Natural Sciences
Biology (BIOL)
- BIOL-E 111 Basic Biology by Examination I (3 cr.) Credit by examination for demonstrating an understanding of basic facts and concepts of the lecture content of BIOL-L 101. Credit not given for both BIOL-L 101 and BIOL-E 111.
- BIOL-E 112 Basic Biology by Examination II (3 cr.) Credit by examination for demonstrating an understanding of basic facts and concepts of the lecture content in BIOL-L 102. Credit not given for both BIOL-L 102 and BIOL-E 112.
- BIOL-K 312 Immunology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 101, BIOL-L 102, & CHEM-C 101, CHEM-C 102, CHEM-C 105, or CHEM-C 106, all with grades of C or better. An examination of molecular and cellular immunology, abnormal immune responses, and immunology reactions used in diagnosis.
- BIOL-K 313 Immunology Laboratory (2 cr.) C: BIOL-K 312. Experimental examination of the immune response. Use of the antigen-antibody reaction for diagnostic purposes.
- BIOL-L 100 Humans and the Biological World (3 or 5 cr.) Principles of biological organization, from molecules through cells and organisms to populations. Emphasis on processes common to all organisms, with special reference to human beings. Lecture or lecture and laboratory. Will not count toward a biology degree. Credit not given for both BIOL-L 100 and BIOL-L 101.
- BIOL-L 101 Introduction to Biological Sciences I (5 cr.) One year of high school chemistry or one semester of college chemistry is recommended. Fundamental principles of biology for students considering a biology major or students with high school science background. Principles of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, developmental biology, animal morphology, and physiology. Lecture and laboratory. Credit not given for both BIOL-L 101 and BIOL-L 100.
- BIOL-L 102 Introduction to Biological Sciences II (5 cr.) One year of high school chemistry or one semester of college chemistry is recommended. Fundamental principles of biology for students considering a biology major or students with high school science background. Principles of evolution, systematics, diversity and ecology, and plant biology. Lecture and laboratory.
- BIOL-L 110 Insects: The Alien Empire (3 cr.) The course examines relationships between humans and the most successful multi-celled organisms on earth - the insects. Understanding the philosophy of science and biological concepts using insects as model organisms is emphasized. The negative and positive impact of insects on the human condition is explored in an historical and contemporary context. The course examines how insect transmitted pathogens have influenced human history and how changes in technology have affected our food supply and the direction of research aimed at developing alternative control measures, including genetically modified crops. Other topics include the past and potential use of insects as weapons of war and how insects have influenced human art, religion, and entertainment. Will not count toward a biology degree.
- BIOL-L 111 Foundations of Biology: Diversity, Evolution, and Ecology (3 cr.) For biology and other science majors. Preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores. Focus is on the processes of evolution leading to organismal diversity and adaptation, as well as basic ecological concepts.
- BIOL-L 113 Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) P: Introductory Biology course and permission. Laboratory experiments in various aspects of biology with focus on investigation logic and methods. Introduces aspects of cell-biology, genetics, and evolutionary biology.
- BIOL-L 200 Environmental Biology and Conservation (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 130 or ENG-W 131, and MATH-M 110 or higher with grades of C or better, OR minimum of 12 credits. Study of flora and fauna of Indiana through laboratory and fieldwork. Emphasis on identification, classification, life histories, and habitats of organisms and their conservation as renewable resources.
- BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 101, BIOL-L102, and CHEM-C 101, CHEM-C 102, CHEM-C 105, or CHEM-C 106, all with grades of C or better. Structure and function of DNA and RNA. DNA replication, mechanisms of mutation, repair, recombination, and transposition. Mechanisms and regulation of gene expression. The genetic code, transcription, and translation. Introduces bacteriophages, plasamids, and the technology of recombinant DNA.
- BIOL-L 303 Field Biology (3 cr.) P: One semester of biology and department consent. A summer or intensive course designed to acquaint the student with natural biological interactions in the environment. The course consists of a period of field study in an area remote from the local campus. Orientation before and following course. May be repeated once for credit.
- BIOL-L 304 Marine Biology (3 cr.) P: ENG-W 130 or ENG-W 131, and MATH-M 110 or higher with grades of C or better, OR minimum of 12 credits. An introductory course for majors and nonmajors involving the study of principles, concepts, and techniques of marine and estuarine biology.
- BIOL-L 311 Genetics (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211 with C or better. C: BIOL-L 319. Lecture course on the principles of heredity at the molecular, cellular, individual, and population levels. Credit given for only one: BIOL-L 311 or BIOL-K 322.
