Graduate Courses
- BIOL-I 507 Principles of Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 322, CHEM-C 342, or consent of instructor. Molecular aspects of structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins, including recombinant DNA research. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic molecular biology are given equal weight. Spring.
- BIOL-I 512 Advanced Cell Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 322, BIOL-K 324 and BIOL-K 331; all with a minimum grade of B. This course provides detailed analysis of cell biology, gene regulation and applications of cell biology and genetics. This is a lecture, literature and presentation driven course that utilizes an advanced graduate level textbook as a foundation to dive into recent primary literature on new and emerging topics in cell biology.
- BIOL-I 568 Regenerative Biology and Medicine (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 324 or BIOL-K 331 or a biochemistry course. This course examines the mechanisms of natural regeneration (regenerative biology) and the application of these mechanisms to the development of therapies to restore tissues damaged by injury or disease (regenerative medicine). Not offered on a regular basis.
- BIOL-T 585 Model Organisms in Research (3 cr.) Students will be introduced to the evolutionary similarities that allow study of human disease in certain organisms and the differences that limit the conclusions that can be made from that research. Students will be introduced to the history of the use of these organisms and the characteristics that give these organisms the label or 'model' organism.
- BIOL-T 586 Principles of Ornithology (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction and overview over the biology, ecology, evolution, behavior, and conservation of birds. Students will also learn to identify common birds by sight and sound. Regular independent bird watching trips are expected as well as a field research project on local bird diversity.
- BIOL-I 609 Scientific Research Bootcamp (1 cr.) P: Enrolled in an M.S. Thesis or Ph.D. program in the School of Science. This course introduces graduate students (Thesis Master and Ph.D.) to research approaches, research presentation skills, and the proper conduct of research. This bootcamp course fulfills the requirement for Responsible Conduct in Research training that is required for students with certain funding and paid from NIH/HSF grants.
- BIOL-I 625 Immune System Disorders (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 338. The aim of this course is to understand the underlying mechanisms that contribute to immune system dysfunction. We will discuss the genetic defects in the immune system, immune complex diseases, immune mediated hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmune diseases. This course covers fundamentals as well as current topics in the field of immunology. Spring.
- BIOL-I 696 Seminar (1 cr.) Each semester there are several separate offerings. Oral presentations are required. Fall, Spring. May be repeated for credit.
- BIOL-I 697 Special Topics (1-3 cr.) The frontiers of biology. Critical examination of developments in the various specialties represented by the members of the department. Currently, advanced work in the following and related fields can be offered: molecular genetics; structure and biosynthesis of biologically significant molecules; the nature of biological specificity and enzyme catalysis; the fine structure and chemistry of subcellular particles, cells, and tissues; microbial and plant metabolism; comparative biochemistry; genetics and physiology of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and cells of higher forms of life; the genetics, structure, development, and physiology of plants and animals, including endocrinology and work physiology; excitable membranes; neurobiology, ecology, systematics, and evolution of microorganisms, plants, and animals; host-parasite relationships including immunology; and the teaching of biology. The field in which work is offered will be indicated in the student's record. May be repeated for credit.
- CHEM-I 520 Forensic Chemistry I (3 cr.) This course will focus on the analysis and identification of commonly abused chemicals such as ethanol, controlled substances and prescription drugs. The history, legal issues, synthesis, chemical/physical properties, and laboratory analysis of these materials will be discussed. Special topics of the students choosing will also be included as student presentations.
- CHEM-I 533 Introductory Biochemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342 or equivalent. A rigorous one-semester introduction to biochemistry.
- CHEM-I 542 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 362 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Atomic structure; periodic trends and properties of the elements. Introduction to symmetry and group theory. Valence bond, molecular orbital, and ligand field theories of bonding and their application to structure and properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Spectroscopic properties and acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and coordination reactions of inorganic compounds. Advanced topics in main group or transition element chemistry.
- CHEM-I 575 Intermediate Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 362 or equivalent. Quantum theory of atoms and molecules, theories of chemical bonding, molecular spectroscopy, methods for determining molecular structure, and electrical and magnetic properties.
- CHEM-I 590 Special Topics in Chemistry (3 cr.) Fall, Spring. Lecture courses offered on topic areas that are not part of the regular graduate curriculum. Repeatable up to 2 times.
- CHEM-I 599 Special Assignments (1-4 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Every semester including summer I and II, time arranged. Directed reading or special work not included in other courses.
- CHEM-I 610 Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry Lectures II or equivalent with a C or better. This course bridges introductory undergraduate organic chemistry, advanced organic chemistry, and medicinal chemistry, covering classic organic reactions and their mechanisms. Application of these reactions to the synthesis of biologically active natural products and structurally complicated pharmaceuticals will be discussed along with the retro-synthetic strategy and their relevant mechanisms.
- CHEM-I 613 Mass Spectrometry (3 cr.) A survey of mass spectrometry, including fundamentals of instrumentation, instrumentation types, and applications. Applications in biological and environmental chemistry are discussed.
- CHEM-I 619 Electroanalytical Chemistry (3 cr.) This course is an introduction to the basic principles and theory of electrochemical phenomena and the methods used to study them. The course includes descriptive chemistry of electrochemical reactions and contemporary directions of research in electrochemistry.
- CHEM-I 621 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 310 and CHEM-C 410. A critical survey of recent developments in chemical and instrumental methods of analysis.
- CHEM-I 629 Chromatographic Methods of Analysis (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 410 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Principles and practice of modern gas and liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis are developed from an integrated point of view. Emphasis is placed both on theory and on features useful for practical analytical separations.
- CHEM-I 632 Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 430 Inorganic Chemistry or equivalent and CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism or equivalent. The role of essential metal ions in fundamental life processes ranges from structural, electron transfer to catalysis. This course will introduce techniques for probing the metal sites with a focus on transition metals. This course will discuss the occurrence and the effect of exposure to toxic metals.
- CHEM-I 634 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 310, CHEM-C 342, CHEM-C 361, and CHEM-C 362 or equivalent. Chemistry of materials of biochemical interest: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, porphyrins, biochemistry of blood.
- CHEM-I 636 Biochemical Mechanisms (3 cr.) P: One year of physical chemistry and CHEM-I 651. The chemical basis of enzymatic catalysis with particular emphasis on catalytic interactions important in aqueous media.
- CHEM-I 641 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 430 or CHEM-I 542 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Applications of symmetry and group theory to structure, bonding and spectral properties of inorganic compounds. Advanced topics in main group and transition element chemistry including determination of structure from physical and spectroscopic properties, bonding in coordination, and organometallic compounds and inorganic reaction mechanisms.
- CHEM-I 651 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342 or equivalent. Modern structural organic chemistry. Introduction to bonding theory, stereochemistry, and computational chemistry.
- CHEM-I 652 Synthetic Organic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-I 651 or CHEM-I 657. An advanced treatment of methods for preparing major types of organic functionalities and bonds, stressing stereo- and regio-chemical control, and employing mechanistic organic chemistry for understanding choice of reagents and reactions conditions
- CHEM-I 657 Reaction Mechanisms (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 342 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Modern structural organic chemistry, introduction to physical organic chemistry, mechanisms of representative reactions, and methods used for understanding reactivity in organic transformations.
- CHEM-I 672 Quantum Chemistry (3 cr.) P: One year of physical chemistry. Basic principles of classical and quantum mechanics, approximation methods, atomic structure, spectroscopy, application of group theory, and theory of molecular bonding.
- CHEM-I 675 Chemical Kinetics (2-3 cr.) P: One year of physical chemistry. Experimental and theoretical considerations of chemical reaction rates and mechanisms.
- CHEM-I 682 Statistical Thermodynamics (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 362 or equivalent. Application of statistical mechanics to the description of imperfect gases, liquids, and solutions, and to order-disorder phenomena in solids and surfaces; Monte Carlo techniques and molecular dynamics.
- CHEM-I 695 Seminar (0-1 cr.) Group meeting for review and discussion of important current literature in analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Each graduate student is required to attend the seminar of his/her major subject.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry (1-3 cr.) P: Bachelor of Science in chemistry from an accredited institution or consent of instructor. Lectures on selected topics of current interest.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics In Chemistry: Bioanalytical Chemistry (3 cr.) Modern techniques for the study of biological macromolecules, such as protein and peptides, carbohydrates, DNA, RNA, and lipids, including (1) spectroscopy (UV-Vis, Raman, NMR, mass spectrometry, and light scattering); (2) bioseparations (chromatography, electrophoresis, and microdialysis); (3) electrochemistry (sensors, electron transfer, and LCEC); and (4) miscellaneous topics (amino acid analysis, sequencing, microcalorimetry, and immunochemistry).
