IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Medicine » Admission » Admission


Applicants seeking admission to any of the IU School of Medicine (IUSM) Health Professions Programs must be enrolled as a degree-seeking student on the IUPUI campus or admitted to the campus for the appropriate term of entry.  In addition, applicants must also submit a completed application packet to the specific program's admissions committee by the program's application deadline.  Please see program specific requirements in the "Degree Programs" section of this publication.  The program specific application can be found in the admissions section of the Health Professions Programs website (http://medicine.iu.edu/hpp). 

Preadmission Status

Enrollment at Indiana University does not guarantee admission to any of the IUSM Health Professions Programs. To be eligible for admission, students must adhere to the academic regulations of the academic unit in which they are enrolled and meet IUSM Health Professions Programs and individual program preadmission requirements as stipulated in the academic regulations and undergraduate program sections of this bulletin. Admission to many programs is competitive; therefore, completion of the prerequisites does not guarantee admission to the program. In some instances a student may be admitted to the IUSM as a preprofessional student; however, this status is for academic advising purposes only and in no way influences admission into a professional program.

Change of Educational Objective for Preprofessional Students
Changing one's educational objective to a IUSM Health Professions Programs does not guarantee admission to the program. Students considering a change in their educational objective should consult with a counselor on their respective campuses before initiating the change. Pre-health professions students in University College, the IUSM, or other Indiana University schools or divisions must follow that academic unit's procedures for changing the educational objective. All students must meet school and individual program admission requirements in order to be admitted to a professional program. Each Health Professions Program requires students to complete an application for admission to the specific program.  Please see program-specific sections for the individual program admission deadlines.

Updated: July 2020