IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy » Overview » Our Mission, Vision, & Values

Mission, Vision & Values


The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy increases the understanding of philanthropy and improves its practice worldwide through critical inquiry, interdisciplinary research, teaching, training, and civic engagement.


Philanthropic studies will be recognized as an integrated field of study that develops positive and lasting change in the world.


  • Commitment to the highest ethical standards, including academic integrity and integrity of practice: transparency and honesty in everything we do

  • Intellectual pluralism: grounded in the liberal arts, with diverse disciplines and research approaches

  • Respect: for the intrinsic worth of all individuals and their ideas

  • Inclusiveness and diversity: in our policies, personnel, and programs

  • Leadership: in institutional development, field building, and impact on society worldwide

  • Excellence: in scholarship, research, teaching, training, service, and collaboration

  • Stewardship and accountability: to each other, our sector, and our community

  • Innovation: creating new ideas and knowledge that result in a better world