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Biochemistry-Dynamic Aspects (1-3 cr.) Mechanisms of biological catalysis, metabolism, biosynthesis, regulation of genetic information, and molecular biology.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Bioelectrochemistry (1-3 cr.) Principles of electrochemical measurements including potentiometry, amperometry, and linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry and application to the study and utilization of biological molecules. Topics covered include redox transformations in biological systems, electron transfer between electrodes and biological molecules, and electrochemical sensors for detection and quantitation of biological analytes.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Bioorganic Chemistry (1-3 cr.) Structure and reactivity of biological macromolecules, such as proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids, and their relevance to bioorganic chemistry. Current experimental studies of enzymes, nucleic acids, and model systems.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Biomaterials (1-3 cr.) Introduction to the field of biomaterials science including chemistry, physics, and engineering of biomaterials; biological and biochemical aspects of biomaterials; and biomaterials in medicine.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Biophysical Chemistry (1-3 cr.) The study of structure and properties of biologically important macromolecules in solution using physical techniques, with special emphasis on optical, fluorescence, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy to describe protein conformation, denaturation, catalytic center structure, thermodynamics of ligand binding, time dependent processes, and membrane properties.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Chemical Information Technology (1-3 cr.) Overview of chemical informatics techniques, including chemical information and data systems, chemical structure and data representation and search systems, and bioinformatics techniques.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Organometallics in Organic Synthesis (1-3 cr.) Recent developments in the use of transition metals in synthetic organic methodology. Emphasis is placed on applications of methods in the synthesis of complex organic molecules.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Protein Structure and Function (1-3 cr.) Physical forces stabilizing protein structure; protein folding. Essential features of macromolecular interactions. Introduction to enzyme kinetics and chemical mechanism in enzyme reactions.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Group Theory in Chemistry (1-3 cr.) This course is on molecular symmetry and how we obtain information about the quantum states of molecules through application of group theoretical techniques related to the symmetries of molecules.
- CHEM-I 696 Special Topics in Chemistry: Solid-Phase Synthesis and Combinatorial Chemistry: Theory and Practice (1-3 cr.) This course will explore how the tools of solid-phase synthesis and combinatorial chemistry are being used to solve a wide variety of problems requiring chemical solutions. Examples range from medicinal chemistry and drug discovery to new catalyst creation, from new "chiral selectors" to new biochemical probes. The course will focus on the rationale for employing a combinatorial approach in chemical discovery. It will teach the basics of solid-phase organic chemistry, and the methodology, equipment, and analytical technology employed to use it as a tool to rapidly and effectively carry out a combinatorial approach to problem solving.
- PSY-I 501 Multicultural Counseling (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing. This course explores the role of increasing diversity in the U.S. population and how it will affect the delivery of mental health services. The focus of the course is on different ethnic and minority groups, their customs and values, and the impact that these cultural factors have on the utilization of psychological services.
- PSY-I 518 Memory and Cognition (3 cr.) A graduate-level survey of theories and research concerned with the acquisition, retention, and retrieval of information. Topics include amnesia, eyewitness memory, forgetting, developmental trends in memory, related issues in attention, language processing, and problem solving.
- PSY-I 535 Developmental Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing in Psychology or permission of instructor. Course will examine the nature of how biological and developmental alterations lead to aberrant behaviors that define psychopathology. Course covers theories of development and neuroscience, including methods of study. Discussion of the ethics involved in the field of Developmental Neuroscience.
- PSY-I 541 History of Psychology (3 cr.) P: Nine (9) credit hours of psychology. A review of the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological issues that entered into the development of modern psychology. Emphasis on historical themes that continue to be active in the science and profession of psychology.
- PSY-I 544 Psychobiology of Learning and Motivation (3 cr.) P: PSY-B 320 or equivalent. The course examines past and present biologically based theories of learned and motivated behavior. Neural processes of feeding, drinking, aggression, fear, anxiety, and sexual behavior will be emphasized. Selected coverage of behavioral research principles used to investigate these processes also will be discussed.
- PSY-I 545 Psychopharmacology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 615 or consent of instructor. A survey of the effects of drugs on behavior, cognitive functioning, and emotions. Emphasis will be placed on the practical advantages of understanding how psychotropic drugs work, and on how the brain functions in health and disease. Students will be exposed to the most current theories and research in the field.
- PSY-I 549 Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation (3 cr.) P: Nine (9) credit hours of psychology. Philosophy, procedures, and practices underlying the vocational rehabilitation movement, including the historical, social, cultural, and economic factors and legislation that have contributed to its rapid development.
- PSY-I 555 Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness (3 cr.) P: Nine (9) credit hours of psychology including PSY-I 549. Provides medical information for rehabilitation counselors and introduces students to medical terminology. Includes knowledge of the etiology, prognosis, methods of treatment, and effects of disabling conditions, and implications for the rehabilitation counselor. Counselor relationships with other health-related personnel are emphasized.
- PSY-I 565 Seminar in Cognitive, Affective, and Social Aspects of Behavior (3 cr.) P: Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Psychology or permission of instructor. Students examine key ideas in cognitive, affective and social aspects of behavior. This course provides a solid foundation in psychology including substantive breadth of cognitive, affective and social psychology for graduate students in psychology and allied disciplines.
- PSY-I 571 Staffing (3 cr.) Spring. This seminar course will introduce students to HR practices associated with bringing new members into organizations. Topics covered include recruitment, procedures for assessing the individual differences of applicants, models used to make selection decisions, and legal considerations associated with personnel selection (e.g., discrimination and affirmative action). The course will focus on theory and empirical research related primarily to the fields of industrial/organizational psychology and management.
- PSY-I 570 Drugs of Abuse (3 cr.) P: Graduate: None Undergraduate: Permission of instructor pending review of prior undergraduate course work. This course will cover the basic principles of the study of drugs of abuse, as well as focusing on particular drugs and drug classes. For each drug or drug class, we will discuss issues ranging from basic pharmacology to the social impact of the abuse of the particular substance. We will utilize a text book as well as current literature in the field, and critical examination of all course material will be encouraged.
- PSY-I 572 Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) A survey of basic behavioral science research and thinking as these contribute to the understanding of individual, dyadic, group, intergroup, and other large organization behavioral phenomena. The topics covered include motivation, perception, attitudes and morale, communication, leadership, conflict, problem solving, behavior change, and organizational effectiveness.
- PSY-I 573 Occupational Health Psychology (3 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in Psychology or permission of instructor. Fall, every other year. Occupational health psychology (OHP) is one of the most heavily researched areas within the work domain, although it is not well publicized in the traditional IO psychology domain. For instance, traditional topics in IO, such as job design (job characteristic model), person- environment fit, shift work, job stress, coping and adjustment, type A/B, safety climate, workplace violence, and so on, are covered in the OHP. This course provides an in depth treatment of this literature with the foci on occupational stress, violence, and safety.
- PSY-I 575 Psychology and Law Seminar (3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor. Fall, every other year. This seminar examines the relevance of social psychological and industrial/organizational (I/O) theory and research to various forensic contexts, including criminal and tortious behavior, police and other investigatory processes, evaluation of scientific and behavioral evidence, employment law issues, and the role of psychological consultants and expert witnesses.
- PSY-I 576 Human Resource Development (3 cr.) Spring. This is a graduate level course intended for individuals who are seeking advanced training in the science and practice of employee development. Employee Development is construed broadly in this course to include performance management and employee training. Students will be exposed to the critical extant literature, to best practices in the development of these human resources systems in organizations, and will gain applied experience through course projects.
- PSY-I 578 Occupational Analysis (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 570. Survey of systematic study of human work, including techniques for analyzing jobs and occupations for personnel and related purposes. Survey of occupational research and related topics. Practice in job analysis.
- PSY-I 579 Foundations of Diversity Science (3 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in Psychology or permission of instructor. Fall, every other year. Diversity science investigates the creation, consequences, and maintenance of group differences. This graduate-level seminar takes a sociocultural approach to diversity science questions at the micro-level of analysis, focusing on the psychological processes that give rise to intergroup behavior and individual strategies for addressing and coping with group-based biases and stigma.
- PSY-I 580 Survey of Clinical Approaches with Children and Adolescents (3 cr.) P: Nine (9) credit hours in psychology. Introduction to the following as they relate to children and adolescents: (1) psychopathological disorders and behavior problems, (2) theories of psychopathology and behavior problems, (3) evaluation techniques, and (4) therapeutic and behavioral change procedures. This is a lecture course.
- PSY-I 581 Gender Issues in the Workplace (3 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in Psychology or instructor permission. Spring. This is a graduate seminar that examines women's (and by comparison, men's) experiences in the workplace, with a focus on intersectionality. Topics will span the psychological and related social science literature on gender issues in career interests, occupational decisions, work experiences, advancement, discrimination, and organizational interventions to address these issues.
- PSY-I 582 Organizational Diversity and Intergroup Relations (3 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in Psychology or permission from instructor. Spring, every other year. Examines the importance of diversity in groups, discrimination and biases in organizations, minority and majority group reactions to different diversity initiatives, the unintended consequences of diversity initiatives, and the importance of empirically validating diversity interventions and trainings.
- PSY-I 583 Judgment and Decision Making in Organizations (3 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in Psychology or instructor permission. Fall, as needed. This graduate seminar examines how decisions are made by individuals and groups in various organizational and institutional settings. Topics covered include how individuals process information, make judgments, and reach decisions; how groups reach decisions through interactive social processes; and how choices, decisions and plans are formulated by individuals and groups in selected real-world contexts (e.g., legal, medical, politics, sports, business, etc.). The course will rely heavily on theory and research in psychology, but also draw on the scholarly literature in related social science fields (e.g., sociology).
