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Engaged Learning
Special Academic Opportunities
Engaged Learning
IU Indianapolis encourages and supports students to pursue pathways of engaged learning experiences during their undergraduate studies. Students have the opportunity to participate in more than a dozen engaged learning experiences at IU Indianapolis, beginning in the First-Year Experience (e.g., Bridge, first-year seminar, project-based learning, and learning communities) through their senior year with a capstone project in their major area of study. Along their learning pathway, students can participate in undergraduate research, internships, service learning courses and civic engagement experiences, study abroad and international experiences, common intellectual experiences, and project-based learning while capturing and integrating their learning in all of these curricular experiences in an ePortfolio. Engaged learning provides students with applied, integrative, and experiential learning opportunities that prepares them for lives of commitment and success with skills to communicate, innovate, and engage in local and global communities to address twenty-first century problems. These skills are highly sought after by prospective employers and civic organizations.