- BIOL-L 312 Cell Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211 with C or better. Current views of the structure and function of cellular organelles and components, with emphasis on the flow of information through the cell, the metabolism that supports cellular functions, and differences among different specialized cells.
- BIOL-L 313 Cell Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 312 with C or better. C: BIOL-L 312. Theory and techniques of experimental cell physiology. Current techniques will be stressed.
- BIOL-L 317 Developmental Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 101, BIOL-L 102 with C or better. C: BIOL-Z 318. Analysis of developmental processes that lead to the construction of whole organisms from single cells. Includes the principles of embryology and analysis of mutations affecting development. Credit given for only one: BIOL-L 317 or BIOL-Z 317.
- BIOL-L 318 Evolution (5 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211, BIOL-L 311 with grade of C or better. Provides an explanation of the theory of evolution--the conceptual core of biology. Topics include origins and history of life; the interplay of heredity and environment in shaping adaptations; molecular, behavioral, and social evolution; patterns of speciation, extinction, and their consequences; methods for inferring evolutionary relationships among organisms.
- BIOL-L 319 Genetics Laboratory (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211 with C or better. C: BIOL-L 311. Experimentation demonstrating fundamental genetics mechanisms.
- BIOL-L 323 Molecular Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211. Manipulation and analysis of genes and genomes. Gene cloning and library screening. Gene amplification and disease diagnosis. Gene mapping and southern blot analysis of complex genome structure.
- BIOL-L 341 Natural History of Coral Reefs (3 cr.) P: 100-level biology course. Introduction to principles of biology, ecology, and geology as applied to coral reef ecosystems.
- BIOL-L 343 Applied Conservation Biology (5 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211 with C or better. A course focusing on biodiversity loss and recovery. Lectures introduce concepts such as extinction, climate change, population declines, landscape changes, invasive species, management, and socio-politics of conservation. The applied component is demonstrated by seminars and research experiments that explore current conservation concepts.
- BIOL-L 346 Survey of Molecular Developmental Biology (5-6 cr.) P: BIOL-L 101, BIOL-L 102 with a C or better. Throughout this course, the emphasis returns again and again to the modern molecular understanding of development and how this underlies development in all groups of living organisms. While classical aspects of development which can be observed with the naked eye and the dissecting microscope will, of course, be covered, providing students with a clear molecular prospective across all three Domains of life comes first. This understanding includes concepts like that of the developmental toolkit which so clearly demonstrates the universality of the molecular mechanisms which direct molecular biology in all organisms. The developmental biology lectures acquaint students with the development of various types of organisms from protists through the most advanced plants and animals. The class examines the diversity of developmental programs from perspectives including gross anatomy and molecular controls, with an introduction to the scientific literature of Developmental Biology. The laboratory complements the lecture by providing the student with concrete examples of the principles presented in those lectures, including longitudinal study of the development of several organisms.
- BIOL-L 376 Biology of Birds (4 cr.) P: ENG-W 130 or ENG-W 131, and MATH-M 110 or higher with grades of C or better, OR minimum of 12 credits. Avian systematics, distribution, evolution, ecology, and behavior. Emphasis on identification, communication, and reproductive behavior. Field trips will concentrate on interpretation of behavior and research methods.
- BIOL-L 403 Biology Seminar (1 cr.) P: Senior standing and 25 credits of upper level biology courses. Individual presentation of topics of current importance. May be repeated for credit.
- BIOL-L 465 Advanced Field Biology (3 cr.) C: Recommended: BIOL-L 473 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Lectures and two to three weeks of fieldwork on various problems of ecosystem structure. May be repeated once for credit.
- BIOL-L 473 Ecology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 211 with C or better. C: BIOL-L 474. Distribution and abundance of animals and plants; interactions of organism and environment at levels of individual, population, and community from functional point of view.
- BIOL-L 474 Laboratory in Ecology (2 cr.) P: BIOL-L 473 with C or better. C: BIOL-L 473. Introduction to research in ecology. Field and laboratory techniques in study of distribution and abundance or organisms.
- BIOL-L 499 Internship in Biology Instruction (3 cr.) P: Consent of Instructor. An internship for biology majors desiring college teaching experience. Students will be provided training in lecture-laboratory presentations. Each student will present lectures and laboratories that will be videotaped for subsequent analysis and follow-up suggestions for improvement.
- BIOL-Z 318 Developmental Biology Lab (2 cr.) P: BIOL-L 101 and BIOL-L 102 with a C or better. C: BIOL-L 317 A laboratory course about developing organisms, with special emphasis on embryology and organogenesis.