- PSY-I 590 Individual Research Problems (1-3 cr.) P: Twelve (12) credit hours of psychology and consent of instructor. Opportunity for students to study particular problems in any field of psychology or to learn research techniques under the guidance of a faculty member.
- PSY-I 591 Psychopathology (3 cr.) P: Enrollment in psychology graduate program or consent of instructor. An intensive survey of the methods, theories, and research concerning the nature, causes, and development of psychopathology. An evaluation of current systems of assessment and classification of abnormal behavior is emphasized.
- PSY-I 595 Seminar in Teaching Psychology (0-3 cr.) P: Consent of the Department of Psychology. A problem-solving approach to teaching psychology at IU Indianapolis. Planning the course; anticipating problems; and dealing with ongoing teaching problems. Current faculty members will present their innovative techniques. Participants will evaluate each other's classroom performance.
- PSY-I 596 Advanced Seminar in the Psychology of Teaching (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 595 Seminar in Teaching Psychology. This experiential seminar focuses on applying best practices in teaching. In this class, you will think deeply about your goals as an instructor, prepare and lead a class session, critique your own and other's instructional practices, expand your knowledge of evidence-based teaching practices, and develop a reflective approach to teaching.
- PSY-I 600 Statistical Inference (3 cr.) P: Student must be a degree-seeking student in psychology graduate program or have consent of instructor and PSY-B 305 or equivalent. Emphasis on principles underlying both parametric and nonparametric inference.
- PSY-I 601 Correlation and Experimental Design (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 600. Continuation of PSI-I 600, with emphasis on the design and analysis of experiments.
- PSY-I 605 Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 600. A survey of the most frequently employed multivariate research techniques, such as multivariate generalizations of univariate tests and analysis of variance, principal components, canonical analysis, and discriminant analysis. A central theme of the course is the general linear model, both univariate and multivariate. A multipurpose program for this model provides the student with practical experience in conducting multivariate research.
- PSY-I 608 Measurement Theory and the Interpretation of Data (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 600 and PSY-B 307, or equivalent. The theory of measurement and the development of reliability and the Spearman-Brown equations, true scores and variables, and correction for attenuation. Variance or covariance of combinations of variables. Item analysis and test construction strategies. Reliability and validity of measurements and the influence of measurement error and measurement threats to research design.
- PSY-I 609 Multilevel Modeling (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 601 or equivalent. Course includes (1) generalized linear mixed (multilevel) models often used in social sciences; (2) best practices in the models' applications and interpretations. Models are extensions of classic linear regression models (multilevel modes, hierarchical and mixed models, etc.). Conceptual introduction of models and methods and illustrations using real and simulated data.
- PSY-I 613 Psychiatric Rehabilitation (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. A seminar examining recent developments in the rehabilitation of persons with severe psychiatric disabilities. Covers assertive case management, vocational approaches, clubhouse models, residential alternatives, psychoeducation, and the consumer movement. Field observations complement classroom instruction. Issues in program planning and cost effectiveness will be discussed.
- PSY-I 614 Behavioral Medicine in Rehabilitation (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The theory and practice of behavioral medicine will be explored. Emphasis is on the application of behavioral principles to individuals suffering from various chronic diseases or disabilities including spinal cord injury, chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and epilepsy.
- PSY-I 615 Introduction to Psychobiology (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. A survey of the integrated neurosciences emphasizing physiological psychology. Neural processes of sensory and motor function, arousal and sleep, motivation, learning and memory, language function, and personality disorders will be presented with selected coverage of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and neuroendocrinology. Both normal and pathological functions will be covered.
- PSY-I 618 Interventions in Health Psychology (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The goal of the course is to familiarize students with clinical interventions and research relevant to health problems and lifestyle. This will enable students to critically evaluate the work that has been accomplished and to design and implement intervention protocols.
- PSY-I 622 Animal Learning (3 cr.) A survey of the methods, problems, and research in Pavlovian, instrumental, and operant conditioning. Current issues and attempts at theoretical integration are highlighted. Emphasis is also given to the empirical and conceptual foundations of the present views on the mechanisms governing learned behavior.
- PSY-I 640 Survey of Social Psychology I (3 cr.) P: PSY-B 370 or equivalent. An extensive survey of methods, research, and theory in social psychology.
- PSY-I 643 Research Methods and Experimentation (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 600. Covers methods appropriate for methods in psychology research. Topics will include experimental design, measurement, and ethics associated with research. Course will include the development of a research proposal.
- PSY-I 647 Attitudes and Social Cognition (3 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in Psychology or permission of instructor. This graduate-level seminar provides an overview of contemporary social psychological theory and research, emphasizing the social-cognitive, affective, and motivational processes underlying attitudes, social inference, stereotyping, prejudice, and self-regulation. Class discussion will focus on the application of this research to promote prosocial and prevent antisocial behaviors affecting individuals, organizations, and society.
- PSY-I 650 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) Major concepts, principles, and facts concerning the biological and environmental influences on behavioral and psychological development. Particular emphasis on essential principles of ontogenetic development (lifespan) emerging from current research in genetics and psychology.
- PSY-I 664 Psychological Assessment in Rehabilitation I (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Presentation of general principles of psychological assessment, professional practice, interviewing, intelligence/cognitive assessment, and psychological report writing. Supervised practice in the development of direct service skills in interviewing, behavioral observation, and psychometric assessment of cognitive abilities. Emphasis on functional implications of test results for rehabilitation populations.
- PSY-I 665 Intervention I: Counseling Approaches (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Introduces doctoral students to intervention procedures used in rehabilitation psychology. The course has both didactic and clinical skills components, involving traditional counseling interventions, behavior therapy, and biofeedback. Applications to disabled populations will be emphasized.
- PSY-I 666 Intervention II: Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. This course covers the history, theory, research, and clinical application of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). General CBT principles and clinical skills, as well as CBT programs for specific disorders/problems are reviewed. Diversity-related discussions are infused throughout, and general and specific approaches to culturally adapting CBT are presented.
- PSY-I 669 Psychological Assessment in Rehabilitation II (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 664 and consent of instructor. Presentation of psychometric foundations and the basic prediction model in personality/interest assessment. Coverage of the history of personality, assessment, personality development, and supervised clinical practice in personality/interest assessment in rehabilitation. Emphasis on prediction of everyday functioning.
- PSY-I 670 Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Issues in Psychology (3 cr.) P: Admission to graduate training in psychology or consent of instructor. Exploration of models of ethical decision making. Examination of ethical principles and legal mandates that apply to professional psychology including psychologists' roles in health care service delivery, consultation (clinical and organizational), research, and teaching. Examination of cultural issues, including issues related to ethnicity, age, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.
- PSY-I 675 Human Neuropsychology (3 cr.) P: Admission to graduate training in psychology or consent of instructor. Review of essential neuroanatomy, survey of experimental and correlational research methods in the study of brain-behavior relationships, and overview of the history of neuropsychology. Critical examination of neural models for human behavior: hemispheric specialization and integration, sensation/perception, motor skills, language, spatial processing, attention, memory, executive operations, and gender differences.
- PSY-I 676 Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology (2 cr.) P: Admission to graduate training in clinical psychology or consent of instructor. Application of theoretical models of brain-behavior relationships to evaluation of patients with suspected nervous system disorders. Review of neuropsychological profiles associated with various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Examination of ethical/cultural issues in neuropsychological evaluation. This course does not provide training in test administration (see PSY-I 677).
- PSY-I 677 Neuropsychological Assessment Lab (1 cr.) P: PSY-I 664 and PSY-I 669 and admission to graduate training in clinical rehabilitation psychology. C: Students must register for PSY-I 676 concurrently with PSY-I 677. Training and supervised practice in neuropsychological assessment techniques and procedures. Critical review of the psychometric properties of prevailing assessment tools. Review models of interpretation/reporting. Development of proficiencies in administering prominent neuropsychological tests, neuropsychological interviewing, and writing of reports that integrate multidisciplinary data.
- PSY-I 680 Seminar in Industrial-Personnel Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 570, PSY-I 572, and PSY-I 601. Extensively surveys the various areas of industrial-personnel psychology (e.g., selection, placement, training, performance appraisal). Provides a critical and up-to-date review of recent and classical research in these areas.
- PSY-I 681 Seminar in Research Methodologies of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 570, PSY-I 572, PSY-I 601, or consent of instructor. Intensive analysis of application of various research and statistical methods to the study of human behavior in organizational settings.
- PSY-I 682 Advanced Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 570, PSY-I 572, or equivalent. Special topics in industrial and organizational psychology are offered on a rotating basis. Examples of the special topics are work motivation, leadership, advanced selection and placement, and performance appraisal. One topic will be treated each semester.
- PSY-I 684 Practicum in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 570, PSY-I 572, and consent of instructor. Practical experience in the development and implementation of field research in organizational settings. Gives students the opportunity to spend eight hours per week in local business organizations to gain experience and skills in industrial/organizational psychology.
