Student Services

Disability Services

Office of Disability Services

Director: Matthew Springer
Campus Office: US 207
Telephone: (812) 941-2243
Fax: (812) 941-2542

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is dedicated to opening doors of equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities attending Indiana University Southeast. Students with documented disabilities are encouraged to make an appointment with the ODS coordinator to discuss any academic accommodations they may need in order to have access to their education as soon as possible; preferably before or directly after they have been admitted to the university. The ODS assists students with documented disabilities by determining their eligibility for services and then working with students and faculty to determine reasonable accommodations and services which will, in turn, give the student equal access to the university.

Services of this office are based on documented need and may include: preadmission consultation; testing accommodations; American Sign Language interpreters, and referrals to other campus and community resources. The student is responsible for timely providing ODS with current, comprehensive, and adequate documentation of the student’s disability completed by a medical or psychological professional. Appropriate documentation is a necessary prerequisite for any academic modification or accommodation. Documentation guidelines are available on the ODS website, or can be provided by the ODS coordinator.

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