Accessible Educational Services
Kevin M. Griffith, MSEd, PsyD | Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement
Administration 175 | (574) 520-4256 | disabilitysupport.iusb.edu
About Accessible Educational Services
IU South Bend is committed to providing equal access to higher education for academically qualified students with disabilities. Accessible Educational Services assists students with disabilities in achieving their academic potential by coordinating a variety of services. The office acts as a liaison between the student, instructors, and other university resources and community agencies.
To be eligible for services, you must register with Accessible Educational Services and provide current documentation of the disability. ContactAccessible Educational Services at least six weeks before enrolling at IU South Bend to ensure sufficient time to plan for individualized academic modifications and services. While every effort is made to accommodate students with disabilities, it is the student’s responsibility to make needs known, provide proper documentation, and request services in a timely manner.