- PSY-I 685 Professional Seminar in Applied Social and Organizational Psychology (1 cr.) P: Regular graduate standing in the Applied Social and Organizational Psychology graduate program. This graduate professional seminar is designed to facilitate the professional development of graduate students in the Applied Social and Organizational Psychology program. A presentation or discussion will occur each week although the topics will vary. Presentations will be conducted by outside speakers, faculty and/or graduate students on both applied and research oriented topics. Doctoral candidates will present their dissertation work during the third or fourth year. In addition, during facilitated discussions the students will review newly published research and address ethics in our discipline.
- PSY-I 689 Practicum in Clinical Rehabilitation Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 549 and consent of instructor. Supervised practice of rehabilitation psychology in a community agency or organization.
- PSY-I 691 Seminar in Clinical Psychology (1 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Current trends, problems, and developments in clinical psychology. Students pursue a special interest and mutually share information and experience with the group. Individual report and group discussions.
- PSY-I 697 Internship in Clinical Psychology (0-9 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Opportunities for application of theory and practice of rehabilitation psychology and case management in a rehabilitation setting under supervision of the Department of Psychology and the agency.
- FIS-I 500 Crime Scene Investigation and Quality Assurance (2 cr.) This course will cover material on crime scene investigation, blood spatter analysis, and various quality assurance/control procedures and recommendations that allow labs to maintain a high degree of confidence in their analyses.
- FIS-I 505 Overview of Forensic Biology (1 cr.) This course will cover material on serology, an overview of DNA processing and analysis, and how DNA profiles can be identified via DNA databases.
- FIS-I 510 Advanced Forensic Microscopy Lecture (1 cr.) P: Previous microscopy experience or FIS-I 300. Spring. Discussion of advanced topics in forensic microscopy. This will include review of common forensic laboratory microscopes such as, stereomicroscope, compound light microscope, and polarizing light microscope. The course will include the fundamentals of light, matter, and optics common to microscopy. Introduction to the application of spectroscopy to microscopy will be examined as well as thermal microscopy and comparison microscopy. Discussion on advanced trace evidence analysis will be covered, including impression evidence, plant material, feathers, polymers, and minerals.
- FIS-I 511 Advanced Forensic Microscopy Laboratory (2 cr.) This will be a hands-on laboratory course. During this course, students will perform analysis of trace evidence. This will include a more complex use of light and comparison microscopes and instrumental microscopes. Topics will include mineral content in soil, dispersion of glass particles, physical matches and impressions of trace evidence, polymer identification and microspectrophotoscopy. Students will also participate in a mock case and trial at the conclusion of the course.
- FIS-I 515 Overview of Forensic Chemistry (1 cr.) This course will cover the theory and application of forensic chemistry techniques such as spectroscopy, chromatography, spectrometry, and toxicology.
- FIS-N 580 Forensic Science Laboratory Management (2 cr.) Fall. This course focuses on management of forensic science laboratories: various organizational models, budgeting, and common laboratory policies. Differences in the management style for public and private sector laboratories, strategies for employee recruitment, training, and retention, managing workflow and maintaining compliance with accreditation bodies.
- FIS-I 520 Forensic Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: Forensic Science or Chemistry graduate student. Fall. This course will focus on the analysis and identification of commonly abused chemicals such as ethanol, controlled substances, and prescription drugs. The history, legal issues, synthesis, chemical/physical properties, and laboratory analysis of these materials will be discussed. Special topics of the students' choosing will also be included in the form of student presentations. A separate laboratory section will also be offered in which students will complete practical exercises utilizing spectroscopy, chromatography and mass spectrometry that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories.
- FIS-I 521 Forensic Chemistry I Lab (1 cr.) P: or C: FIS-I 515 and FIS-I 520 or instructor consent. Fall. This laboratory section includes practical exercises utilizing spectroscopy, chromatography and mass spectrometry that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories.
- FIS-I 530 Forensic Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: FIS-I 520. Spring. This course will focus on the use of instrumental techniques to analyze trace evidence types such as ink, fibers, paint, adhesives, tape, ignitable liquids, and explosives. A separate lab section will include practical laboratory exercises utilizing spectroscopy, chromatography and mass spectrometry that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories. Special topics will also include current research such as pattern recognition techniques, novel sampling methods, and provenance determination.
- FIS-I 531 Forensic Chemistry II Lab (1 cr.) P: FIS-I 521 or instructor consent. P or C: FIS-I 530. Spring. This laboratory section will include practical laboratory exercises utilizing spectroscopy, chromatography and mass spectrometry that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories.
- FIS-I 550 Forensic Science and the Law (3 cr.) P: Open only to graduate students in the Forensic and Investigative Sciences program, students enrolled in the IU School of Law, or by instructor permission. Application of various laws and rules of evidence to the forensic sciences and how the admission of evidence derived from forensic sciences can impact the administration of justice in the United States. Topics include preparation for testimony, expert testimony, subpoenas, basic judicial processes, admissibility of scientific evidence.
- FIS-I 540 Forensic Biology I (3 cr.) P: or C: FIS-I 505 or Biology graduate student. Fall. This course is an introduction to the use of biological materials to assign identity to persons associated with a crime. The course will introduce methods for the preliminary detection of biological evidence and introduce the use of DNA. The materials learned will encompass broader topics such as immunology, molecular biology, and genetics.
- FIS-I 541 Forensic Biology I Lab (2 cr.) P: or C: FIS-I 540. Fall. This laboratory section includes practical exercises that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories, including but not limited to collection and preservation of biological evidence, presumptive and confirmatory tests, DNA extraction, and PCR amplification. Open only to graduate students in the Forensic and Investigative Sciences program or by instructor permission.
- FIS-I 560 Population Genetics (3 cr.) P: Undergraduate genetics lecture and laboratory, Undergraduate statistics. Spring. This course will serve as an introduction to the principles of population genetics. The course will cover the theory behind population genetics that includes a historical perspective to the current accepted models of population theory; examine the relationships between allele and genotype frequencies, and the fundamentals of molecular evolutionary genetics.
- FIS-I 596 Special Topics: Forensic and Investigative Sciences (1-6 cr.) Lecture or lecture/lab courses offered on topic areas that are not part of the regular M.S. curriculum. These topics may include firearms and tool marks, questioned documents, forensic pathology, fingerprints, and others. They are electives in the M.S. in Forensic Sciences program.
- FIS-I 595 Internship to Forensic Science (1-6 cr.) The internship provides students with an opportunity to experience the workings of a practicing forensic science laboratory. Although a research project is usually the centerpiece of the internship experience, students will be given an exposure to all sections of the laboratory including case management. Students will also have an opportunity to attend a crime scene as an observer and to attend court to observe a forensic scientist offer expert testimony.
- FIS-N 570 Laboratory Project Design (2 cr.) P: Forensic Science graduate student. Design of a laboratory study to include a literature search into a forensic science topic, experimental plan, and final presentation, and a grant proposal.
- FIS-I 590 Seminar (1 cr.) Spring. Weekly seminars presented by FIS faculty, visiting faculty and FIS graduate students. Required for graduate students admitted into the M.S. in Forensic Science Program.
- MATH-I 504 Real Analysis (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 444. Completeness of the real number system, basic topological properties, compactness, sequences and series, absolute convergence of series, rearrangement of series, properties of continuous functions, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence, the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, equicontinuity, and the Arzela-Ascoli theorem.
- MATH-I 505 Intermediate Abstract Algebra (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 453. Group theory with emphasis on concrete examples and applications. Field theory: ruler and compass constructions, Galois theory, and solvability of equations by radicals.
- MATH-I 510 Vector Calculus (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261. Calculus of functions of several variables and of vector fields in orthogonal coordinate systems. Optimization problems, implicit function theorem, Green's theorem, Stokes's theorem, divergence theorems, and applications to engineering and the physical sciences.
- MATH-I 511 Linear Algebra with Applications (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261. Not open to students with credit in MATH-I 351. Matrices, rank and inverse of a matrix, decomposition theorems, eigenvectors, unitary and similarity transformations on matrices.
- MATH-I 514 Numerical Analysis (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 351 or MATH-I 511, or consent of instructor and familiarity with one of the high-level programming languages: Fortran 77/90/95, C, C++, Matlab. Numerical Analysis is concerned with finding numerical solutions to problems, especially those for which analytical solutions do not exist or are not readily obtainable. This course provides an introduction to the subject and treats the topics of approximating functions by polynomials, solving linear systems of equations, and of solving nonlinear equations. These topics are of great practical importance in science, engineering and finance, and also have intrinsic mathematical interest. The course concentrates on theoretical analysis and on the development of practical algorithms.
- MATH-I 518 Advanced Discrete Mathematics (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266. This course covers mathematics useful in analyzing computer algorithms. Topics include recurrence relations, evaluation of sums, integer functions, elementary number theory, binomial coefficients, generating functions, discrete probability, and asymptotic methods.
- MATH-I 520 Boundary Value Problems of Differential Equations (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261 and MATH-I 266. Sturm-Liouville theory, singular boundary conditions, orthogonal expansions, separation of variables in partial differential equations, and spherical harmonics.
