IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Medicine » Academic Regulations » Academic Regulations


Academic Regulations

All students admitted to the IU School of Medicine (IUSM) Health Professions Programs are governed by the following academic regulations.

Academic Standing - Probation, Dismissal, Reinstatement  Policies related to Academic Standing can be found here.

Dean's List

Grade Replacement 

Residency Requirement for Degree  
All students completing a degree from the IUSM must complete at least 30 credits hours in residence at the institution.  By nature of the professional curriuculum for each program, this should automatically occur.  By School policy, credits awarded by special credit do not count towards the residency requirement.  If a student applies for advanced standing, the School will allow some of the credit hours to have been completed at another Indiana University campus.  

Incomplete Grade Process  

Students should check with their individual program regarding on requesting an incomplete and requirements for finishing to meet campus guidelines. 

Post Auto W  

All requests for course withdrawals after the automatic W deadline for any term must receive approval from the student’s advisor, instructor, and School’s dean or designated representative.

Grades  All students admitted to the IUSM Health Professions Programs are governed by the grade definitions and minimum grade requirements established by their professional program. Instructors are responsible for establishing and publishing the grading scale applicable to their courses.

Pass/Fail  IUSM Health Professions Programs students may not use the Pass/Fail option for a stated prerequisite or a professional course. No more than one Pass/Fail course may be taken in any one semester. Students are limited to a maximum of 24 Pass/Fail credit hours for the baccalaureate degree and a maximum of 12 Pass/Fail credit hours for the associate degree.

Special Credit Policy  IUSM Health Professions Programs may award special credit to students who are enrolled at Indiana University seeking a degree and who possess, by previous education or experience, a background in a current degree program within the IUSM. The mechanisms by which a student may be awarded credit include credit by credentials, credit by experience, and credit by examination. Certain programs have policies that define how these mechanisms apply to a student seeking credit from that program. Students may obtain a copy of the available program specific Special Credit Policy and Procedure by contacting the Health Professions Programs Administrative Office.

Dropped or Added Courses  Students who alter their original class schedules, whether by personal incentive or university directive, must do so officially by filing the appropriate forms with the registrar or following the approved electronic process. Students who do not assume this responsibility are jeopardizing their records with the possibility of incurring an F in a course not properly dropped and/or not receiving credit in a course improperly added.

Double Major  An undergraduate double major does not exist in the IUSM, and second major options have not been established between the School and any other academic unit. Each health professions degree is a separate academic curriculum, and students may not pursue a double major.

Multiple Degrees  Students earning more than one degree at the same level are required to meet the academic requirements for the degree in each school and must be recommended for the degree by the faculty of each school. Students receiving an undergraduate degree from the IUSM are required to complete the professional component in sequence with their class of admission.

Remedial Courses  Generally, remedial and refresher courses do not satisfy any course requirement for any IUSM Health Professions Programs degree. Contact the program for further information

IUPUI Policies

  • Auditing a Course
  • Confidentiality and Access to Student Records
  • Dropping/Adding Classes
  • E-mail as Official Communication
  • Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
  • Grade Point Average
  • Grading System
  • Military Withdrawal
  • Residency
  • Student Responsibilities
  • Technology Access, Security, and Use
  • Tobacco Free Policy
  • Zachary's Law

Campus-Level Policies

  • Academic Level
  • Academic Probation
  • Dismissal
  • Full-Time, Half-Time, Part-Time Student Status
  • Grade Forgiveness
  • Grade Replacement
  • Graduation with Academic Distinction
  • Readmission
  • Transfer

Updated: July 2020