for and retain undergraduate students from diverse populations with outstanding potential for success Indiana University South Bend.
TSC coordinates, provides student development opportunities and a supportive community; it also oversees the University's Early Start Summer and Leadership Academy. It’s also a reassuring place for Frank O’Bannon Scholars, 21st Century Scholars, and Making Academic Connections Scholars. TSC works with an entering class of about 350 students, many of whom remain part of the program throughout their undergraduate experience at IU South Bend.
Goals of the TSC
- Build rapport with students
- Offer best practices around adjustments to college from orientation to graduation
- Provide quality academic guidance
- Partner with professional and faculty advisors to promote retention and student success
- Empower and educate students by identifying resources that help students achieve their goals