- MATH-I 522 Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 351. Nonlinear ODEs, critical points, stability and bifurcations, perturbations, averaging, nonlinear oscillations and chaos, and Hamiltonian systems.
- MATH-I 523 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 261 or MATH-I 510. Method of characteristics for quasilinear first-order equations, complete integral, Cauchy-Kowalewsky theory, classification of second-order equations in two variables, canonical forms, difference methods of hyperbolic and parabolic equations, and Poisson integral method for elliptic equations.
- MATH-I 525 Introduction to Complex Analysis (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261 and MATH-I 266. Instructor consent required for any undergraduate student. Complex numbers and complex-valued functions; differentiation of complex functions; power series, uniform convergence; integration, contour integrals; and elementary conformal mapping.
- MATH-I 526 Principles of Mathematical Modeling (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 426. Ordinary and partial differential equations of physical problems, simplification, dimensional analysis, scaling, regular and singular perturbation theory, variational formulation of physical problems, continuum mechanics, and fluid flow.
- MATH-I 528 Advanced Mathematics for Engineering and Physics II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 537. Divergence theorem, Stokes' Theorem, complex variables, contour integration, calculus of residues and applications, conformal mapping, and potential theory.
- MATH-I 530 Functions of a Complex Variable I (3 cr.) P: or C: MATH-I 544. Complex numbers, holomorphic functions, harmonic functions, and linear transformations. Power series, elementary functions, Riemann surfaces, contour integration, Cauchy's theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, and residues. Maximum and argument principles. Special topics.
- MATH-I 531 Functions of a Complex Variable II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 530. Compactness and convergence in the space of analytic functions, Riemann mapping theorem, Weierstrass factorization theorem, Runge's theorem, Mittag-Leffler theorem, analytic continuation and Riemann surfaces, and Picard theorems.
- MATH-I 535 Theoretical Mechanics (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 351 or MATH-I 511 or consent of the instructor. Continuum mechanics deals with the analysis of the motion of materials modeled as a continuous mass rather than as discrete particles. Applications of continuum mechanics are ubiquitous in science and engineering, and are getting more and more popular in medicine too. The goal of this course is to study the basic principles of continuum mechanics for deformable bodies, including conservation laws and constitutive equations, while discussing the mathematical challenges in solving these equations analytically and/or numerically.
- MATH-I 537 Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261 and MATH-I 266. Covers theories, techniques, and applications of partial differential equations, Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms. Overall emphasis is on applications to physical problems.
- MATH-I 544 Real Analysis and Measure Theory (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 444. Algebras of sets, real number system, Lebesgue measure, measurable functions, Lebesgue integration, differentiation, absolute continuity, Banach spaces, metric spaces, general measure and integration theory, and Riesz representation theorem.
- MATH-I 545 Principles of Analysis II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 544. Continues the study of measure theory begun in MATH-I 544.
- MATH-I 546 Introduction to Functional Analysis (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 545. Banach spaces, Hahn-Banach theorem, uniform boundedness principle, closed graph theorem, open mapping theorem, weak topology, and Hilbert spaces.
- MATH-I 547 Analysis for Teachers I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261. Set theory, logic, relations, functions, Cauchy's inequality, metric spaces, neighborhoods, and Cauchy sequence.
- MATH-I 549 Applied Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 351. Applications of mathematics to problems in the physical sciences, social sciences, and the arts. Content varies. May be repeated for credit with the consent of the instructor. Course is offered on an as needed basis.
- MATH-I 552 Applied Computational Methods II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 559 and consent of instructor. The first part of the course focuses on numerical integration techniques and methods for ODEs. The second part concentrates on numerical methods for PDEs based on finite difference techniques with brief surveys of finite element and spectral methods.
- MATH-I 553 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 453. Group theory: finite abelian groups, symmetric groups, Sylow theorems, solvable groups, Jordan-Holder theorem. Ring theory: prime and maximal ideals, unique factorization rings, principal ideal domains, Euclidean rings, and factorization in polynomial and Euclidean rings. Field theory: finite fields, Galois theory, and solvability by radicals.
- MATH-I 554 Linear Algebra (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 351. Review of basics: vector spaces, dimension, linear maps, matrices, determinants, and linear equations. Bilinear forms, inner product spaces, spectral theory, and eigenvalues. Modules over principal ideal domain, finitely generated abelian groups, and Jordan and rational canonical forms for a linear transformation.
- MATH-I 555 Introduction to Biomathematics (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266, MATH-I 351 (or MATH-I 511), MATH-I 426, or consent of instructor. The class will explore how mathematical methods can be applied to study problems in life-sciences. No prior knowledge of life-sciences is required. Wide areas of mathematical biology will be covered at an introductory level. Several selected topics, such as dynamical systems and partial differential equations in neuroscience and physiology, and mathematical modeling of biological flows and tissues, will be explored in depth.
- MATH-I 559 Applied Computational Methods I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266 and MATH-I 351 or MATH-I 511. Computer arithmetic, interpolation methods, methods for nonlinear equations, methods for solving linear systems, special methods for special matrices, linear least square methods, methods for computing eigenvalues, iterative methods for linear systems; methods for systems of nonlinear equations.
- MATH-I 561 Projective Geometry (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 351. Projective invariants, Desargues' theorem, cross-ratio, axiomatic foundation, duality, consistency, independence, coordinates, and conics.
- MATH-I 562 Introduction to Differential Geometry and Topology (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 351 and MATH-I 445. Smooth manifolds, tangent vectors, inverse and implicit function theorems, submanifolds, vector fields, integral curves, differential forms, the exterior derivative, DeRham cohomology groups, surfaces in E3, Gaussian curvature, two-dimensional Riemannian geometry, and Gauss-Bonnet and Poincare theorems on vector fields.
- MATH-I 563 Advanced Geometry (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 300 or consent of instructor. Topics in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry.
- MATH-I 567 Dynamical Systems I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 545 and MATH-I 571. Covers the basic notions and theorems of the theory of dynamical systems and their connections with other branches of mathematics. Topics covered include fundamental concepts and examples, one-dimensional systems, symbolic dynamics, topological entropy, hyperbolicity, structural stability, bifurcations, invariant measures, and ergodicity.
- MATH-I 571 Elementary Topology (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 444. Topological spaces, metric spaces, continuity, compactness, connectedness, separation axioms, nets, and function spaces.
- MATH-I 572 Introduction to Algebraic Topology (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 571. Singular homology theory, Ellenberg-Steenrod axioms, simplicial and cell complexes, elementary homotopy theory, and Lefschetz fixed point theorem.
- MATH-I 574 Mathematical Physics I (1-3 cr.) P: MATH-I 530 and MATH-I 545. Covers the basic concepts and theorems of mathematical theories that have direct applications to physics. Topics to be covered include special functions ODEs and PDEs of mathematical physics, groups and manifolds, mathematical foundations of statistical physics.
- MATH-I 578 Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 266, PHYS-I 152, PHYS-I 251, and consent of instructor. Linear systems modeling, mass-spring-damper systems, free and forced vibrations, applications to automobile suspension, accelerometer, seismograph, etc., RLC circuits, passive and active filters, applications to crossover networks and equalizers, nonlinear systems, stability and bifurcation, dynamics of a nonlinear pendulum, van der Pol oscillator, chemical reactor, etc., introduction to chaotic dynamics, identifying chaos, chaos suppression and control, computer simulations, and laboratory experiments.
- MATH-I 581 Introduction to Logic for Teachers (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 351. Logical connectives, rules of sentential inference, quantifiers, bound and free variables, rules of inference, interpretations and validity, theorems in group theory, and introduction to set theory.
- MATH-I 583 History of Elementary Mathematics (3 cr.) P: 26100. A survey and treatment of the content of major developments of mathematics through the eighteenth century, with selected topics from more recent mathematics, including non-Euclidean geometry and the axiomatic method.
- MATH-I 585 Mathematical Logic I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 351 or an undergraduate proof course; MATH-I 587 recommended. Formal theories for propositional and predicate calculus with study of models, completeness, and compactness. Formalization of elementary number theory; Turing machines, halting problem, and the undecidability of arithmetic.
- MATH-I 587 General Set Theory (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 351 or equivalent proof course in Linear Algebra. An introduction to set theory, including both so-called "naive" and formal approaches, leading to a careful development using the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms for set theory and an in-depth discussion of cardinal and ordinal numbers, the Axiom of Choice, and the Continuum Hypothesis.
- MATH-I 588 Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 578. Depending on the interests of the students, the content may vary from year to year. Emphasis will be on mathematical modeling of a variety of physical systems. Topics will be chosen from the volumes Mathematics in Industrial Problems by Avner Friedman. Researchers from local industries will be invited to present real-world applications. Each student will undertake a project in consultation with one of the instructors or an industrial researcher.
- MATH-I 598 Topics in Mathematics (1-6 cr.) By arrangement. Directed study and reports for students who wish to undertake individual reading and study on approved topics.
- MATH-I 611 Methods of Applied Mathematics I (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Introduction to Banach and Hilbert spaces, linear integral equations with Hilbert-Schmidt kernels, eigenfunction expansions, and Fourier transforms.
