Communication Studies
Core Communication
- COMM-G 100 Introduction to Communication Studies (3 cr.) P: reading placement of at least 80, and placement in W131. Survey course of history, theory, and practice in each of six major areas: rhetoric and public address, theatre arts, interpersonal/ organizational communication, small group dynamics, public communication, and mass media studies. For each of the areas examined, students will apply theory to practice, thereby learning to become more effective communicators. PUL=1A
- COMM-G 125 Topics in Communication Studies (1-3 cr.) Select introductory theory and practice in specialized and/or consolidated areas of communication and theatre not directly covered by current curricular offerings. Topics will vary from one semester to another. A student may register for a total of no more than 6 credit hours under this course number. PUL=1A
- COMM-G 201 Introduction to Communication Theory (3 cr.) A survey of theories in the field of human communication. Consideration is given to theories that explain communication behavior between pairs of people, within groups, in organizations, and in societies. PUL=2
- COMM-G 300 Independent Study (1-8 cr.) Research or practical experience in various departmental areas as selected by the student prior to registration, outlined in consultation with the instructor, and approved by the department. If a practicum experience, it must represent a minimum of 45 clock hours of practical application per credit hour. A student shall take no more than a total of 9 credit hours of G300 and G491. PUL=4
- COMM-G 310 Introduction to Communication Research (3 cr.) Methodologies and types of data analyses for investigating communication phenomena. Students will acquire knowledge and competencies that will allow them to understand and address the process of communication research and relevant communication research issues. PUL=1B
- COMM-G 375 Nonverbal Communication (1-3 cr.) Course examines the influences of nonverbal communication cues: interpersonal dynamics, media, environmental dimensions, and rhetorical strategies. Cross-cultural and gender differences in nonverbal codes will also be explored. PUL=2
- COMM-G 390 Honors (1-5 cr.) P: junior standing and departmental approval. Individualized readings and/or project work devised by the student; regular meetings with faculty supervisor. PUL=2
- COMM-G 391 Seminar (1-3 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Topic announced in prior semester; oriented to current topics in communication and theatre; readings, projects, and papers as indicated by the topic and instructor. May be repeated for a total of 8 credit hours. PUL=3
- COMM-G 391 Advanced Topics in Communication Studies (1-6 cr.)
- COMM-G 400 Health Provider-Consumer Communication (3 cr.) This course is designed to teach communication skills and practices related to health care discourse, by examining transactional communication within health care contexts. Topics covered in this course focus directly upon interpersonal dialogue between health care providers and patients. PUL=4
- COMM-G 491 Internship (3-6 cr.) P: permission of instructor; for seniors and majors only. Internship in rhetoric and public address, theatre arts, interpersonal/organizational communication, media studies permitted under the auspices of a qualified cooperating organization. Periodic meetings with faculty advisors and term paper detailing intern’s professional activities and reactions. Apply during semester prior to desired internship. Total credit applicable to graduation shall not exceed 9 credit hours of G300 and G491. PUL=3
- COMM-G 499 Research Seminar (3 cr.) P: upper-division standing or permission of instructor. A survey of the methods used by communication researchers for gathering and interpreting information emphasizing the relationship between theory and research, the seminar will explore important issues such as ethics and naturalistic vs. laboratory approaches. PUL=1B