Student Services

Office of Overseas Study

Students at IU Southeast have the opportunity to participate in various study abroad programs.  Some are IUS faculty led study abroad programs, others are academic programs that Indiana University (IUB and its regional campuses) has arranged in other countries. When students participate in any of the IU programs, they receive IU credit, and benefit from the guidance and assistance of IU directors at most sites. Costs vary significantly based upon the duration and location of the programs. IUS faculty led programs tend to be more affordable as they are shorter (2-4 weeks); other programs are reasonably priced too. Participants are eligible for financial assistance just as they would be if they were at an IU campus. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for further information on financial aid. In addition, IU and IU Southeast offer some special scholarships to students in overseas study programs. You should contact the Co-Directors of International Programs, Dr. Valérie Scott at or Dr. Anne Allen at for information on study abroad programs and these scholarships. The information is also available on the Study Abroad website.

Recently, IUS faculty-let programs have taken students to South Africa, Indonesia and England (Natural Sciences), Samoa (Arts and Letters), as well as France and Wales (Social Sciences). Previous trips took students to Ecuador (Education), Costa Rica, Ireland, Cuba, Jordan, and Ghana. These programs allow students to travel in small groups, often times in the summer, with one or two faculty/staff, and participate in uniquely tailored experiences.  

Semester programs are available all around the globe, in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, South Africa, Spain, and Thailand. Some of these programs focus on language learning and require significant language proficiency, but others are in English or demand very little foreign language background.

Academic-year programs are offered in Britain, France, Germany, Ghana, Japan, Spain, and several other locations. Those in France, Germany, and Spain require at least five semesters of language courses as a prerequisite; the program in Japan requires two years.

Applications for academic-year programs are normally due in early January of the year before travel. Applications for semester programs are due early in the previous semester, and those for the summer are due early in early spring semester (February 1).

Contact the Co-Directors of International Programs, Dr Scott (CV 007) at or Dr Woodward (CV 014) at  to pick up fliers on individual programs or discuss your interests.  Information about international programs and applications forms are available on the IUS International Programs page.

Feel free to visit the IUS International Programs Facebook page.

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