IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy » Graduate Programs » Student Learning Outcomes
Graduate Student Learning Outcomes


Philanthropic Studies Certificate

Demonstrate knowledge of the values and culture of philanthropy – The curriculum encompasses the philanthropic tradition in U.S. society, the public policy environment in which nonprofits operate, the voluntary sector in relation to business/government/family, and perspectives of donor/recipient/organization.    

Model individual empowerment and ethical behavior – Philanthropic Studies emphasizes individual agency and responsibility in giving, volunteering, and social action, including agency as a member of a community, voluntary association, or formal nonprofit organization.

Develop a sense of social responsibility and leadership – The curriculum reinforces the value of both individual and collective action in society in addressing individual problems, quality of life, and structural inequities. 


Philanthropic Fundraising Certificate

Demonstrate knowledge of the values and culture of philanthropy – The curriculum encompasses the philanthropic tradition in U.S. society, the public policy environment in which nonprofits operate, the voluntary sector in relation to business/government/family, and perspectives of donor/recipient/organization.    

Model individual empowerment and ethical behavior – Philanthropic Studies emphasizes individual agency and responsibility in giving, volunteering, and social action, including agency as a member of a community, voluntary association, or formal nonprofit organization.

Develop a sense of social responsibility and leadership – The curriculum reinforces the value of both individual and collective action in society in addressing individual problems, quality of life, and structural inequities.

Interpret fundraising principles and practices in depth – The curriculum teaches the latest research on philanthropy and the practical applications to develop skills in fundraising.


Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies (M.A.)

Through the master’s program curriculum in philanthropic studies, students are equipped with both the theoretical framework and practical skills necessary to advance the understanding and practice of philanthropy. Students gain the knowledge and skills of philanthropy to prepare for careers in the nonprofit sector or related fields or the pursuit of further graduate study. Students investigate the concepts of philanthropy from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and utilize the interdisciplinary base for critical inquiry into the values, culture, and history of philanthropy.

Students will be able to:

 Demonstrate broad knowledge of the values, culture, and history of philanthropy. Students differentiate among the multiple meanings and motivations of philanthropy, generosity, charity, volunteering, and social movements.  Students come to recognize that philanthropy leads to intended and unintended consequences.

Analyze research methodologies, data, results, and their implications to become sophisticated consumers of scholarly research.

Contribute to a community of principled, ethical, and skilled nonprofit practitioners and leaders who serve the public good from an interdisciplinary and global perspective.

Connect nonprofit volunteer and work experience in the classroom and with the community (practice and theory) to prepare for future philanthropic leadership.

Develop effective approaches to create and lead nonprofit missions, visions, and value systems to improve the global field of philanthropy.

Negotiate societal complexity, diversity, and change. Students learn to anticipate that philanthropy and the public good are deeply personal, highly contested, and dependent on power dynamics and cultural context.

Uphold LFSOP’s commitment to an antiracist approach to how we educate, learn, engage, and serve. Respect diverse perspectives on philanthropy as well as the ways in which diverse communities define and practice philanthropy.

Doctor of Philosophy in Philanthropic Studies (Ph.D.)

This program prepares experts in philanthropy who will become faculty, researchers, and practitioners. Students include those fresh out of an M.A. program and mid-career professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of philanhtropy and the nonprofit sector and wish to enhance their ability to compete successfully for tenure-track research and professional positions. The program includes a core of 15 credit hours and nine research hours that provide an advanced understanding of the field but can otherwise be individualized. It allows the transfer up to 30 credits hours from a relevant master's degree.

Students completing the philanthropic studies Ph.D. curriculum will:

  • Gain knowledge of the history and cultural traditions of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector in a global context and understand multi-disciplinary theories that explore/explain philanthropic behavior and why nonprofit organizations exist in society.
  • Be able to acquire knowledge of research and resources in the field of philanthropic studies and to use that knowledge to conduct original research, generate new knowledge, and create scholarly products.
  • Acquire research competency to successfully carry out rigorous independent research.
  • Understand how to interpret and apply ethical frameworks and disciplinary concepts to philanthropic activity in society and to act ethically and work skillfully with others to achieve educational, scholarly, and professional goals.

Professional Doctorate in Philanthropic Leadership (PhilD)

Program Outcomes

As a result of this program, learners are expected to be able to enhance their philanthropic leadership capabilities by refining their applied research skills and accomplishing a specific practical aim. Throughout the program, learners will define key aspects of their culminating final applied project, including specifying a targeted philanthropic domain, identifying intended stakeholders, developing a communication plan designed to reach those audiences, executing an applied project with particular practical aims, and disseminating the results to affect change.

Since learners in this program are typically already employed, program assessment extends beyond job placement rates to focus on measures of career satisfaction and impact. Key questions will be assessed at the beginning of the program (Time 1), upon completion of the structured curriculum at the end of Year 2 (Time 2), upon completion of the program and graduation expected at the end of Year 3 (Time 3), and 5 years post-graduation (Time 4). Indirect measures of program outcomes will occur through surveys that collect closed-ended and open ended response items such as: I accomplished my intended practical aim through the final project, and I disseminated the results of my final project with targeted stakeholders. Additionally, alumni will be asked to supply names of 2-3 professional references from their philanthropy domain invited to complete a brief survey regarding the applied project impact.

Learning Outcomes

The central focus of the assessment plan is on the evaluation of program learning outcomes, and their developmental progression through the accomplishment of the program learning objectives. Assessment of program learning outcomes occurs primarily through the culminating final project, which is designed to address a real-life problem present within the leader’s organizational context.

The outcomes of the final project are:

  1. Learner selected a philanthropy domain;
  2. Learner specified targeted stakeholders within that domain;
  3. Learner developed a communication plan that identified intended interaction channels to share the results of the applied project with the targeted stakeholders;
  4. Learner synthesized existing scholarship and relevant data through either a systematic or purposeful literature review;
  5. Learner proposed a theory of change for how the existing data and scholarship would impact activities and ideas in the selected philanthropy domain;
  6. Learner executed the final project; and
  7. Learner disseminated the results of the applied project with the identified stakeholders.

In addition to assessment of those program learning outcomes, the learning objectives are also evaluated throughout the program, via the authentic signature assignments in each course that provide a sequential and stepwise progression toward the applied final project. Additionally, each course includes both formative and summative assessments. Examples of formative assessments include discussion forums, case study and synthesis analysis assignments, first drafts of signature assignments, and peer reviews. The signature assignments are the key summative assessment for each course, and examples include a project brief that outlines the intended applied project aims, a communication plan that identifies and targets intended stakeholders within the selected philanthropy domain, and a systematic or purposeful literature review that summarizes the practical implications of existing research, data, and scholarship for broad and practitioner audiences. Patterns of strengths and weaknesses across the signature assignments will be analyzed to identify curricular gaps and pedagogical approaches that may need refinement. Courses 10-12 include cognitive assessment of skills. To further assess the program, student evaluations and 5-year program assessment data will also be reviewed.