Office of Dean of Students and Office of Student Conduct
The Office of Dean of Students supports the educational mission of Indiana University South Bend by motivating student success, providing a fair and equitable accountability process, and facilitating honest dialogue that contributes to developing engaged citizens.
Our students and community will strive to become engaged citizens, encourage accountability in oneself and others, and maintain healthy and respectful relationships.
The Office of Dean of Students believes that each student is unique, and deserves the opportunity to develop as an individual at Indiana University South Bend. Students and community members may show human fallibility. We recognize these imperfections and work to assist students in changing their behaviors and choices.
Students are given the opportunity to conduct themselves as active and engaged members of the community. We encourage students to remember the difference between choices and mistakes. We ask students make intentional choices while on and off campus that will propel them towards a fulfilled education and career.
Our conduct process is educational in nature; rooted in best practices, theory, and assessment. There are, and will be, instances that will ask us to consider the safety and well-being of students over their choice of the individual. It is our responsibility to keep the campus safe while assisting in the development of those we serve.
Office of Student Conduct
The Office of Student Conduct encourages and promotes collaboration within academic and administrative departments. It is our goal to reach mutual agreements, support, and challenge, decisions with these departments regarding the appropriate paths that ensure our students are meeting their academic and personal goals.
- To promote a campus environment that supports the overall education of the university
- To protect the university community from disruption and harm
- To encourage accountability in oneself and in others
- To educate the campus community on the institutional standards and expectations
- To foster personal learning and growth while holding individuals and groups accountable to the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct