School of Education
B.S. in Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
School of Education: Initial Licensure Programs
Program-level Outcomes
- Learner and Learning: The candidate’s decision-making prioritizes an engaged learning community that promotes students’ dignity, autonomy, and belonging.
- Learner and Learning: The candidate’s instruction uses multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression to support students’ cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development, including those with diverse learning differences.
- Content: Concepts: The candidate’s instruction demonstrates well-chosen combinations of central concepts and essential discipline-specific knowledge.
- Content: Pedagogy: The candidate’s instruction creates powerful learning experiences that engage students in critical thinking and/or different perspectives using pedagogy well-suited to the content area.
- Instructional Practice: Assessment: The candidate’s decision-making prioritizes students’ needs as revealed in data generated by different assessment tools.
- Instructional Practice: Planning: The candidate identifies challenging instructional goals and well-designed methods and materials for scaffolding students’ learning.
- Instructional Practice: Strategies: The candidate chooses a variety of instructional strategies that provide students sustained opportunities to develop essential skills while building their understanding of content knowledge.
- Instructional Practice: Technology: The candidate integrates technology tools and resources to enhance students’ understanding of content knowledge and mastery of essential skills.
- Professional Responsibility: Active Engagement: The candidate takes initiative to make productive contributions while helping others achieve shared goals of activities.
- Professional Responsibility: Collaboration: The candidate takes initiative to collaborate with others to ensure learners’ growth; is open to other people’s ideas and suggestions; seeks positive solutions to achieve shared goals.
- Professional Responsibility: Growth Orientation: The candidate practices an ongoing cycle of evidence-gathering, monitoring, and reflecting on how specific aspects of professional practice impact others.
- Professional Responsibility: Integrity: The candidate consistently displays trustworthiness in upholding ethical standards in all interactions with others in professional contexts.
- Professional Responsibility: Communication: The candidate adapts communication style to different audiences and contexts; safeguards personal information in public and private contexts thereby affirming the dignity of others.
- Professional Responsibility: Respect: The candidate advocates on behalf of others by affirming other people’s perspectives and explicitly addressing potential biases.
- Professional Responsibility: Responsibility: The candidate fulfills expectations involved in the different roles a teacher performs in varying school and community contexts.