
The IU School of Liberal Arts offers a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree in a number of disciplines, a Bachelor of Science in American Sign Language degree, a two-year Associate of Arts degree, and a variety of structured minors and certificate programs for students pursuing Liberal Arts or other degrees. At the heart of the school’s programs are the following:

Programs BA/BS Certificate Minor
Africana StudiesBACertificate
American Sign LanguageBSCertificate
American Studies Minor
Ancient Greek & Latin Minor
AnthropologyBA Minor
Arabic, Islamic Studies Minor
Arts & Humanities
Business & Professional Writing Minor
Chinese Studies CertificateMinor
Classical Studies Minor
Communication StudiesBA Minor
EconomicsBA Minor
English, Creative WritingBA Minor
English, Film StudiesBA Minor
English, LinguisticsBA Minor
English, LiteratureBA Minor
European Studies Minor
FrenchBA Minor
Geographic Information Science Certificate
GeographyBA Minor
GermanBA Minor
HistoryBA Minor
History, EuropeanBA Minor
History, Non U.S. Non-EuropeanBA Minor
History, ThematicBA
History, U.S.BA Minor
Human Communication in a Mediated World Certificate
Individualized MajorBA
International StudiesBA Minor
Italian Minor
Japanese Studies Minor
Legal Studies Minor
Medical Humanities and Health Studies Minor
Motorsport Studies Certificate
Museum Studies Certificate
Paralegal Studies Certificate
Philanthropic StudiesBA Minor
PhilosophyBA Minor
Political ScienceBA
Pre-Law Political ScienceBA
Religious StudiesBA Minor
SociologyBA Minor
Sociology, Medical Minor
SpanishBA Minor
Theatre and Performance Certificate
Translation Studies Certificate
Women's Studies Minor
Writing and LiteracyBA

Statement of Goals
Graduates of the IU School of Liberal Arts should exemplify the ideals of a liberal arts education and the University’s “Principles of Undergraduate Learning.”

Students should be broadly educated across the disciplines and well trained in a particular major. They should have: (1) proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking skills; (2) competence in quantitative, language, and analytic skills; (3) a broad-based experience in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences; and (4) a major area of study. Although faculty and counselors are available to help students acquire these proficiencies and attitudes, learning must be self-motivated. To be taught, one must first be interested in learning. A liberal arts education, therefore, is the responsibility of the individual student.

By graduation, a liberal arts education should have provided the opportunity for a student to attain the IUPUI “Principles of Undergraduate Learning,” which are:

  • Core Communication and Quantitative Skills: The ability of students to express and interpret information, perform quantitative analysis, and use information resources and technology—the foundational skills necessary for all IUPUI students to succeed.
  • Critical Thinking: The ability of students to engage in a process of disciplined thinking that informs beliefs and actions. Students who demonstrate critical thinking apply the process of disciplined thinking by remaining open-minded, reconsidering previous beliefs and actions, and adjusting their thinking, beliefs, and actions based on new information.
  • Integration and Application of Knowledge: The ability of students to use information and concepts from studies in multiple disciplines in their intellectual, professional, and community lives.
  • Intellectual Depth, Breadth, and Adaptiveness: The ability of students to examine and organize disciplinary ways of knowing and to apply them to specific issues and problems.
  • Understanding Society and Culture: The ability of students to recognize their own cultural traditions and to understand and appreciate the diversity of the human experience.
  • Values and Ethics: The ability of students to make sound decisions with respect to individual conduct, citizenship, and aesthetics.