Academic Regulations
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Application to and enrollment in the university constitute the student’s commitment to honor and abide by the practices and policies stated in the University’s official announcements, bulletins, handbooks, and other published materials and to behave in a manner that is mature and compatible with the University’s function as an institution of higher learning. Students are expected to read the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct and, by their enrollment, agree to its contents and to the additional IU School of Medicine (IUSM) statements that appear below.
Academic Advising A professional advisor is available to assist students who are working on the prerequisites for a professional program. Once admitted to a professional program, students are advised by faculty within the program. It is the student’s responsibility to seek counseling and guidance. The student is responsible for planning a program to meet degree requirements and for filing a completed application by the specific program’s application deadline.
Appeals The School abides by the appeals procedures discussed in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. Students may obtain a copy of the School’s Appeals Policy and Appeals Procedure from the Health Professions Programs Administrative Office.
Attendance Students are responsible for complying with all attendance requirements that may be established by the School’s faculty.
Academic Misconduct Faculty and students have rights and responsibilities for learning, teaching, and scholarship within the entire university community. Academic functions are characterized by reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, mutual respect, and openness to constructive change. Specific categories of academic misconduct are defined within the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct and include the following areas:
- Cheating
- Fabrication
- Plagiarism
- Interference
- Violation of Course Rules
- Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
Personal Misconduct Students may be responsible for acts of personal misconduct that occur on or off university property as defined by the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
Clinical Affiliations Clinical affiliations are required in most programs. The program faculty is responsible for the selection, approval, and assignment of clinical experiences. Although individual student needs and desires will be recognized, the final placement decisions are made by the program faculty. Students are responsible for transportation, fees, and self-support and for following the rules and regulations of the center(s) to which they are assigned. In addition, student conduct must be consistent with the standards of the University and the profession.
Confidentiality of Records Indiana University, in compliance with the General Education Provisions Act, Section 438, titled Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, provides that all of a student’s records are confidential and available only to that student, to his or her parents if the student is under 21, and to the student’s dependent as defined by IRS standards. The student may review the record upon request and may ask for deletions or corrections of the record in a hearing process described in detail in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. References, recommendations, and other similar documents may carry a voluntary waiver relinquishing the student’s right to review this specific material. The student may also release the record to others by signing a written release available in the offices that maintain records. Further details regarding the provisions of the Privacy Act and a list of offices where student records are kept may be found in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
Degree Applications Each year, students preparing to graduate during the following calendar year must file an intent-to-graduate form in the office of the program in which they are enrolled. Program faculty then certify the student’s satisfactory completion of degree requirements. If there are changes in the anticipated date of degree completion, students must consult their faculty advisor and file an updated intent-to-graduate form.
Financial Aid A student may seek financial assistance through the financial aid office on the campus of interest. In addition, assistance may be available through professional associations and other external groups and agencies.
The use of the School’s grade enhancement policies (Repeated Courses, Fresh Start, and Academic Bankruptcy) is for admissions purposes only and does not alter the student’s official University record. The IUPUI Office of Student Financial Aid Services will continue to count these credits hours towards the evaluation of a student’s progress towards completion of their degree. This process, called Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), is a federally mandated evaluation which includes the following three components:
- Students are required to maintain an appropriate cumulative GPA of 2.0 for undergraduates.
- Successfully complete at least 67% of their attempted coursework.
- Students must complete their degree requirements within 150% of the published semester hour length of the academic program.
Costs Students are responsible for the following costs:
- Fees and tuition are established annually by the Trustees of Indiana University.
- Books and supplies are determined by the program.
- During clinical/fieldwork experiences, students must adhere to the dress code requirements of the program and training site. Students are responsible for providing their own uniforms.
- Students are responsible for travel and lodging costs associated with clinical/fieldwork experiences.
- Upon admission, students are made aware or certain entry requirements including, but not limited to a background check, drug screen, health screen, required immunizations, and the need to show proof of health insurance.
While tuition, fees, and other related expenses change each year, the estimated annual cost (resident rate) associated with matriculating in one of the undergraduate programs in the IUSM are available on the school's website. Non-resident students pay a significantly higher rate. This estimate does not include living costs.
Liability Insurance All students participating in required clinical experiences are covered by the University’s medical malpractice insurance. When requested, students may be required to purchase and show proof of general liability insurance before being certified to begin the clinical experience.
Health/Immunization Requirements For the protection of students and the patients with whom they will come in contact during training, all entering students must meet established health requirements. Full details for entering students can be found at here. Full details for returning students can be found here.
Health Insurance All students must show proof of health insurance before beginning the professional program.
International Students Foreign nationals enrolled in the School are subject to the same rights and responsibilities as all other students. International students should consult the IUPUI Office for International Affairs. A processing fee may be charged to entering students.
Orientation Students are required to attend program-based orientation programs before the beginning of the professional courses. Students are responsible for attending these sessions and for knowing the program-specific policies and standards distributed and discussed at the sessions. Students transferring directly into the professional program from outside the Indiana University system may also opt to attend the campus orientation program; associated campus orientation fees cannot be waived.
Professional Conduct Students are responsible for exhibiting conduct appropriate to their professional training and education. Each program distributes standards and policies of appropriate professional conduct at the time of program orientation.
Registration and Record Changes It is the student’s responsibility to enroll in each required academic session and satisfactorily complete all courses required for the degree Faculty are available to provide academic advising.
Students are responsible for communicating any necessary record changes with the Health Professions Programs Administrative Office as soon as possible.
Updated: July 2020