- MATH-I 612 Methods of Applied Mathematics II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 611. Continuation of theory of linear integral equations; Sturm-Liouville and Weyl theory for second-order differential operators, distributions in n dimensions, and Fourier transforms.
- MATH-I 626 Mathematical Formulation of Physical Problems I (3 cr.) P: Advanced calculus or vector calculus, partial differential equations, linear algebra. Nature of applied mathematics, deterministic systems and ordinary differential equations, random processes and partial differential equations, Fourier analysis, dimensional analysis and scaling.
- MATH-I 627 Mathematical Formulation of Physical Problems II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 626. Theories of continuous fields, continuous medium, field equations of continuum mechanics, inviscid fluid flow, viscous flow, turbulence. Additional topics to be discussed include application of the theory of dynamical systems, methods for analysis of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations, and others. This course is an advancement of topics covered in MATH-I 626.
- MATH-I 646 Functional Analysis (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 546. Advanced topics in functional analysis, varying from year to year at the discretion of the instructor.
- MATH-I 667 Dynamical Systems II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 567. Continuation of MATH-I 567. Topics in dynamics.
- MATH-I 672 Algebraic Topology I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 572. Continuation of MATH-I 572. Cohomology, homotopy groups, fibrations, and further topics.
- MATH-I 673 Algebraic Topology II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 672. A sequel to MATH-I 672 covering further advanced topics in algebraic differential topology such as K-theory and characteristic classes.
- MATH-I 674 Mathematical Physics II (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 574. Continuation of MATH-I 574 Mathematical Physics I. Students will learn more advanced notions and theorems of various mathematical theories that have direct applications to physics.
- MATH-I 692 Topics in Applied Mathematics (1-3 cr.) Research topics of current interest in applied mathematics to be chosen by the instructor.
- MATH-I 693 Topics in Analysis (1-3 cr.) P: Department consent required. Research topics in analysis and their relationships to other branches of mathematics. Topics of current interest will be chosen by the instructor.
- MATH-I 694 Topics in Differential Equations (1-3 cr.) P: MATH-I 554 and MATH-I 530. Department consent required. Research topics in differential equations related to physics and engineering. Topics of current interest will be chosen by the instructor.
- MATH-I 697 Topics in Topology (1-3 cr.) Research topics in topology and their relationships to other branches of mathematics. Topics of current interest will be chosen by the instructor.
- MATH-I 698 Research M.S. Thesis (1-6 cr.) Students conduct original research under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty leading to a Masters Thesis. This course is eligible for a deferred grade. Course may be repeated for credit.
- NSCI-I 535 Clinical Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Course will examine how psychology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and medicine come together to manage mental illness. Systematic examination of mental illness and the nature of how biological alterations lead to aberrant behaviors that define psychopathology. The course will heavily discuss the ethics involved in the field of Clinical Neuroscience.
- NSCI-I 545 Psychopharmacology (3 cr.) P: PSY-I 615 or consent of instructor. A survey of the effects of drugs on behavior, cognitive functioning and emotions. Emphasis on the practical advantages of understanding how psychotropic drugs work, and on how the brain functions in health and disease. Students will be exposed to the most current theories and research in the field.
- NSCI-I 544 Sensory Systems (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 324. Students will gain an understanding of the mechanisms that underlie sensory perception at the molecular, cellular, and systems level. Examination of how forms of energy are transduced into the electrochemical messages of the nervous system, pathways the information travels within the nervous system and how this information is processed/perceived.
- NSCI-I 559 Endocrinology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-I 556 or equivalent and CHEM-C342. The study of hormone function. Consideration will be given to the role of hormones in growth, development, metabolism, homeostasis, and reproduction.
- NSCI-I 560 Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Neurodegenerative Diseases (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 416 or BIOL-K 451 or equivalent or consent of instructor. The molecular and clinical aspects of neurodegenerative diseases. Introduction of critical brain structures, with a focus on neurons and glia and evaluation of molecular mechanisms that underlie protein aggregation and cell death. The remainder of the course will focus on the multiple aspects of specific neurodegenerative diseases.
- NSCI-I 561 Immunology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 103 and CHEM-C 341. Introduction to the basic principles and experimentation in cellular and humoral immunology.
- NSCI-I 571 Developmental Neurobiology (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. The major phases of nervous system development beginning with neurulation and neurogenesis and ending with the onset of physiological activity will be studied in a variety of animals, mainly avians and mammals (including man). Neural developmental disorders and behavioral ontogeny will also be considered.
- STAT N501 Statistical Methods for Health Sciences (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 153. An introductory statistical methods course, with emphasis on applications in the health sciences. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, linear regression, goodness-of-fit tests, and contingency tables.
- STAT-I 511 Statistical Methods I (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 165. Descriptive statistics; elementary probability; random variables and their distributions; expectation; normal, binomial, Poisson, and hypergeometric distributions; sampling distributions; estimation and testing of hypotheses; one-way analysis of variance; and correlation and regression.
- STAT-I 512 Applied Regression Analysis (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 511. Inference in simple and multiple linear regression, estimation of model parameters, testing, and prediction. Residual analysis, diagnostics and remedial measures. Multicollinearity. Model building, stepwise, and other model selection methods. Weighted least squares. Models with qualitative independent variables. Analysis of variance. Orthogonal contrasts; multiple comparison tests. Ridge Regression; Lasso Regression.
- STAT-I 513 Statistical Quality Control (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 511. Control charts and acceptance sampling, standard acceptance plans, continuous sampling plans, sequential analysis, and response surface analysis. Use of existing statistical computing packages.
- STAT-I 514 Designs of Experiments (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 512. Fundamentals, completely randomized design, and randomized complete blocks. Latin squares, multiclassification, factorial, nested factorial, balanced incomplete blocks, fractional replications, confounding, general mixed factorial, split-plot, and optimum design. Use of existing statistical computing packages such as R, SAS and Minitab.
- STAT-I 515 Statistical Consulting Problems (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of advisor. Consultation on real-world problems involving statistical analysis under the guidance of a faculty member. A detailed written report and an oral presentation are required.
- STAT-I 516 Basic Probability and Applications (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261. Instructor consent required for any undergraduate student. A first course in probability intended to serve as a foundation for statistics and other applications. Intuitive background; sample spaces and random variables; joint, conditional, and marginal distributions; special distributions of statistical importance; moments and moment generating functions; statement and application of limit theorems; and introduction to Markov chains.
- STAT-I 517 Statistical Inference (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 511 or STAT-I 516. A basic course in statistical theory covering standard statistical methods and their applications. Includes unbiased, maximum likelihood, and moment estimation; confidence intervals and regions; testing hypotheses for standard distributions and contingency tables; and introduction to nonparametric tests and linear regression.
- STAT-I 519 Introduction to Probability (3 cr.) P: MATH-I 261. Sample spaces and axioms of probability, conditional probability, independence, random variables, distribution functions, moment generating and characteristics functions, special discrete and continuous distributions--univariate and multivariate cases, normal multivariate distributions, distribution of functions of random variables, modes of convergence and limit theorems, including laws of large numbers and central limit theorem.
- STAT-I 520 Time Series and Applications (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 519. A first course in stationary time series with applications in engineering, economics, and physical sciences. Stationarity, autocovariance function and spectrum; integral representation of a stationary time series and interpretation; linear filtering; transfer function models; estimation of spectrum; and multivariate time series. Use of existing statistical computing packages.
- STAT-I 521 Statistical Computing (3 cr.) C: STAT-I 512 or equivalent. A broad range of topics involving the use of computers in statistical methods. SAS and R programming language. Simulation Studies. Bootstrapping. EM algorithm. Machine Learning algorithms.
- STAT-I 522 Sampling and Survey Techniques (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 512 and STAT-I 519. Survey designs and analyses; simple random, stratified, and systematic samples; systems of sampling; methods of estimation; ratio and regression estimates; and costs. Two-stage, multi-stage sampling; Optimization. Other related topics as time permits.
- STAT-I 523 Categorical Data Analysis (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 528, or STAT-I 512 and STAT-I 519. Models generating binary and categorical response data, two-way classification tables, measures of association and agreement, goodness-of-fit tests, testing independence. General linear models, logistic regression, probit and extreme value models, and multinomial logit models. Loglinear models and loglinear-logit Connection. Model building, selection, and diagnostics. Computer applications using existing statistical software.
- STAT-I 524 Applied Multivariate Analysis (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 528. Extension of univariate tests in normal populations to the multivariate case, equality of covariance matrices, multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis and misclassification errors, canonical correlation, principal components, and factor analysis. Strong emphasis on the use of existing computer programs.
- STAT-I 525 Generalized Linear Models (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 528 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Generalized linear models, likelihood methods for data analysis, and diagnostic methods for assessing model assumptions. Methods covered include multiple regression, analysis of variance for completely randomized designs, binary and categorical response models, and hierarchical loglinear models for contingency tables.
- STAT-I 528 Mathematical Statistics (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 519. Sufficiency and completeness, the exponential family of distributions, theory of point estimation, Cramer-Rao inequality, Rao-Blackwell Theorem with applications, maximum likelihood estimation, asymptotic distributions of ML estimators, hypothesis testing, Neyman-Pearson Lemma, UMP tests, generalized likelihood ratio test, asymptotic distribution of the GLR test, and sequential probability ratio test.
