Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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If you are seeking further information regarding specific programs, please contact individual departments.

For problems accessing information on this website, please contact Teresa Sheppard.

Career Services Office

Career Services

Kimberly Moore | Director of Career Services
Adminstration 104 | (574) 520-4425 |

About the Career Services Office

The Career Services Office (CSO) is committed to preparing our students and alumni to be active, lifelong learners in developing and implementing their career decisions. Our services are available to all students and alumni at no cost. Students are encouraged to visit the CSO in their freshman year and throughout their college experience.

The following services are offered:

Majors and Your Career

Students have important choices to make. Choosing the best academic major establishes a solid foundation for your future goals. The CSO serves students deciding on an academic major and assists with self-exploration.

  • receive career counseling, take career assessments
  • search for information regarding specific careers to make a well-informed decision about your career path

Internship Planning

The CSO provides resources for obtaining paid and unpaid internships; helping students gain the skills needed to network with professionals in their career field and apply classroom knowledge in a hands-on environment.

Job Search

The Career Services Office posts many full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities on our online job board at IUSBCareers.

Employability Skills

Targeted résumés and cover letters are essential tools for a successful job search. Additionally, being well-prepared for interviews brings the student one step closer to their goal. Career services professionals assist in each of these essential steps of the job and internship search.

Annual IU South Bend Career & Internship Fair

On-campus recruiting events provide professional job seeking and interviewing opportunities for students as well as alumni. Employers visit the campus to conduct interviews and to participate in career and internship fairs. The CSO electronic job board, IUSBCareers (powered by Handshake), allows employers to search for job seekers and for job seekers to search for employment opportunities.

Graduate School Preparation

Resources are available regarding admission strategies and Internet access to graduate education related websites. Career Services professionals can also assist with your graduate school options, a graduate school specific résumé or CV, and critiquing of personal statements. For information about IU South Bend’s graduate programs, visit or the graduate school section of this publication.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.