IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy » Graduate Programs » Master's in Philanthropic Studies

Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies
The Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies is a gateway to understanding the social, cultural, political, and economic roles played by philanthropy and nonprofit organizations, and facilitates broad understanding that prepares graduates for leadership practice within the nonprofit sector. Students gain experience in understanding and applying cutting-edge research and develop critical thinking skills about the complex issues confronting philanthropy.

This 36-credit-hour graduate program includes 27 hours of core course work, 9 hours of electives, OR a 9-hour thesis option in lieu of electives.

Required Core Courses (27 credits)

  • PHST-P521: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
  • PHST-P524: Civil Society in Comparative Perspective
  • PHST-P535: Law of Nonprofit Organizations
  • PHST-P556: Grant Making and the Role of Foundations
  • PHST-P558: Principles and Practices of Fundraising
  • PHST-P590: Internship/Directed Off-Site Study
  • PHST-P515/HIST-H516: History of Philanthropy
  • PHST-P530/ECON-E514: Nonprofit Economy and Public Policy
  • PHST-P532: Applying Ethics in Philanthropy/PHIL-P542: Ethics and Values in Philanthropy

Elective Courses (9 credits)-Choose 3

Graduate level-courses approved by the Director of Master’s Degree Programs
  • PHST-P518: History of International Humanitarian Assistance
  • PHST-P527: Cross Cultural Dimensions of Philanthropy
  • PHST-P534: Gender and Philanthropy
  • PHST-P530: Variable Topics (including Community Foundations, Global Philanthropy, Data for Good, Religion and Philanthropy, Effectiveness in Philanthropy, Philanthropy in Comparative European Perspective (study abroad course), Leadership in the Philanthropic Sector, and Racial Equity and Philanthropy)
  • PHST-P559: Donor Behavior in Major and Planned Giving
  • PHST-P560: Institutional Fundraising

Master's Thesis Option (9 Credits)

Students who write a master’s thesis must meet with the director of master’s degree programs for approval of one research methods elective (3 credits) and M.A. thesis credits (6 credits). Research methods-as approved:
  • PHST-P600 M.A. Thesis
  • PHST-P600-M.A. Thesis

Total: 36 credits

Last updated: May 2021