- STAT-I 529 Applied Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 528 or equivalent. Foundation of statistical analysis, Bayesian and decision theoretic formulation of problems; construction of utility functions and quantifications of prior information; methods of Bayesian decision and inference, with applications; empirical Bayes; combination of evidence; and game theory and minimax rules, Bayesian design, and sequential analysis. Comparison of statistical paradigms.
- STAT-I 532 Elements of Stochastic Processes (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 519. A basic course in stochastic models including discrete and continuous time processes, Markov chains, and Brownian motion. Introduction to topics such as Gaussian processes, queues and renewal processes, and Poisson processes. Application to economic models, epidemic models, and reliability problems.
- STAT-I 533 Nonparametric Statistics (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 516 or consent of instructor. Binomial test for dichotomous data, confidence intervals for proportions, order statistics, one-sample signed Wilcoxon rank test, two-sample Wilcoxon test, two-sample rank tests for dispersion, and Kruskal-Wallis test for one-way layout. Runs test and Kendall test for independence, one- and two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, and nonparametric regression.
- STAT-I 536 Introduction to Survival Analysis (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 517 or equivalent. Deals with the modern statistical methods for analyzing time-to-event data. Background theory is provided, but the emphasis is on the applications and the interpretations of results. Provides coverage of survivorship functions and censoring patterns; parametric models and likelihood methods, special life-time distributions; nonparametric inference, life tables, estimation of cumulative hazard functions, and the Kaplan-Meier estimator; one- and two-sample nonparametric tests for censored data; and semiparametric proportional hazards regression (Cox Regression), parameters' estimation, stratification, model fitting strategies, and model interpretations. Heavy use of statistical software such as R and SAS.
- STAT-I 598 Topics in Statistical Methods (0-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Directed study and reports for students who wish to undertake individual reading and study on approved topics.
- STAT-I 619 Probability Theory (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 519. Probability Theory is the foundation of statistical methodologies, which is fundamental in the practice of science. From this course students will get a precise mathematical understanding of probabilities and sigma-algebras, random weak convergence, characteristic functions, the central limit theorem, Lebesgue decomposition, conditioning and martingales.
- STAT-I 628 Advanced Statistical Inference (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 519 and STAT-I 528. C: STAT-I 619. Real analysis for inference, statistics and subfields, conditional expectations and probability distributions, UMP tests with applications to normal distributions and confidence sets, invariance, asymptotic theory of estimation and likelihood based inference, U-statistics, Edgeworth expansions, saddle point method.
- PHYS-I 501 Physical Science (3 cr.) Fall, Spring. Survey of the physical sciences with emphasis on methods of presentation appropriate to the elementary school. Graduate credit is extended only for elementary school teacher programs.
- PHYS-I 510 Physical Mechanics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 310 or equivalent, and courses in calculus and differential equations. Mechanics of particles, rigid bodies, and vibrating systems.
- PHYS-I 517 Statistical Physics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 342, PHYS-I 510, and PHYS-I 515 or equivalent. Laws of thermodynamics; Boltzmann and quantum statistical distributions, with applications to properties of gases, specific heats of solids, paramagnetism, black-body radiation, and Bose-Einstein condensation; Boltzmann transport equation and transport properties of gases; and Brownian motion and fluctuation phenomena.
- PHYS-I 520 Mathematical Physics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 310, PHYS-I 322, PHYS-I 330, or consent of instructor. Vectors and vector operators, tensors, infinite series, analytic functions and the calculus of residues, partial differential equations, and special functions of mathematical physics. When interests and preparation of students permit, calculus of variations and/or group theory are covered.
- PHYS-I 522 Coherent Optics and Quantum Electronics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 330, PHYS-I 442, and PHYS-I 550. Recent experimental and theoretical developments in optics, emphasizing concepts of coherence. Fourier optics and the quantum theory of radiation. Applications to lasers and masers, nonlinear optics, holography, and quantum electronics.
- PHYS-I 523 Nanosystems Principles (3 cr.) P: Graduate students in Science or undergraduate students in senior standing in Science or or instructor consent. This is the introductory course in the nanosystems area. It introduces students to the principles and applications of nanosystems. The course begins with an introduction to the nanometer scale phenomena. It then introduces students to the basic elements resulting in nanosystems: nanoscale materials, processes, and devices. It also provides students with a basic understanding of the tools and approaches that are used for the measurement and characterization of nanosystems, and their modeling and simulation. Moreover, the course covers the applications of nanosystems in a wide range of industries, including information technology, energy, medicine, and consumer goods. The course concludes with a discussion of the societal and economical significance of these applications, including benefits and potential risks.
- PHYS-I 526 Integrated Nanosystems Processes and Devices (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 523. This course covers processes and devices associated with integrated nanosystems. Integrated nanosystems refer to the systems that consist of integrated micro-, meso-, and/or macro-scale parts, and their core components, realized by nano-scale materials, processes, and devices. The course, while covering processes which result in integrated nanosystems, will focus on the theory and operation of select electronic, electromechanical, and biomedical devices which are used for information technology, sensing, medical, and other applications. The lectures will be complemented by hands-on laboratory experience.
- PHYS-I 530 Electricity and Magnetism (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 330 or equivalent. Electrostatic problems; theory of dielectrics; theory of electric conduction; electromagnetic effects due to steady and changing currents; magnetic properties of matter; Maxwell's equations; and electromagnetic radiation.
- PHYS-I 533 Principles of Magnetic Resonance (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 550 or equivalent. Magnetic resonance in bulk matter; classical and quantum descriptions, relaxation, CW and pulse experiments, interactions and Hamiltonians. Magnetic interactions between electrons and nuclei; nuclear quadrupole interaction, crystal field interactions, and effect of molecular motion. High-resolution NMR spectra; EPR of free-radical solutions; and powder patterns.
- PHYS-I 545 Solid-State Physics (3 cr.) P: An undergraduate course in modern physics. Crystal structure; lattice vibrations; free electron theory of solids; band theory of solids; semiconductors; superconductivity; magnetism; and magnetic resonance.
- PHYS-I 556 Introductory Nuclear Physics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 550 or equivalent. Theory of relativity; brief survey of systematics of nuclei and elementary particles; structure of stable nuclei; radioactivity; interaction of nuclear radiation with matter; nuclear reactions; particle accelerators; nuclear instruments; fission; and nuclear reactors.
- PHYS-I 570 Selected Topics in Physics (3 cr.) Specialized topics in physics selected from time to time.
- PHYS-I 585 Introduction to Molecular Biophysics (3 cr.) Application concepts and methods from physics to the understanding of biological systems with a focus on proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Introduction of experimental and theoretical techniques, including X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics simulations in the investigation of structures, forces, dynamics and energetics of these biological molecules.
- PHYS-I 600 Methods of Theoretical Physics (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing in physics or consent of instructor. This course is designed to provide first-year physics graduate students with the mathematical background for subsequent studies of advanced mechanics, electrodynamics, and quantum theory. Topics include functions of a complex variable, ordinary and partial differential equations, eigenvalue problems, and orthogonal functions. Green's functions, matrix theory, and tensor analysis in three and four dimensions.
- PHYS-I 601 Methods of Theoretical Physics II (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 600 or equivalent. A continuation of PHYS-I 600.
- PHYS-I 610 Advanced Theoretical Mechanics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 510 or equivalent. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics; variational principles; canonical transformations; Hamilton-Jacobi theory; theory of small oscillations; and Lagrangian formulation for continuous systems and field.
- PHYS-I 617 Statistical Mechanics (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 660 or equivalent. Classical and quantum statistical mechanics.
- PHYS-I 630 Advanced Theory of Electricity and Magnetism (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 530 and PHYS-I 600, or equivalent. The experimental origins of Maxwell's equations. Electrostatics and magnetostatics; solution of boundary value problems. Quasistatic currents. Electromagnetic energy and momentum and the Maxwell stress tensor. Foundations of optics. Radiation from antennae, multipole expansion; waveguides.
- PHYS-I 631 Advanced Theory of Electricity and Magnetism (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 630 or equivalent. Covariant formulation of electrodynamics; Lienard-Wiechert potentials; radiation from accelerated particles; Cerenkov radiation; dynamics of relativistic particles; radiation damping; and introduction to magnetohydrodynamics.
- PHYS-I 633 Advanced Topics in Magnetic Resonance (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 533 or consent of instructor. Rotation operators, coupling of angular momenta, Wigner-Eckhart theorem, and density matrix; theory of magnetic resonance, relaxation in liquids, chemical exchange, double resonance, cross-polarization, and magic angle spinning; two-dimensional NMR, correlation spectroscopy, and exchange and NOE spectroscopies; application to biological macromolecules; time domain EPR; and lineshape under slow motion.
- PHYS-I 660 Quantum Mechanics I (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 530, PHYS-I 550, PHYS-I 600, and PHYS-I 610, or equivalent. Origins of the quantum theory, the uncertainty and complementarity principles. The Schrodinger equation and its solutions for simple physical systems. Mathematical formulation of the quantum theory. Applications: simple harmonic oscillator, theory of angular momentum, and hydrogen atom. Time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory. The Pauli exclusion principle. Spin of the electron. Elementary theory of scattering.
- PHYS-I 661 Quantum Mechanics II (3 cr.) P: PHYS-I 601, PHYS-I 630, and PHYS-I 660, or equivalent. Symmetry and conservation laws. The Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. Interaction of radiation with matter. Applications of quantum mechanics to atomic structure. Scattering theory.
- PHYS-I 670 Selected Topics in Physics (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Specialized topics in physics, varied from time to time.
- PHYS-I 685 Physics Seminar (0-1 cr.) Offered on Pass/Fail basis only. Weekly physics seminar presented by faculty and invited speakers from outside the department. May be repeated for credit.
- SCI-I 590 Topics in Science (1-3 cr.) Consent of instructor. Directed study for students who wish to undertake individual reading and study on approved topics.
- CAND 99100 Candidate (0 cr.) For School of Science Purdue Graduate students only. Course permission to register is not required. Candidacy enrollment in a student's final semester signals to the Graduate School that a degree audit will be processed in that semester. Candidacy 99100 is the usual enrollment which is a zero-credit, no requirement course. Students must also have at least one credit of regular tuition-bearing enrollment to be considered an active student in that semester.
- CAND 99200 Degree Only (0 cr.) For School of Science Purdue Graduate students only. CAND 99200 is for a graduate student who has completed all requirements and is registering only to declare candidacy. No courses are taken with this registration. This privileged candidacy enrollment will require completion of all graduation requirements by the published Early Deposit Deadline (first half of the semester) for Purdue University students in the term of graduation.
- CAND 99300 Exam Only (0 cr.) For School of Science Purdue Graduate students only. CAND 99300 is for graduate students who have only to take final oral exams, language exams, or a similar requirement to receive the degree. No courses are taken with this registration.
- GEOL-G 502 Trace Element and Isotope Geochemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 360 or CHEM-C 361 or GEOL-G 406, or consent of instructor. Principles governing the distributions of trace elements, radioisotopes, and stable isotopes in igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary environments. Emphasis on applications to petrology and geochronology.
- GEOL-G 519 Principles of Geomorphology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 110 or GEOL-G 107 or GEOL-G 115 or equivalent introductory Geology course, and GEOL-G 334. GEOL-G 406 is recommended. Spring. An understanding of surficial processes is critical to understanding the interaction between humans and their environment. In addition, an understanding of the connection between modern processes and modern deposits is essential to deciphering the geologic record. This course explores the link between geomorphic processes landforms and deposits. Using the scientific method, we will systematically consider fluvial (river), colluvial, aeolian, glacial, slope, weather, tectonic and karst processes; the landforms that they produce and the deposits left behind. The lab component of the course will include a mixture of in-clas and field assignments. When appropriate, students are required to process their field data, make graphs and interpret their results. A final fieldtrip will be conducted toward the end of the semester as a capstone experience.
- GEOL-G 525 Glacial Geology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 415 or consent of instructor. Formation, dynamics, and regimen of glaciers. Erosional and depositional processes and landforms. Glaciation of North America with emphasis on stratigraphy, soils, climates, and physical changes resulting from glacial processes and environments. Field investigations and a student research project required.
- GEOL-G 527 Geological Oceanography (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing, GEOL-G 334, or consent of instructor. Geological features and processes operating in the oceans; continental shelf, slope and ocean-basin geomorphology, sedimentology, structure, and composition; origin and geologic history of seawater and ocean basins; tools applied to marine geological studies.
- GEOL-G 535 Quaternary Geology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 415 or consent of instructor. Characteristics, distribution, and origin of Pleistocene and recent deposits, stratigraphy and chronology; formation of associated landforms, landscapes, paleosols, and soils; Quaternary environments and paleoclimatic interpretation.
- GEOL-G 536 Earth Observation from Space (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 222 and GEOG-G 336 and PHYS-P 202. This course is designed to introduce undergraduate/graduate students to the physical principles and strategies underlying the spectrocsopic analysis of remotely-sensed data. Spectral characteristcs of geologic materials at visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared wavelengths are covered. Imaging spectroscopy is introduced and examples of appling hyperspectral remote sensing data for geologic mapping are decribed. The course includes lab assignments on reflectance spectrocsopy and image processing.
- GEOL-G 545 Applied Analytical Techniques in Geology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 221, CHEM-C 105 and CHEM-C 106, and consent of instructor. Principles of advanced analytical techniques, including X-ray analysis, electron beam imaging and analysis, and mass spectrometry, with applications in geosciences. Lectures on theory followed by laboratory exercises. Students will complete individual or collaborative research projects.
- GEOL-G 546 Planetary Remote Sensing (3 cr.) P: Previous course work in remote sensing, or consent of instructor. Application of multi-spectral data for exploration and mapping of planetary surfaces.
- GEOL-G 550 Surface-Water Hydrology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 430 or GEOL-G 451. In-depth analysis of surface water components of hydrologic cycle: hydrometeorology, evaporation/transpiration, rainfall-runoff relationships, open-channel flow, flood hydrology, and statistical and probabilistic methods in hydrology.
- GEOL-G 551 Advanced Hydrogeology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 430 or GEOL-G 451. Advanced treatment of concepts fundamental to subsurface hydrologic processes. Applications to groundwater resource development and environmental protection such as aquifer mechanics and well hydraulics, heterogeneity and anisotropy, ground water and surface water interactions, unsaturated flow, and tracer and contaminant transport.
- GEOL-G 557 Paleoclimatology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 110 or GEOL-G 107 or GEOL-G 115 or equivalent introductory geology course and GEOL-G 334. GEOL-G 406 is recommended. Fall. A firm understanding of Earth's climatic history, including the range of natural variability and the forces that drive climatic change, has become increasingly important as anthropogenic activities continue to affect this delicate system. In this class, we will learn about the fundamentals of the global climate system, how and why Earth's climate has changed through time, and the tools and methods that paleoclimatologists use to reconstruct past climates and environmental change.
- GEOL-G 567 Medical Geology (3 cr.) P: Senior or graduate level standing and instructor consent. Medical Geology is the study of the interrelationship between earth processes and human health. The spatial distribution and specific processes that can change exposure to certain materials can affect human health. This class will take a detailed look at these scientific issues.
- GEOL-G 583 Isotope Geochemistry (3 cr.) Introduction to the theory of radiogenic and stable isotopes to a variety of subdisciplines in the earth sciences. Topics include geochronology, tracers, mass balance and mixing, hydrology and environmental applications, water-rock interaction, and biogeochemical cycles.
- GEOL-G 585 Environmental Geochemistry (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 406 or consent of instructor. Aquatic and environmental geochemistry, including freshwater and marine systems, natural and human-induced changes to geochemical systems, and the geochemical record of paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic variations.
- GEOL-G 595 Data Analysis Techniques in Geoscience (3 cr.) P: STAT-I 301 and CSCI-N 207, or equivalent. Application of statistical and numerical analysis techniques to geoscience data, including sampling methods, confidence intervals, least squares methods, correlation, time series analysis, and multivariate techniques. Emphasis on using a computer to solve geoscience problems.
- GEOL-G 596 Topics in Applied Environmental Geology (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Application of geologic principles to common environmental problems. Topics covered include waste site assessment, flood hazard analysis and mitigation, slope stability, and hydrogeology. Application of principles to problems pertaining to urban planning, earthquake-resistant design, and waste site/landfill development.
- GEOL-G 621 Modeling Hydrological Systems (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 430 or GEOL-G 451 and consent of instructor. Introduction to groundwater flow and solute transport modeling. Includes development of equations describing ground water flow and applied ground water/contaminant transport modeling, using a variety of current software packages.
- GEOL-G 635 Soil Geomorphology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 415. Application of geomorphic principles in evaluation of weathering and soil formation; systems analysis of soil-landscape models; paleogeomorphology and paleopedology. Lectures and discussion; field and laboratory problems.
- GEOL-G 640 Fluvial Geomorphology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 415 or consent of instructor. Survey of fluvial processes including sediment transport, bed and bank erosion, and river metamorphosis. Examination of the controls on channel form. Analysis of landform genesis with an emphasis on feature sedimentology and stratigraphy. Application of fluvial geomorphic principles to land management and restoration of riparian ecosystems.
- GEOL-G 645 Carbonate Sedimentology (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 334 or consent of instructor. Spring. Course focuses on origin and generation of carbonate grains, description of modern carbonate depositional environments, interpretation of ancient limestone and dolomite sequences, and carbonate diagensis.
- GEOL-G 677 Climate Change and Society (3 cr.) Spring. This course will introduce observations, physical mechanisms and consequences of climate change. Particularly, we will discuss the impacts of climate change on the nexus of food, energy and water systems.
- GEOL-G 686 Advanced Soil Biochemistry (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G 406. Fall. This course examines the chemical, biological and physical factors controlling the weathering of minerals and the formation of soils. Topics covered include: biological and chemical properties of soils, soil classification, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in relation to food production and environmental quality.